Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

I spoke to my boss this afternoon

"F-that", he said. "You're adults, make your choices and live with them. Tell Biden to screw himself."
Take him to court if you think you have a case.
Look at you, not even trying to argue you will not applaud each and every one of his overreaching authoritarian acts -just like this one.
Because we we both know you will.
I have no reason to lie to anyone. I am fully vaccinated. When its time for the next one I'll get that as well.
Because a certian percentage of the population refuses to get vaccinated, I predict this coming winter will be just like last winter. Businesses will shut down. Some will go out of business because people like you are afraid to get the shot. I'll be honest. It's not pleasant. I hate getting vaccines, but I do it because its the right thing to do.
You are doing it because you have been falsely instructed that it’s the right thing to do. But, I would not try to take your decision ability away from you-that’s the difference

Govt-forced / mandate vaccine compliance, refusing to do so met with extreme punishment from Biden's handlers

Govt-mandated mask-wearing for everyone, no matter if people have had the vaccine dshots, have natural immunity, etc...

Non-compliance will be met with the strongest punishment and pain Biden & Democrats can legally ... or illegally ... get away with.

This is what the death of freedom, individual rights, and democracy looks like.

This is what the birth of tyranny looks like.
Look at you, not even trying to argue you will not applaud each and every one of his overreaching authoritarian acts -just like this one.
Because we we both know you will.
What does it matter what I do? You're the one that is against this. So do something and take it to court. Or just continue to spout nonsense on here I could care less. I'm already vaxxed up!

Govt-forced / mandate vaccine compliance, refusing to do so met with extreme punishment from Biden's handlers

Govt-mandated mask-wearing for everyone, no matter if people have had the vaccine dshots, have natural immunity, etc...

Non-compliance will be met with the strongest punishment and pain Biden & Democrats can legally ... or illegally ... get away with.

This is what the death of freedom, individual rights, and democracy looks like.

This is what the birth of tyranny looks like.
For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction.
What failure?
Three useless inoculations that fail to perform as advertised for starters. They don't stop infection, they don't stop spread and they don't have an answer as to why not. But that's OK, you get your experimental jab--I have no problem with that, but if they try to inject me against my will, someone will be injected with lead at about 3000 feet per second.

That WOOOOSH you hear? The sound of lawsuit being filed.
The President does not have the power to create such a requirement for private businesses.

And, just so you know-
-This- is an authoritarian act,
Is it private business or government employees?

That WOOOOSH you hear? The sound of lawsuit being filed.
The President does not have the power to create such a requirement for private businesses.

And, just so you know-
-This- is an authoritarian act,
But he can direct OSHA under the department of labor and it is very legal for OSHA to require it for workplace safety.
I hope that wasnt a threat.

But yeah our great Army Reservists will be more than happy to engage any clowns wanting to start a lol civil war. But being the coward you are, I'm sure that wont be necessary.
I can hear you now, "Hep me, that mean old man is making threats." You needed to have your ass beat when you were aging, I'd say growing up, but you haven't achieved that in 50 years, so there's no hope of it now. Run along Skippy.

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