Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

Forcing experimental medical procedures on an unwilling populace is not very nice, moron.
Last time I checked even with this new Biden labor regulation, nobody is forcing anything on you or anybody else. Please, tell me who is forcing anything on you or anyone else in regards to getting a covid vaccination? Your hysterics are amusing though.
Three useless inoculations that fail to perform as advertised for starters. They don't stop infection, they don't stop spread and they don't have an answer as to why not. But that's OK, you get your experimental jab--I have no problem with that, but if they try to inject me against my will, someone will be injected with lead at about 3000 feet per second.
There are more inoculations planned. Pfizer has come up with pills to take twice a day in addition to vaccines and boosters.

This is very typical of laboratories. They are looking for something.
What, A mod that is not sticking to the topic? I was unaware that a law allowing civil suits had anything to do with an installed dictator mandating experimental medical procedures.
Well…since there is no installed dictator mandating experimental medical procedures it doesn’t sound like you know what the topic is either.

However tyranny and rights do seem to be part of it. Try to keep up.
There are more inoculations planned. Pfizer has come up with pills to take twice a day in addition to vaccines and boosters.

This is very typical of laboratories. They are looking for something.
As usual, it's all a conspiracy. Now you arent actually suggesting we nationalize pharma companies to take away the profit motivation?
Next they’ll be forcing us to wear seat belts. Sheesh!
There's a federal law that mandates seatbelt usage? Oh wait they used the threat of withholding federal interstate money to force state legislatures to pass seatbelt laws. In other news seatbelt laws are also authoritarian....
There are more inoculations planned. Pfizer has come up with pills to take twice a day in addition to vaccines and boosters.

This is very typical of laboratories. They are looking for something.
you mean the proteaze inhibitor in ivermectin that Pfizer has repackaged as a COVID pill so they could get a patent and sell it for tons of money? That pill????
There's a federal law that mandates seatbelt usage? Oh wait they used the threat of withholding federal interstate money to force state legislatures to pass seatbelt laws. In other news seatbelt laws are also authoritarian....
You should stand up for your rights, do the right thing, and not wear one.
The vaccine don't keep you from getting infected, at all.

Do you have a security system?
If we can't agree on basic facts, what point is there in having any discussion? None. Zero. Zilch. You live in a different reality.

What does an alarm system have to do with you suggesting anti gun people should pay 500% more on home insurance? Or for that matter what does that have to do with this new labor regulation?
Cant wait to hear what you're gonna do about it. Let me guess. NOTHING! LOL!

You see the rioting going on in Australia.

Americans are even more entrenched with the concept of liberty. I know you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are little Sheeple pussies that will do anything a fucking corrupt government bureaucrat tells you to do but you are not representative of Liberty loving Americans.

I just got a text message from a friend that works for a large company. He is 47 and healthy and already got the Chinese virus. He sees no need to get the stupid vaccine and he sure as hell is not going to be intimidated by this shithead Karen pretend President that thinks he is God.

He will not get the vaccine. His skills are such as it will hurt the company to lose him. I bet you will find tremendous resistance to this Potatohead crap the sonofabitch is trying to force on the Americans people.
What experimental medical procedures, moron?
Please be honest with yourself. There have been two vaccines and a booster that have NOT done what they have been touted to do. They DO NOT provide immunity. They DO NOT prevent the spread of this scamdemic. There is nothing on the horizon that will. And they DO NOT know what long term effects are possible as a result of inoculation. Yep, that is experimental.
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