Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

Yea sure. Are they going to raise premiums on faggots since they are 10000% more likely to get HIV/AIDS?

There's no vaccine for HIV but if there was, I would be all for making them or anyone in a high risk category pay higher insurance premiums if they refused the vax.
There's no vaccine for HIV but if there was, I would be all for making them or anyone in a high risk category pay higher insurance premiums if they refused the vax.
Yea, there is no vaccine, which means they are a danger to society and they spread the disease. So their rates should be raised.
I bet that seatbelt law really gets you fired up angry every time you get in your car and have to drive on publicly paid for roads.
Yeah they probably get mad too when they light up their cancer sticks and realize they can't smoke in public places...

Oh... the outrage...

That WOOOOSH you hear? The sound of lawsuit being filed.
The President does not have the power to create such a requirement for private businesses.

And, just so you know-
-This- is an authoritarian act,
One can only conclude that the Nazi Democrats desire civil war.
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Yea, there is no vaccine, which means they are a danger to society and they spread the disease. So their rates should be raised.
They only seem to spread it to each other... but there's also a lot of straight people spreading it too.

But it's false equivalency to say that there should be higher premiums for sexual behavior versus higher premiums for not getting a vax.

It's not the same.
Once can only conclude that the Nazi Democrats desire civil war.
Hahaha... you guys tried shit that on January 6th... and well considering all the arrests the FBI has made for that, that didn't turn out so well, now did it???

Hahahahaha! Good luck plotting your war strategy from your house trailer LeRoy!
Its tragic that so many people trust their government. When I say, in a slightly sarcastic tone, 'trust your government, they don't lie', I get a laugh and a few statements such as, 'ha ha you can't trust them' or 'the government always lies!'. But when I bring up the dangers of the vaccine, even when I don't touch on the science that denounces it or the agenda behind the whole thing (the Great Reset) and just mention 'YOU trust them to tell you the truth?' The response is almost always the same, 'well, there's a pandemic and we have to be safe'. So you do trust the government after all. The statements above are just cliches you like. Amazing people actually trust government and media not matter the history.

Remember, weapons of mass destruction, the Gulf of Tonken incident, Kuwait babies, Manuel Norega, the Ebola blitz a number of years ago?
Only a fucking moron, such a you, would compare an intrusive medical procedure to a seat belt. You truly are stupid. My apologies to the public education system--you'd be stupid regardless of how well you were taught.
I didnt, someone else did.

But I can tell you're the type that gets fired up over the same shit day after day.
You filthy ass Negroes and your Communists buddies won't know what hit you if we Americans ever decide we have had enough of your bullshit.
Racist much???

White trash racist Appalachians like yourself are the cancer of American society.

Go back to your trailer and your meth lab.

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