Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult

PART of the reason Switzerland can do this and a place like the USA cannot is this

The SWISS do NOT welcome immigrants.

The SWISS MASTERS (unlike American masters) feel a sense of mutual identity and patriotic obligation to the Swiss people.

You see Switzerland's masters want their land to be a going concern.

Our masters are about the business of dismantling this nation and it government to make way for the new world COPORATIE order.

So what works for Switzerland will not work for the USA.

MOTIVES, folks...hard to figure out but they are something that eventually we must intuit based not on what people say, but on what people do.
PART of the reason Switzerland can do this and a place like the USA cannot is this

The SWISS do NOT welcome immigrants.

The SWISS MASTERS (unlike American masters) feel a sense of mutual identity and patriotic obligation to the Swiss people.

You see Switzerland's masters want their land to be a going concern.

Our masters are about the business of dismantling this nation and it government to make way for the new world COPORATIE order.

So what works for Switzerland will not work for the USA.

MOTIVES, folks...hard to figure out but they are something that eventually we must intuit based not on what people say, but on what people do.

How about just raising the minimum wage?

They just did it in California, and it is going to help them tremendously.
Maybe there is something we can learn from the actions of others.

we can. Like making it almost impossible for anybody to obtain Swiss citizenship. No anchor babies there.

Let's start with that learning :D
Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult

Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult | Reuters

(Reuters) - Switzerland will hold a vote on whether to introduce a basic income for all adults, in a further sign of growing public activism over pay inequality since the financial crisis.

A grassroots committee is calling for all adults in Switzerland to receive an unconditional income of 2,500 Swiss francs (1,741.51 pounds) per month from the state, with the aim of providing a financial safety net for the population.

Organisers submitted more than the 100,000 signatures needed to call a referendum on Friday and tipped a truckload of 8 million five-rappen coins outside the parliament building in Berne, one for each person living in Switzerland.

Under Swiss law, citizens can organise popular initiatives that allow the channelling of public anger into direct political action. The country usually holds several referenda a year.

In March, Swiss voters backed some of the world's strictest controls on executive pay, forcing public companies to give shareholders a binding vote on compensation.

How do you think about this and how long do you think it would last? I bolding something that would make sense for America too ;)

Lets send all the welfare dependent US citizens to Switzerland. A one time one way $600 plane ticket is much cheaper than a monthly stipend.
No one is addressing how the Swiss government works.

Please those on the left and those on the right.

Why don't you look up how Switzerland works? The left will really freak out.
No one is addressing how the Swiss government works.

Please those on the left and those on the right.

Why don't you look up how Switzerland works? The left will really freak out.

oh, this is just a word ping-pong.

one does not have to look that deep - just looking at the way how Switzerland protects their own from the inflow of outsiders - is enough.

It is almost impossible to become a naturalized citizen in Switzerland. And there is no automatic citizenship by birth there.

Those two provisions make all the possibility of comparison impossible.

For anybody honest enough and for anybody who is actually at least somewhat acquainted with scientific principles.

Which makes this extremely ironic - the OP is running around under the banner of "supporting science" yet demonstrates himself a total ignorance of the science basics :D
not that it is surprising - the "science worshipers" are usually extremely ignorant exactly on the very part of science, otherwise they would know that no field of human interaction is devoid of human shortcomings and the science field is as faulted as political arena is.
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How about just raising the minimum wage?

They just did it in California, and it is going to help them tremendously.

It's sure as shit not going to help the uneducated, the ignorant, the elderly and the young, inexperienced citizens whose skills do not warrant that wage.

Ah but hell, fuck them. Who needs them anyway? Send 'em to the dole!

PART of the reason Switzerland can do this and a place like the USA cannot is this

The SWISS do NOT welcome immigrants.

The SWISS MASTERS (unlike American masters) feel a sense of mutual identity and patriotic obligation to the Swiss people.

You see Switzerland's masters want their land to be a going concern.

Our masters are about the business of dismantling this nation and it government to make way for the new world COPORATIE order.

So what works for Switzerland will not work for the USA.

MOTIVES, folks...hard to figure out but they are something that eventually we must intuit based not on what people say, but on what people do.

How about just raising the minimum wage?

They just did it in California, and it is going to help them tremendously.

The swiss ban immigrants.

Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult

Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult | Reuters

(Reuters) - Switzerland will hold a vote on whether to introduce a basic income for all adults, in a further sign of growing public activism over pay inequality since the financial crisis.

A grassroots committee is calling for all adults in Switzerland to receive an unconditional income of 2,500 Swiss francs (1,741.51 pounds) per month from the state, with the aim of providing a financial safety net for the population.

Organisers submitted more than the 100,000 signatures needed to call a referendum on Friday and tipped a truckload of 8 million five-rappen coins outside the parliament building in Berne, one for each person living in Switzerland.

Under Swiss law, citizens can organise popular initiatives that allow the channelling of public anger into direct political action. The country usually holds several referenda a year.

In March, Swiss voters backed some of the world's strictest controls on executive pay, forcing public companies to give shareholders a binding vote on compensation.

How do you think about this and how long do you think it would last? I bolding something that would make sense for America too ;)

If the govt is going to give you a guaranteed liveable income----why work?
So they just print the money.

What does that do to the value of all the other money?

Oh no, another "inflation is a-comin!" nutcase. Scram, nutcase. Go away. Your predictions have been wrong, so no one is taking you seriously anymore.

I appreciate your acknowledgement that you don't have even the most rudimentary understanding of economics.

this breed HONESTLY believes what they are being brainwashed with - that the way to fix the debt problem is to inflate the dollar. This dangerous lie has been repeated so many times by now, that even some conservative-leaning people on this board had been repeating this fallacy.
The deficiency of basic education of Americans is amazing - it is not economics they lack the knowledge of, it is the history.
Inflation as means to resolve problems has been tried before - it does not work and it hurts the ordinary people - THE MOST. Big business and big money and big government might benefit from that, but not the ordinary person, ordinary taxpayer.
Since the left and dimocraps are the guardian angels of the big corporations, big money and big government, they will LIE to the sheeple about the real price the sheeple will have to pay for resolving the debt problems through inflation.
The sheeple, being the stupid masses as they are, jumps in joy, repeating the lies.

All it take is o research the problem on their own - from different point of view, and just study a little bit of history of XX century.
Ah, but that requires work and brain strain - that is not for the sheeple :D

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