Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

Knuckling under to fear that is both statistically unsupportable and ignorant in order to force more Americans to be vaccination Experiment subjects . Even worse it’s a double down on what has already failed
As you knuckle under in fear of the vaccine. :laugh2:
Wearing seatbelts was proven to save lives by both research in advance and outcome.
Following your feelings, double or triple seat belting would be a good idea.
I was just thinking they should raise the drinking age from 18yrs old to 21yrs old and still allow you to join the military were you can be killed at 18yrs old from a bullet.
I think Ontario is at 85% vaccinated. We are still getting nearly 1000 a day for a 14M population.

I am finding that lately when at the grocery store people don't practice "social distancing" etc, It seems people are getting into groups and not concerned for the virus, so exactly who is spreading it? Primarily those who are vaccinated and not aware of how the vaccine works (or doesn't).
After listening to Traitor Joe today, I can only hope that cells are formed on the order of the French underground during the Nazi occupation. There needs to be some serious fight back.
After listening to Traitor Joe today, I can only hope that cells are formed on the order of the French underground during the Nazi occupation. There needs to be some serious fight back.
And you'll sit there and do nothing, coward. Meanwhile I'm sure someone will report your post to the FBI.
And you'll sit there and do nothing, coward. Meanwhile I'm sure someone will report your post to the FBI.
Tell us why you approve of Biden's authoritarianism, and his reach beyond the powers given to the President.
Tell us why you approve of Biden's authoritarianism, and his reach beyond the powers given to the President.
If you believe that is the case, file a lawsuit.

Why do I approve? Because this country is full of dumb conspiracy believing nut jobs that have been brainwashed by fellow nut jobs on social media that dont have enough sense to get the vaccine themselves.

In public schools, you are required to have certain vaccines. What's the difference?

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