Sweden to expel 80K refugees


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Sweden to expel up to 80,000 refugees
Sweden intends to expel as many as 80,000 refugees and migrants who arrived in 2015 and whose applications for asylum have been rejected.
"We are talking about 60,000 people, but the number could climb to 80,000," Interior Minister Anders Ygeman was quoted as saying by Swedish media.
He added on Wednesday the government has asked police and authorities in charge of refugees to organise their expulsion.
Sweden, which is home to 9.8 million people, is one of the European Union countries that has taken in the largest number of refugees in relation to its population. Sweden accepted more than 160,000 asylum seekers last year.
But the number of refugee arrivals has dropped dramatically since Sweden enacted systematic photo ID checks on travellers on January 4.
The mass expulsion was announced as Europe struggles to deal with a crisis that has seen tens-of-thousands of refugees arrive on Greek beaches with the passengers - mostly fleeing conflict in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan - undeterred by cold, wintry conditions and deadly seas.
Yea, not to mention they bring poverty, savagery, rape, stabbed children etc
I mean, they don't know any better. It has been the culture for millenias. But that doesn't mean the leaders should let their citizenry be terrorized by these people. Doesn't mean they should dispose of their way of life.
I mean, they are making rape free zones FFS
I did not want to post an entire thread as I found two threads on Swedes kick out 80K. So I added onto yours. I know it "off topic" but I don't start threads often.

Bottom line, Swedes are normal people too. They getting FED UP too.
I did not want to post an entire thread as I found two threads on Swedes kick out 80K. So I added onto yours. I know it "off topic" but I don't start threads often.

Bottom line, Swedes are normal people too. They getting FED UP too.
A lot of Europe is. Wouldn't you?
Discrimination against Christian refugees...

220 Syrian Refugees Admitted Over Past 2 Weeks Include 1 Christian
April 25, 2016 – The number of Syrian refugees admitted to the United States continues to grow--including 220 admitted over the past two weeks--but the proportion of Christians among those refugees remains well below one percent.
Only one of the 220 new arrivals over the past two weeks is a Christian, according to State Department Refugee Processing Center data. Another 200 are Sunni Muslims, nine are Shi’a and ten are Yazidis, another non-Muslim minority targeted for persecution by ISIS. Of the 220 new arrivals since April 11, 63 (28.6 percent) are males between the ages of 14 and 50, 56 (25.4 percent) are females in that age group, and 89 (40.4 percent) are children under 14. The remaining 12 are men and women aged over 50. Of a total of 1,295 Syrian refugees admitted since the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) attacked Paris last November, giving rise to concerns about terrorist exploitation of refugee programs, five (less than 0.4 percent) are Christians.

The majority – 1,244, or 96 percent – are Sunni Muslims, while the rest comprise 17 Shi’a Muslims, 18 other Muslims, 10 Yazidis and one individual identified as “other religion.” Syrians fleeing the civil war fear for their safety for many reasons, the tyranny of ISIS and other radical Islamist groups being just one. Even so, among U.S.-admitted refugees the fraction of Christians remains significantly smaller than the community’s size relative to the overall Syrian population. When the conflict began in early 2011 there were some 1.7 million Christians, accounting for an estimated 9-10 percent of the Syrian population. European agencies working with displaced Syrian Christians estimate that at least 700,000 have fled their homeland since then.


The number of Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. in FY 2016, showing total number and breakdown for Sunni Muslims, Christians and others.​

Over that same period, the federal government has admitted 58 Syrian Christian refugees – or 1.6 percent of the total 3,459 Syrians permitted to settle in the U.S. Meanwhile 3,249 (93.9 percent) of the 3,459 are Sunnis. The rest are non-Sunni minorities, including Shi’ites (30), other Muslims (78), Jehovah’s Witnesses (8), Yazidis (11), Zoroastrians (6), Baha’i (2), atheists (3), “no religion” (7) and “other religion” (7).

