Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans

Dumbass, they don't ask for political affiliation
And voter registration in TX is non-partisan -- they do not ask for, and you do not supply, a party.
Thus, one cannot know how many Republicans there are in TX, making it impossible to determine what % of Republicans are... anything
And voter registration in TX is non-partisan -- they do not ask for, and you do not supply, a party.
Thus, one cannot know how many Republicans there are in TX, making it impossible to determine what % of Republicans are... anything

Well we know that, you have a couple of goofs spewing nonsense and now look ridiculous
Kff doesn't collect information on political affiliation.
No one does when it comes to vaccinations. Any "data" related to political affiliation is from some silly ass telephone poll

TheIr stats do prove that many more times whites are unvaccinated than minorities, though.

Sorry, but that is misinformation. Blacks are more likely than whites to be unvaccinated.

Overall, across these 42 states, the percent of White people who have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose (52%) was roughly 1.2 times higher than the rate for Black people (43%) and 1.1 times higher than the rate for Hispanic people (48%) as of September 7, 2021.

Keep being total idiots about masks and vaccines, beat up a few more teachers and principals about it. And don't forget to support the Pillow Guy.

Your win is Garrunteed! I promise!


You morons are pushing for a much more violent response.
The vaxx rate among blacks in Texas is 29%. That's a fact.
OK and? (It's actually 40% but whatever) Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity. For this purpose we'll go with your wrong number. If you think it's 29%, show me your source.

What is 71% (unvax rates of blacks according to you in TX) of 12% (percentage of blacks in Texas) and what is 51% (unvax ratesof whites in the TX) of 74% (percentage of whites in Texas)?

Now because you're dumb, you're asking yourself, what does this mean? Well dummy what it means is 8.5% of the total population in TX that is unvaxxed is due to blacks being unvaxxed and 37.75% of the total population in TX that is unvaxxed is due to whites being unvaxxed.

But I know you'll just come back and say "well, what I said is a fact". Because you cant comprehend what I'm saying.
You morons are pushing for a much more violent response.

Old hag says bring it.

You're sorta annoying, Karen

Now what's thread topic, hint, it's not me. It's about some dementia ridden jackass"s handlers making an absolute unconstitutional mandate...get there and get over your BS, fck tard
Fortunately your dumb ass who has never even seen a college level Constitutional Law textbook will not be deciding the constitutionality of an OSHA rule. This wont even make it out of the lowest court is my prediction.

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