Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

There's a federal law that mandates seatbelt usage? Oh wait they used the threat of withholding federal interstate money to force state legislatures to pass seatbelt laws. In other news seatbelt laws are also authoritarian....
Now you know how the Cherokee felt when the Indian Removal Act was passed.
You see the rioting going on in Australia.

Americans are even more entrenched with the concept of liberty. I know you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are little Sheeple pussies that will do anything a fucking corrupt government bureaucrat tells you to do but you are not representative of Liberty loving Americans.

I just got a text message from a friend that works for a large company. He is 47 and healthy and already got the Chinese virus. He sees no need to get the stupid vaccine and he sure as hell is not going to be intimidated by this shithead Karen pretend President that thinks he is God.

He will not get the vaccine. His skills are such as it will hurt the company to lose him. I bet you will find tremendous resistance to this Potatohead crap the sonofabitch is trying to force on the Americans people.
Nobody is forcing the vaccine on anybody you dumb piece of shit. Try reading a bit more about this labor regulation instead of spouting your usual hysterical lies.
"“We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers,” Biden said in a speech at the White House."

Wait - if you've been vaccinated then what's the risk? I must've missed something.
Wearing a seatbelt is a good idea. The government mandating it isnt. Im sure you can see the difference no?
Oh no I understand the difference. I also think it's good that governments mandate it. Because, you know, stupid people need help sometimes.
"“We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers,” Biden said in a speech at the White House."

Wait - if you've been vaccinated then what's the risk? I must've missed something.
There is almost no vaccine in existence that is 100% foolproof.
Driving is NOT a RIGHT. That is why they can legislate licensing.
Where are you getting the BS idea that the state has the right to tell me Im not allowed to smash MY face into MY windshield? Again I think wearing seatbelts is a solid idea and a good practice. The issue is the state in this instance much like this stupid vaccine bull shit needs to stop treating everyone like they are 3 y/o's. Give me the info and let me decide. If I make a bad decision I'll pay the price. Simple. No law needs to be passed. No enforcement agency need be bothered or expensed to make sure Im following a law that doesnt need to exist etc.

I'd be happy if insurance companies either charged huge premiums for people who didnt want to wear a seatbelt or were able to void their coverage if they dont. Why does the state need to be involved?

If we are just going to pass laws based on safety then we should outlaw, booze, smokes, ho ho's etc. Those items are far more damaging to the user and those around them than not using a seatbelt.
Oh no I understand the difference. I also think it's good that governments mandate it. Because, you know, stupid people need help sometimes.
There in lies the problem. You think your decision is the best decision and so your happy the government is mandating everyone else follow that decision. But it's really none of your damn business is it? If dumbass #1 wants to injure himself because he's too stupid or too stubborn to wear a seatbelt why is that any concern of yours or the state's? Answer: It isnt.

Why are people allowed to bungy jump or jump out of airplanes? That's horrible decision IMO, but it's not my decision to make.
If we can't agree on basic facts
You haven't presented any facts. You have shown that you are an authoritarian-loving commie POS.
Nobody is forcing the vaccine on anybody you dumb piece of shit. Try reading a bit more about this labor regulation instead of spouting your usual hysterical lies.
When you are coerced by the threat of the loss of your livelihood if you don't accept an experimental medical procedure--that is forcing. When you are discriminated against because of your medical decisions and segregated from the rest of the employees, that is forcing. You didn't get ANYTHING from that public education.
Nobody is forcing the vaccine on anybody you dumb piece of shit. Try reading a bit more about this labor regulation instead of spouting your usual hysterical lies.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You must of not heard Joe Potaohead little shit speech today. The asshole sure as hell is mandating the fucking vaccine in any area that he can. The dickhead is even using the goddamn Labor Department to force employers with over 100 personnel to get the stupid vaccine. How shitty is that? That is on top of forcing the military and government workers and contract personnel.
wearing seatbelts does not always save lives just as getting vaccinated does not always mean you won't get Covid.
No difference whatsoever.
It's a false equivalence you thick fuck because for you to wear a seatbelt your person is not violated.

You are not injected with a foreign substance to click a seatbelt.

You can't see that drastic gradation between the two instances?

Of course you can because you're not a retard...or are you?

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