Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

Well, that is isn't very helpful in identifying and addressing who the vaccine hesitant folks are, is it? I thought that was the goal here.

Using that thinking, last summer should have been about "White Lives Matters"
I guess we were talking about different things.
You are exactly what is wrong with America. A complete disgrace.

No, I submit it is YOU who are what is wrong with America. You are a group of sniveling brats. Incompetent, and unable to take of yourselves. Trolls, if you will. The vaccine is not effective. It is not preventing spread, so why take it? Oh, right..."because if you do get sick it will be over faster".

I hate to break it to ya but when I had covid I was sick for all of 9 hours. Mild symptoms, and it didn't slow me down in the slightest.

So, the vaccine won't help me at all, and, if you believe the CDC it won't prevent the spread, it won't prevent me from spreading it to you, so............ why bother?
I hate to break it to ya but when I had covid I was sick for all of 9 hours.
I hate to break it to you, but there are other people in the world besides you.
A good friend of mine had Covid and she was in the hospital for weeks.
The first thing the prisoners (who have been seriously molested by the democrat-controlled nazi media) must come to grips with the scientific fact that ivermectin physically attaches to the communist virus, SARS-CoV-2 (in vitro). After having struggled with that science, the next problem should likely be the impossibility of (disproving [italics]) it doesn’t do the same thing inside the living patient (in vivo). The third problem is the politicization of ivermectin, linking to this serious opportunistic fascism:

Australian GPs Banned from Prescribing Ivermectin

The case law in support of vaccine mandates has been posted several times in numerous threads on the topic, in addition to various news reports.

Vaccine mandates are perfectly lawful and Constitutional – in no manner violating citizens’ rights and protected liberties.

The dishonest, willfully ignorant right will continue to lie about that, of course.

I found that case law last month when mandates started to be debated. I did some research on it and found that case.

I started a thread about it and have posted about it in other threads.

Then a week or so later the court ruled on that Indiana case siting that very same 1905 case.

The Supreme Court will site it again in any cases challenging Biden's mandate.
Only an idiot would compare fastening a safety belt to allowing an intrusive, experimental substance to be injected into your body. SMH
If the only danger of people choosing to be unvaccinated was to themselves, I'd say let them make that choice. I would have a clear conscious if and when they contracted the virus and died. In fact, I wouldn't shed a tear for them. But they're not only endangering everyone else (including children under 12 who are ineligible for vaccination), they are jeopardizing a "return to normal" of life and the economy for little more than stupidity, disinformation, and pure selfishness. These people clearly don't care about anyone but themselves, but they expect everyone to care about their selfishness. No sale.
I would have a clear conscious if and when they contracted the virus and died.
You have just as much chance of contracting and spreading the virus AFTER being vaccinated as the unvaccinated. The vaccine just lessens the severity of the virus. The vaccine is not effective--even after three doses. Use your head. BTW, it is "conscience" not conscious
I hate to break it to you, but there are other people in the world besides you.
A good friend of mine had Covid and she was in the hospital for weeks.

What don't you grasp Westwall has antibodies, he's more protected than a vaxed individual.

I read 22 times more protected but who knows with all the BS being presented
You don't have a problem with authoritarianism and government overreach, so long as you like the people who do it.
Nor does Clayton.
A. It’s not over reach

B. Why do you want to prolong the pandemic
A. It’s not over reach
It isn't?
Biden's pending EO - what legislation is it intended to enforce?
Biden'd penfing EO - from what Article II power of the Executive does the EO spring?
B. Why do you want to prolong the pandemic
Translation: "You won't support authoritarainaism and government overreach!!! You want people to die!!!!"

Thank you for the confirmation that you have no issue with authoritarianism and government overreach when you lime the people doing it.
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