Swedish Police Release Extensive Report Detailing Control Of 55 ‘No-Go Zones’ By Muslim Criminal Gan


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Swedish Police Release Extensive Report Detailing Control Of 55 ‘No-Go Zones’ By Muslim Criminal Gangs
Swedish Police Lose Control Of 55 No-Go Zones To Muslim Gangs The Daily Caller
Oct 2, 2014

Swedish police have ceded control over 55 “no-go zones” to predominately Muslim criminal gangs.

An extensive report mapping out 55 no-go zones was released Oct. 24, showing where law enforcement has all but handed control to criminal gangs.

Officers frequently face outright attacks when trying to enter the areas, which is a step up from the previous problem with attacks on mailmen, fire trucks, ambulances and similar services. Fire trucks and ambulances had to wait for police escort to enter the areas, but now the police themselves need protection.

The no-go areas heavily coincide with the map of the 186 “exclusion areas” aka. crowded, predominantly Muslim immigrant ghettos, where education is low, employment is lower and the only local business thriving is drug dealing.

As the real law backs away, organized crime emerges to take its place. The police report notes “a wider clientel [in the areas] are increasingly turning to the criminal authorities for justice” in a Godfather-like fashion. Unofficial courts and punishments are often meted out according to the codes of the home cultures of the dominant gangs. The report also points out that there are vehicle checkpoints at the borders of some of these areas. The bad news is it’s not the police doing them; it’s the gangs securing home turf against law enforcement and rival gangs.

It is fucking mind blowing what these dumb liberals are doing to sweden and the rest of the west.
Multiculturalism sure is great. Great like cancer.

Agreed, but there's also a positive element to this. People just can't ignore it any more. The left and establishment conservatives in Europe have been trying to ignore the issue, say it doesn't exist or claim that whenever the issue rears its ugly head that it's just "far-right fear mongering", which it isn't. It's in-your-face reality on the street, and it's almost exclusively non-White immigrants/asylum seekers with a sense of entitlement who have taken advantage of Western hospitality and routinely bite the hand that feeds them because they know there'll be little to no repercussions. This is driving people towards real right-wingers like UKIP, Front Nationale and others.
I am curious...for those who don't think radical Islam is a problem....how should the Swedish government handle this....do you think that attending cook outs is going to fix this?
hope that you are correct Swagger, there is a youth movement going on in France that looks promising to me the little I know about it .
there you go RIK , I was just looking for this but you beat me to it , thankyou !! Also , I just found info that Greman youth groups are teaming up with this group .
We have "no go zones" for white people in every major city in America..........they are called the "Hood".

South side Chicago, most of Detroit, Harlem in NY, Compton in LA, etc. ........ :cool:
in my opinion its different because most of the problems in France , Sweden , Germany and other Euro cities / countries are IMPORTED Sunni !!
might also be happening in Dearbornistan and what is it , Little Mogudishu in Minnesota USA . The west [politicians mostly , libs and rinos ] seems to have lost all thinking ability and sense of self preservation , imo !!
If you're even nominally Christian and you think you might want to see anything in Europe you'd better get your ass in gear and see it quickly. Won't be all that long before non-Muslims are prohibited from visiting the Holy Continent.
Swedish Caliphate


Someone vehemently questioned my previous post so I'm pleased to have found this story that appears to be quite official. The map comes from what appears to be a Swedish police report @ Kriminella n tverk med stor p verkan i lokalsamh llet - Aktuellt - polisen.se – With another link to Swedish Police Lose Control Of 55 No-Go Zones To Muslim Gangs The Daily Caller

And yes, the full article with all the links is at At least 55 Islamic No-Go Zones 8230 in Sweden Creeping Sharia and it clearly states Muslim Criminal Gangs
Sweden is the perfect unfortunately example of the way all of Europe is inevitably heading, with the takeover by Muslims to be expected within decades.

At the moment there is no hope with their current liberal/ politically correct/ multicultural/ be nice to them.... policies.

They don't seem to understand the dangers of political and religious Islam.... and so far, sadly..Islam is winning.

One asks onself what the F is wrong with these people? are they all suffering from the Stockholm syndrome?? where victim expresses emotional “bonding” with their abuser aka the Muslims, identify with them and see eye to eye with them????

Stupid nations deserve everything that's coming to them.
Sweden is the perfect unfortunately example of the way all of Europe is inevitably heading, with the takeover by Muslims to be expected within decades.

At the moment there is no hope with their current liberal/ politically correct/ multicultural/ be nice to them.... policies.

They don't seem to understand the dangers of political and religious Islam.... and so far, sadly..Islam is winning.

One asks onself what the F is wrong with these people? are they all suffering from the Stockholm syndrome?? where victim expresses emotional “bonding” with their abuser aka the Muslims, identify with them and see eye to eye with them????

Stupid nations deserve everything that's coming to them.
It is not PC it is a weakness in the national identity. What these "stupid nations" get will be spread on the neighboring countries. There needs to be a stronger enforcement of the law or enactment of new laws to combat this phenomena from continuing and then spreading.

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