Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

It's a false equivalence you thick fuck because for you to wear a seatbelt your person is not violated.

You are not injected with a foreign substance to click a seatbelt.

You can't see that drastic gradation between the two instances?

Of course you can because you're not a retard...or are you?
You really are a simple creature.
Where are you getting the BS idea that the state has the right to tell me Im not allowed to smash MY face into MY windshield? Again I think wearing seatbelts is a solid idea and a good practice. The issue is the state in this instance much like this stupid vaccine bull shit needs to stop treating everyone like they are 3 y/o's. Give me the info and let me decide. If I make a bad decision I'll pay the price. Simple. No law needs to be passed. No enforcement agency need be bothered or expensed to make sure Im following a law that doesnt need to exist etc.

I'd be happy if insurance companies either charged huge premiums for people who didnt want to wear a seatbelt or were able to void their coverage if they dont. Why does the state need to be involved?

If we are just going to pass laws based on safety then we should outlaw, booze, smokes, ho ho's etc. Those items are far more damaging to the user and those around them than not using a seatbelt.
It's unfortunate but some kids dont always have the luxury of making their own bad decisions as sometimes those bad decisions are made for them by their dumbass parents.

You also have to admit the seatbelt law has saved lives. I mean nobody and I mean nobody used to wear a seatbelt. But as soon as it was mandated by the state, lives were immediately saved. It's a tradeoff between a "personal freedom" and saving dumb asses lives. Besides, nobody is FORCING you to wear a seatbelt. You still have a choice.

Charging a huge premium for non seat belt wearers wont work for obvious reasons.

Your comparisons are also rather illogical for numerous reasons.
There is almost no vaccine in existence that is 100% foolproof.
You can't have it both ways, either very few of the vaccinated people are at risk from the unvaccinated, and if that is the case then the risk to them is very minimal. But if the effectiveness of the vaccine is significantly less then why shouldn't it be my choice to get a shot that may or may not work that well? That many vaccinated people still got the virus? And I hear the vaccines begin to lose effectiveness after 6 months or so, AND are not very effective against COVID variants.
Where are you getting the BS idea that the state has the right to tell me Im not allowed to smash MY face into MY windshield? Again I think wearing seatbelts is a solid idea and a good practice. The issue is the state in this instance much like this stupid vaccine bull shit needs to stop treating everyone like they are 3 y/o's. Give me the info and let me decide. If I make a bad decision I'll pay the price. Simple. No law needs to be passed. No enforcement agency need be bothered or expensed to make sure Im following a law that doesnt need to exist etc.

I'd be happy if insurance companies either charged huge premiums for people who didnt want to wear a seatbelt or were able to void their coverage if they dont. Why does the state need to be involved?

If we are just going to pass laws based on safety then we should outlaw, booze, smokes, ho ho's etc. Those items are far more damaging to the user and those around them than not using a seatbelt.
I don't disagree with your premise, but the fact that driving is not a right is what the court's decisions regarding this are based on. OTOH, it has nothing to do with my RIGHT to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to include the freedom to travel and work in the employment of my choice without submitting to an experimental, ineffective medical procedure that is being mandated by a dementia-addled installed dictator. That is the topic.
You can't have it both ways, either very few of the vaccinated people are at risk from the unvaccinated, and if that is the case then the risk to them is very minimal. But if the effectiveness of the vaccine is significantly less then why shouldn't it be my choice to get a shot that may or may not work that well? That many vaccinated people still got the virus? And I hear the vaccines begin to lose effectiveness after 6 months or so, AND are not very effective against COVID variants.

It is your choice. Even if this Biden labor regulation goes into effect it's still your choice. You people are nuts!
Yeah well, I think your health insurance and life insurance rates should go up too. Why should other people have to foot your bill in the form of higher insurance premiums because you are too stupid to get vaxxed?

Unvaxxed premiums should be raised 200 - 400%
Yea sure. Are they going to raise premiums on faggots since they are 10000% more likely to get HIV/AIDS?
It's unfortunate but some kids dont always have the luxury of making their own bad decisions as sometimes those bad decisions are made for them by their dumbass parents.

You also have to admit the seatbelt law has saved lives. I mean nobody and I mean nobody used to wear a seatbelt. But as soon as it was mandated by the state, lives were immediately saved. It's a tradeoff between a "personal freedom" and saving dumb asses lives. Besides, nobody is FORCING you to wear a seatbelt. You still have a choice.

Charging a huge premium for non seat belt wearers wont work for obvious reasons.

Your comparisons are also rather illogical for numerous reasons.

Fuck you Karen.

Mind your own fucking business. If you want to be a Sheeple that blindly sucks the ass of a government bureaucrat that really doesn't give a shit about you then go for it Sport. Us real Americans believe we can make our own decisions.
Yea sure. Are they going to raise premiums on faggots since they are 10000% more likely to get HIV/AIDS?
That depends. We'll have to raise your rates if you continue to want to go to the bathroom next to men in dresses.
It is your choice. Even if this Biden labor regulation goes into effect it's still your choice. You people are nuts!
Yeah, it's still my choice, but you guys are trying every which way to bust my balls if I don't get the shot. Government coercion to do as you're told does not sit well with a lot of Americans. Biden said it wasn't about Freedom and Rights; Bullshit, for me that is exactly what it's about.
It is your choice. Even if this Biden labor regulation goes into effect it's still your choice. You people are nuts!
Hey, how about we mandate that you can't work or travel unless you cut off your right ear. I mean you still have a left ear. No harm, no foul. Doesn't sound so good does it? No pun intended. You won't get it though because you have been thoroughly indoctrinated. Please get on the cattle car.
Yeah, it's still my choice, but you guys are trying every which way to bust my balls if I don't get the shot. Government coercion to do as you're told does not sit well with a lot of Americans. Biden said it wasn't about Freedom and Rights; Bullshit, for me that is exactly what it's about.
Why is it your right to get Covid and give it to someone else.
Fuck you Karen.

Mind your own fucking business. If you want to be a Sheeple that blindly sucks the ass of a government bureaucrat that really doesn't give a shit about you then go for it Sport. Us real Americans believe we can make our own decisions.
I bet that seatbelt law really gets you fired up angry every time you get in your car and have to drive on publicly paid for roads.
I bet that seatbelt law really gets you fired up angry every time you get in your car and have to drive on publicly paid for roads.

What upsets me Moon Bat are mindless little Sheeple Karens like yourself that trust a government bureaucrat to look after the best interest of you sorry pathetic life and you embrace it. You disgust people that believe in Liberty.

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