President Obama has pledged to admit a total of 10,000 Syrian refugees in fiscal year 2016, and the State Department last February established a special refugee “resettlement surge center” in Amman, Jordan, aimed at speeding up processing times, to ensure that goal is reached. With the fiscal year more than halfway through, the government has admitted 1,586 Syrian refugees, less than one-fifth of the target number if wants to achieve by the end of September. Of those 1,586 admissions, 1,530 (96.4 percent) are Sunni Muslims and 10 (0.6 percent) are Christians.

Granny says, "Yea, dat's a good idea - lets send alla refugees to China...

Survey: Chinese, Germans the Most Welcoming of Refugees, Russians the Least
May 19, 2016 — China is the most welcoming country when it comes to refugees, according to a new survey of citizens' attitudes published on Thursday, with Germany ranking second and Britain third.
In its first ever report to record global acceptance of refugees, Amnesty International surveyed more than 27,000 people across 27 countries and found that 80 percent of respondents would welcome refugees into their city, neighborhoods or homes. Nearly three quarters said people escaping war or persecution should be allowed to seek asylum in other countries. One in ten respondents said they would let refugees stay in their home, with nearly half of all Chinese surveyed offering hospitality in their homes for refugees. "Human solidarity is very visible, it's clear and across the world, people can feel the pain of those who are having to flee from war and persecution," Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty told Reuters TV.

He said the results showed that most government responses to the refugee crisis were out of step with public opinion. "[Citizens are] ready to reach out, and governments have to listen to the majority of the voices and not just a noisy few," said Shetty. "We are facing a leadership crisis on this issue," he added. "We don't have many people like Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, who stood up in the face of some opposition to say this is an international human rights obligation." Merkel has faced months of accusations of being too open to migrants, with Germany taking in 1.1 million migrants last year. Almost all Germans surveyed and 87 percent of Britons said they would allow refugees into their countries. But 17 percent of respondents said they should not be allowed into their country at all.


Migrants stand behind a fence at the Nizip refugee camp in Gaziantep province, southeastern Turkey​

As the least welcoming country, 61 percent of Russians surveyed said they would not let refugees in. Poland, Hungary and other former communist east European states say immigration, especially from the Muslim cultures of the Middle East, would disrupt their homogeneous societies. Although 86 percent of Chinese participants agreed that governments should do more to help, the Chinese government remains reluctant to resettle refugees fleeing wars or persecution. According to recent U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) data, neither China, Russia or any Gulf states have resettled Syrian refugees since the war began.

The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit is being held in Istanbul next week as the number of people who have been forced from their homes globally hits record levels. Aid agencies and campaigners will ask governments to commit to tackling forced displacement in a new way — that meets the immediate needs of the world's displaced, and builds their resilience and self-reliance. UNHCR has said the number of people forcibly displaced worldwide was likely to have "far surpassed" a record 60 million in 2015, including 20 million refugees, driven by the Syrian war and other drawn-out conflicts.

Survey: Chinese, Germans the Most Welcoming of Refugees, Russians the Least
Anger at festival sex attacks...

More than 40 sex assaults reported at two Swedish festivals
Tue, 05 Jul 2016 - Police seeking young males after attacks at Bravalla festival and free event Putte I Parken.
More than 40 cases of rape and sexual assault were reported after two festivals in Sweden at the weekend. Five incidents of rape and 12 sexual assaults were reported at Bravalla Festival and 35 sexual assaults reported at Putte I Parken. The youngest reported victim at Putte I Parken is 12 years old. A friend of one victim claims reports were not taken seriously at Putte I Parken when security staff were alerted. "A guy ran his hand between the legs of one of my friends," said the unnamed youth to Sweden's AftonBladet newspaper. "When she went to a bouncer, she was asked if she was drunk. "I don't know what the bouncers are doing there if they can't help when people do this."

