Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

Yeah well, I think your health insurance and life insurance rates should go up too. Why should other people have to foot your bill in the form of higher insurance premiums because you are too stupid to get vaxxed?

Unvaxxed premiums should be raised 200 - 400%
Price gouging is illegal.
Yeah well, I think your health insurance and life insurance rates should go up too. Why should other people have to foot your bill in the form of higher insurance premiums because you are too stupid to get vaxxed?

Unvaxxed premiums should be raised 200 - 400%
Fuck off commie, have your premiums been raised? If they have, seems to me that you got thousands of my tax dollars in the last year for nothing, so use them. You're a brainless fuck.

Govt-forced / mandate vaccine compliance, refusing to do so met with extreme punishment from Biden's handlers

Govt-mandated mask-wearing for everyone, no matter if people have had the vaccine dshots, have natural immunity, etc...

Non-compliance will be met with the strongest punishment and pain Biden & Democrats can legally ... or illegally ... get away with.

This is what the death of freedom, individual rights, and democracy looks like.

This is what the birth of tyranny looks like.
Nah…the birth of tyranny was in Texas where the government assumed control over women’s bodies.

That WOOOOSH you hear? The sound of lawsuit being filed.
The President does not have the power to create such a requirement for private businesses.

And, just so you know-
-This- is an authoritarian act,

My wife is a benefits manager for a production company and she just showed this to me.

It says they have to provide vacation paid time for employees to get the vaccines and if they don't the company is fined 14,000 per employee not vaccinated.
When it comes to health insurance smokers pay higher rates... so why not the unvaxxed?

Price gouging is fine... if it serves as incentive to get off your arse and get vaxxed..

Get vaxxed... no more higher insurance premiums. Simple!
Link? Not one person's health insurance premiums have risen due to covid. Quit lying, you cowardly commie bastard.
Nah…the birth of tyranny was in Texas where the government assumed control over women’s bodies.
Poor little snowflake, do afraid protecting babies with a heartbeat will lead to the inability to slice, chop up, and sell the pieces of any baby for profit...
Nah…the birth of tyranny was in Texas where the government assumed control over women’s bodies.
What, A mod that is not sticking to the topic? I was unaware that a law allowing civil suits had anything to do with an installed dictator mandating experimental medical procedures.

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