Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

By show of hands, how many white republican/conservatives on this forum have been vaccinated. Hell we can do our own poll.
1905 SC ruling

Jacobsen v Mass

Mandated vaccines are Constitutional
1905 SC ruling

Jacobsen v Mass

Mandated vaccines are Constitutional

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know jackshit about the Constitution just like you don't know jackshit about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.

The purpose of the government is described very well in the Constitution. The purpose is to protect Liberty, not take it away.

If the fucking Courts side with Potatohead's oppression it will just be another example of us not trusting the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberty anymore than we can trust the Legislatve or Executive Branches.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know jackshit about the Constitution just like you don't know jackshit about Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science or Ethics.

The purpose of the government is described very well in the Constitution. The purpose is to protect Liberty, not take it away.

If the fucking Courts side with Potatohead's oppression it will just be another example of us not trusting the Judicial Branch to protect our Liberty anymore than we can trust the Legislatve or Executive Branches.
Hey moron.

It's "settled law".
I know Negroes don't know jackshit about history (or much of anything else) but it would be prudent for the uppity Negroes to remember one historical fact; White people are nice until they ain't.
We get it, loser. That was the purpose of the confederate statues all along. You’re just not relevant anymore.
1905 SC ruling
Jacobsen v Mass
Mandated vaccines are Constitutional
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The police power of a State embraces such reasonable regulations relating to matters completely within its territory, and not affecting the people of other States, established directly by legislative enactment, as will protect the public health and safety.
It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law, and it is for the legislature, and not for the courts, to determine in the first instance whether vaccination is or is not the best mode for the prevention of smallpox and the protection of the public health
This case deals with state law, not a stand-alone executive order from the President.

Thanks for playing.
I can't take it because it goes against my religious belief. And that is one thing that they cannot force anyone one to go against.


Matthew 27:34
There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.

Job 16:13
his archers surround me. Without pity, he pierces my kidneys and spills my gall on the ground.

John 19:34

Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

Luke 14:27
And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

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I can't take it because it goes against my religious belief. And that is one thing that they cannot force anyone one to go against.


Matthew 27:34
There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.

Job 16:13
his archers surround me. Without pity, he pierces my kidneys and spills my gall on the ground.

John 19:34

Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

Luke 14:27
And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

They can't force you (yet) but they can make it so that you can't work, travel, shop, and congregate if you don't comply.

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