Another victim claims she was held down by a young male while he "started humping against my body". Dagens Nyheter on Twitter Swedish police are now looking for a number of males in connection with the attacks. "We have five counts of suspicious rape," police at Bravalla festival told Newsbeat. "In three [cases] we have interrogated three suspects. We've decided to release them. There may be an investigation into sexual offences that are not rape," they said.

Mumford & Sons, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Hardwell, Bastille, Craig David and Zara Larsson were among the performers at Bravalla, with Zara tweeting her disgust at the attacks. "For those shamelessly raping a girl in the audience, you deserve to burn in hell," she said, translated from Swedish. "Holy ****, you guys get girls to feel insecure when they go to the festival. I hate guys."
Zara Larsson on Twitter

Police at Putte I Parken said they are looking for witnesses to come forward and their investigations continue. Newsbeat has contacted both festivals for comment but we are still waiting for their response. Previously, Newsbeat has spoken to women fighting against groping at gigs and to the band Modern Baseball who have introduced a system to try to protect fans at their concerts.

More than 40 sex assaults reported at two Swedish festivals

See also:

Dozens of reports of assaults, rapes at Swedish festivals
Jul 5,`16 -- Several dozen women reported being raped or sexually assaulted at two music festivals in Sweden last weekend, police said Tuesday.
Police Inspector Leif Nystrom said there had been 32 reports of attacks by boys or young men at a three-day festival in the city of Karlstad, 300 kilometers (190 miles) west of the capital, Stockholm. The youngest alleged victim was 12. Police identified seven young men they wanted to question. Meanwhile in Norrkoping, police told local media that they were investigating five cases of alleged rape and more than a dozen suspected sexual assaults at the Bravalla Festival in the city, southwest of Stockholm. After playing in Norrkoping, British rock band Mumford & Sons posted a note on their Facebook site saying they were "appalled ... and gutted by these reports" of rape and sexual assault. The band said Tuesday they would not play Bravalla again unless police and organizers could assure them that they are "doing something to combat what appears to be a disgustingly high rate of reported sexual violence."

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven described the situation as "totally unacceptable" and said that laws on sexual assault would be tightened. "We are in the process of reviewing them," he said in a speech at a political seminar. "It's also important that we continue to ensure that police, prosecutors and other officials are better equipped to investigate such crimes and actually catch the perpetrators." Nystrom told The Associated Press that police have identified the perpetrators at the event in Karlstad but that no one had yet been detained. He declined to give details of the suspects or comment on reports that the offenses were committed by migrants or foreigners, pending the outcome of the investigation. He said the reports of sexual assault in Karlstad included groping but there were no reports of rape or attempted rape. "We want to catch the suspects because we need to talk to them," he said. "The number of such cases has increased slightly since last year, but I'm really not sure if this is a common problem at festivals."

Norrkoping police spokesman Thomas Agnevik said that there were "very, very many people and they were standing close together" when a woman in her 20s said she'd been raped by someone who came up behind her at the Bravalla Festival. The woman managed to get away but she was shocked and hasn't been able to describe the suspect and there are no witness accounts. Agnevik did not give details of any suspected perpetrators except to say that the general impression is that they were "younger men." Police at the Bravalla festival gave out bracelets saying "don't grope," but some festival goers were skeptical. "It's a very good thing that shows sexual assault is something we need to deal with, although I feel that a wristband is not something that will help in the long-term," Amanda Brown said.

Earlier this year, Swedish police faced allegations of a cover-up for failing to inform the public of widespread sexual assaults against teenage girls at a music festival a year ago, which came to light in January when the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter reported them following a string of sexual assaults and robberies on New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany. In neighboring Denmark, where the annual weeklong Roskilde rock festival attended by 130,000 people wound up on Sunday, police said they had reports of five cases of alleged rape or sexual assault, which police officer Carsten Andersen described as "nothing out of the ordinary at such a big event, although every single case is too much."

News from The Associated Press
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