Swimming In The Tears of Liberals

6. Soooooo.....exactly how did Liberals handle the loss, the defeat, what some of their favorites might refer to as their Nakba. (The literal meaning of the Arabic word is “disaster.”)

They did a little exercise, taking a jog around the psycho-path:

a. "Trump’s Election Stole My Desire To Look For A Partner:“Once it was clear that Donald Trump would be president instead of Hillary Clinton, I felt sick to my stomach....didn’t mesh well with continuing to date the man I’d been seeing....didn’t mesh well with continuing to date the man I’d been seeing."

b. "...I Ended Up In A Psych Ward On Election Night: ...I was afraid for the nation, for the stigmatized and oppressed. I was also afraid for my own life."

c. "The Post-Trump Haircut: (This story from NYMag quotes multiple women)...battling with her hair for years, but after the election, she finally took off her weave and cut it all off. ‘The election results felt like an attack on minorities, women, and marginalized people in general. Having long hair was my attempt to fit into society, so after the election, I felt a need to exert my “uniqueness” and not tie my femininity to the length of my hair,’ she says.”

d. "...Professor Sent To Psych Ward Due To Anti-Trump Tweets: “A Rutgers University professor said police arrived at his Brooklyn home Tuesday (Nov.15) and took him (to) Bellevue Hospital’s psych ward at the request of campus officials due to his anti-Trump tweets....teaches gender studies and has merited national attention because of his Beyonce course titled ‘Feminist Perspectives: Politicizing Beyoncé,’"....what he would do if (he) saw a Trump supporter.
‘If I see any Trump bumper stickers on the road today, my brakes will go out and I’ll run you off the road.’”

e. "Faking Hate Crimes: “The first one to really go viral involved a Muslim female student at the University of Louisiana who claimed to have had her hijab ripped off and her wallet stolen the day after Trump's election by two white men wearing Trump hats. But on Thursday, local police announced that the young woman had admitted she fabricated the story. ....an alleged incident of a gay man named Chris Ball getting beaten up by Trump supporters...a black woman claimed that four white men had threatened her while she was pumping gas....But when PhillyVoice contacted Smyrna police Thursday, the department said no report about such an incident had been filed and no one had contacted them about anything similar."
John Hawkins - The 5 Biggest Liberal Freak-Outs Over Trump’s Election

It is axiomatic that Liberals are guilty of everything they attribute to the other side. Notice how the above fits what Scarborough and Mika claimed about Trump.

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