Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

If we can't agree on basic facts, what point is there in having any discussion? None. Zero. Zilch. You live in a different reality.

What does an alarm system have to do with you suggesting anti gun people should pay 500% more on home insurance? Or for that matter what does that have to do with this new labor regulation?
Labor regulation? What labor regulation? The Labor Department can't mandate vaccines. Nobody in the Executive Branch can. Biden isn't a dictator.
I bet that seatbelt law really gets you fired up angry every time you get in your car and have to drive on publicly paid for roads.
Only a fucking moron, such a you, would compare an intrusive medical procedure to a seat belt. You truly are stupid. My apologies to the public education system--you'd be stupid regardless of how well you were taught.
... mandated by legislation, pursuant to the grant of privilege to drive on state roads, in an exercise of the police power of the state, as a means to protect the health and safety of the people.
The two cannot be more different.
Also known as a cash cow
... mandated by legislation, pursuant to the grant of privilege to drive on state roads, in an exercise of the police power of the state, as a means to protect the health and safety of the people.
The two cannot be more different.
Yeah, but them straws ain't gonna grasp at themselves.
This won't stand, and will just be another one of Biden's blunders. Even if the Court gives it a pass, there's no consensus on the matter and people (and businesses), will rebel. It will be a complete shitshow.
That WOOOOSH you hear? The sound of lawsuit being filed.
The President does not have the power to create such a requirement for private businesses.

And, just so you know-
-This- is an authoritarian act,

Deal widdit vax Karen! :lol:
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