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Swiss tourist gang-raped in India

Bullshit. Hitler did no such thing.
Not that the rest of your post isn't an evolving study in paranoid wackadoodle dementia.

Yes he did. He confiscated the firearms of all citizens in Germany - Austria in his 5th year right after he made it mandatory to register all firearms. This is historical fact and those who lived there during that time all agree it is true. Look up Kitty Werthmann on Google and read her articles. She states plainly that Hitler confiscated all firearms from the citizens in his 5th year. ALL the weapons from ALL the civilians. Got it? She lived through WWII in Austria. You need to be brought up to speed here as you obviously are depending on Wiki for learning the truth. Huge mistake.


Utter bullshit.
You don't create a fact by going "yes he did, look it up, and by the way don't use Wiki because they don't have the myth I like". Break open the piggy bank, go down to Wally World and buy a clue.

So you are claiming we should ignore the testimony of the people who were there and believe a wikipage that can be changed by anyone, eh? That is rich! - Jeremiah
To get back on topic here - ahem - if the couple had been carrying a firearm I believe the outcome would have been different. Having a firearm would have made all the difference for this couple. IMO.


It appears gang rape is rampant in India. Law enforcement does not seem to take this matter seriously and convictions are low. "Twenty people have been detained for questioning" it does not say how many are people of genuine interest, but a gun may have complicated this situation.

Bottom line if I need a gun to where I chose to take a vacation I would consider another destination. I have traveled to foreign countries by myself for pleasure and I check out the risks before I go. That is not to blame these folks, but foresight could have made this trip avoidable.

Two excellent thoughts. ^^
I disagree. I don't believe two people who grew up and live in a nation training them to use firearms ( Switzerland ) and own them would not have been able to handle the situation. The gun would have been the game changer in that scenario in my opinion. - Jeremiah
I disagree. I don't believe two people who grew up and live in a nation training them to use firearms ( Switzerland ) and own them would not have been able to handle the situation. The gun would have been the game changer in that scenario in my opinion. - Jeremiah

I am trained in firearms and have no problem using them. Still, when I am on vacation the only tool I chose to shoot with is my camera.
Yes he did. He confiscated the firearms of all citizens in Germany - Austria in his 5th year right after he made it mandatory to register all firearms. This is historical fact and those who lived there during that time all agree it is true. Look up Kitty Werthmann on Google and read her articles. She states plainly that Hitler confiscated all firearms from the citizens in his 5th year. ALL the weapons from ALL the civilians. Got it? She lived through WWII in Austria. You need to be brought up to speed here as you obviously are depending on Wiki for learning the truth. Huge mistake.


Utter bullshit.
You don't create a fact by going "yes he did, look it up, and by the way don't use Wiki because they don't have the myth I like". Break open the piggy bank, go down to Wally World and buy a clue.

So you are claiming we should ignore the testimony of the people who were there and believe a wikipage that can be changed by anyone, eh? That is rich! - Jeremiah

So I am saying (one) it's not even vaguely related to this topic, and (two) we should ignore the deranged chants of those who apparently sniff drain cleaner before posting -- as your first post pretty much made clear. And (three) you're telling me don't believe the internet (Wiki); but rather, believe the internet (an aged old crank telling stories). My problem is, we already have the records of history. Ruh roh.

Now drop it. It's completely unrelated here. Take your historical hallucinations to the CT forum.
I disagree. I don't believe two people who grew up and live in a nation training them to use firearms ( Switzerland ) and own them would not have been able to handle the situation. The gun would have been the game changer in that scenario in my opinion. - Jeremiah

I am trained in firearms and have no problem using them. Still, when I am on vacation the only tool I chose to shoot with is my camera.

Unfortunately the lawless don't take vacations when you do, Connery. I stand by my decision that I wouldn't go without the firearm on me. India is not my idea of a vacation. Fiji underwater would be more like it... great photography..

- Jeremiah
To get back on topic here - ahem - if the couple had been carrying a firearm I believe the outcome would have been different. Having a firearm would have made all the difference for this couple. IMO.


It appears gang rape is rampant in India. Law enforcement does not seem to take this matter seriously and convictions are low. "Twenty people have been detained for questioning" it does not say how many are people of genuine interest, but a gun may have complicated this situation.

Bottom line if I need a gun to where I chose to take a vacation I would consider another destination. I have traveled to foreign countries by myself for pleasure and I check out the risks before I go. That is not to blame these folks, but foresight could have made this trip avoidable.

Two excellent thoughts. ^^

This is an excellent site that gives data on guns and gun regulations in 179 countries world wide. Guns in India: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law This page is about India.

I doubt you would be allowed to take a gun into India. Not without first getting a permit.

The trip the people in the OP were on was an ambitious trip, traveling through India on bicycle and camping. They probably planned it well ahead, before this issue of gang rapes was in the news. They probably didn't want to cancel their trip because of it. The woman may have felt she was safe because she was with a man. Or maybe, as the other rapes had been Indian woman, they felt Westerners would not be targeted.

These rapes are happening in certain areas of the country, mostly in the countryside. I haven't heard of any happening in tourist areas. There was news of one in Dehli, but if you have been to India, you would know, in the big cities, there are areas that are where you'll find a lot of tourists and upper class to upper middle class people, and areas that are densely populated by working class and lower class people. Mostly tourists would not be found in those areas. I think it was the fact the folks in the OP were traveling in the countryside, on their own, that made them vulnerable. When traveling, you have to take all of these things into consideration.
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One need not register a car if one does not drive on public highways. How is motor vehicle registration different from firearm registration? How is that an infringement? It does not mean one cannot buy or own a firearm. I'm not saying I'm for it, but it isn't clear that it can be easily refuted.
With air travel as it is, are people serious about thinking it is reasonable to take a firearm with them on a trip to India or anywhere?
No one should ever be required to register their firearms. It is an infringement on their 2nd amendment constitutional rights. - Jeremiah
With air travel as it is, are people serious about thinking it is reasonable to take a firearm with them on a trip to India or anywhere?

