Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult

In March, Swiss voters backed some of the world's strictest controls on executive pay, forcing public companies to give shareholders a binding vote on compensation.

In our discussion about printing money we've forgotten about some part which Swiss did and which can be also transferred here - no need of adjustment for local specifics.
As it should be with any company...and that's an honor attribute that should be built in to ANY company...NO Gubmint needed. Since when do honorable people need government intervention?

since they sell their soul for it's handout. they are not honorable at that point anymore...
In our discussion about printing money we've forgotten about some part which Swiss did and which can be also transferred here - no need of adjustment for local specifics.
As it should be with any company...and that's an honor attribute that should be built in to ANY company...NO Gubmint needed. Since when do honorable people need government intervention?

since they sell their soul for it's handout. they are not honorable at that point anymore...
100% agreed. There is a lot to be said of morals, scruples...but alas...locating it in human kind these days is rare to find.
They will vote it in a referendum. Switzerland is probably the only country that would vote against a 2500 franc basic income. Yes, the only one :cool:

The Swiss voted against more paid vacation days, and against a 22% federal income tax rate for the wealthy (in 2010, with almost no impact in international mainstream media)... They also want to control their borders.
Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult

Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult | Reuters

(Reuters) - Switzerland will hold a vote on whether to introduce a basic income for all adults, in a further sign of growing public activism over pay inequality since the financial crisis.

A grassroots committee is calling for all adults in Switzerland to receive an unconditional income of 2,500 Swiss francs (1,741.51 pounds) per month from the state, with the aim of providing a financial safety net for the population.

Organisers submitted more than the 100,000 signatures needed to call a referendum on Friday and tipped a truckload of 8 million five-rappen coins outside the parliament building in Berne, one for each person living in Switzerland.

Under Swiss law, citizens can organise popular initiatives that allow the channelling of public anger into direct political action. The country usually holds several referenda a year.

In March, Swiss voters backed some of the world's strictest controls on executive pay, forcing public companies to give shareholders a binding vote on compensation.

How do you think about this and how long do you think it would last? I bolding something that would make sense for America too ;)

Don't know if the gaurnteed money is a good idea, but the shareholders having the purse strings for CEO pay is an excellent one, and much needed.

and those shareholders will learn that if you dont pay enough, you dont get the best talent, and your stock goes in the crapper.

The liberal pipe dream of a CEO earning the same as someone on the factory floor will never happen.

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