Don't know as I am boycotting airlines until they stop hiring from prison parole hiring pool for TSA. Who wants a registered sex offender checking their childs physcial body before boarding a plane. This is another Obama idea that is creating a police state. It must be stopped. - Jeremiah
It appears gang rape is rampant in India. Law enforcement does not seem to take this matter seriously and convictions are low. "Twenty people have been detained for questioning" it does not say how many are people of genuine interest, but a gun may have complicated this situation.

Bottom line if I need a gun to where I chose to take a vacation I would consider another destination. I have traveled to foreign countries by myself for pleasure and I check out the risks before I go. That is not to blame these folks, but foresight could have made this trip avoidable.

Two excellent thoughts. ^^

This is an excellent site that gives data on guns and gun regulations in 179 countries world wide. Guns in India: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law This page is about India.

I doubt you would be allowed to take a gun into India. Not without first getting a permit.

The trip the people in the OP were on was an ambitious trip, traveling through India on bicycle and camping. They probably planned it well ahead, before this issue of gang rapes was in the news. They probably didn't want to cancel their trip because of it. The woman may have felt she was safe because she was with a man. Or maybe, as the other rapes had been Indian woman, they felt Westerners would not be targeted.

These rapes are happening in certain areas of the country, mostly in the countryside. I haven't heard of any happening in tourist areas. There was news of one in Dehli, but if you have been to India, you would know, in the big cities, there are areas that are where you'll find a lot of tourists and upper class to upper middle class people, and areas that are densely populated by working class and lower class people. Mostly tourists would not be found in those areas. I think it was the fact the folks in the OP were traveling in the countryside, on their own, that made them vulnerable. When traveling, you have to take all of these things into consideration.

Apparently they did not take this into consideration and make plans to avoid this event. Further, I do not trust my life to the "news" I find whatever primary documents and data I can speak to the local police department if I can. Being unprepared or carelessness will get a person raped, killed or worse kidnapped.
Guess the guy should have had a gun.

I have several friends in Switzerland. They all own guns. I don't understand why they wouldn't have had one because the Swiss have a law that all homes must own a gun - they have an incredibly low crime rate in Switzerland because of this. The lowest crime rate in America was noting a city in Georgia that has a law all citizens must own a firearm. They had 1 rape in a year and zero home invasions, robberies, due to the law there.

Other cities in Georgia are now following suit because it is proven to reduce crime. Had the couple had a gun with them there would have been no rape. If she had a ballpoint pen with her she might want to contact Joe Biden and inform him of how that worked out. The liberals idea of defending a womans body from rape is to fling urine at the person or a ballpoint pen? lol...... Amazing how they are so quick to defend murdering the unborn on behalf of the woman but when it comes to rape? Forget about it..

Americans, this story should serve as a lesson - never give up your second amendment rights. - Jeremiah p.s. my friends in the UK have the highest crime rates, rapes, murders, vicious assaults and yet guns are banned in the UK, so that proves gun bans increase crime, they don't reduce it. The elderly are forced to defend themselves with a kitchen knife while their homes are robbed. It is an epidemic in the UK. Not so for Switzerland however! People don't do home invasions on a house they know is armed with guns. Lets teach the Liberals some common sense and get the truth out about guns. Guns don't kill people. People kill people and as you can see in the UK crime has increased 4 fold due to the ban on firearms. It's common sense, folks. Common sense.

That's absolutely false.

First off, everyone in Switzerland has a gun, because they make up the military. The ARE the army. That's the way the 2 amendment was suppose to work here..but it's been corrupted beyond all recognition.

Second off, the crime rate is low because of social spending, low poverty rates and a great standard of living.

Don't forget their really strict immigration laws. They don't let anything that crawls across their borders stay there, or vote.
LOL I have him on ignore. He's an irritating moron.

Here is more info about guns in Switzerland (they have very strict gun laws):
In a comparison of the number of privately owned guns in 178 countries, Switzerland is ranked 22nd. However, there are 45.7 firearms per 100 people. Annual gun homicides 40, .52 per 100,000 people. Firearm regulation: The regulation of guns in Switzerland is categorized as restrictive (meaning they have very strict gun laws). Guns in Switzerland: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law
Going to be doing a tour of Scandinavia in the Summer. I'll make sure not to accept any dinner invitations.


Switzerland is in Scandanavia?:eek:
LOL I have him on ignore. He's an irritating moron.

Here is more info about guns in Switzerland (they have very strict gun laws):
Going to be doing a tour of Scandinavia in the Summer. I'll make sure not to accept any dinner invitations.


LOL So you're going to be in Switzerland and Finland? Wow! You live dangerously. :)

If you meet a nice person or nice people and they invite you to their home, go; otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. I know that from experience.

Considering how much the rest of the world hates Americans, if we are to believe what we're constantly told, I wouldn't get his hopes up for an invite.
Two excellent thoughts. ^^

This is an excellent site that gives data on guns and gun regulations in 179 countries world wide. Guns in India: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law This page is about India.

I doubt you would be allowed to take a gun into India. Not without first getting a permit.

The trip the people in the OP were on was an ambitious trip, traveling through India on bicycle and camping. They probably planned it well ahead, before this issue of gang rapes was in the news. They probably didn't want to cancel their trip because of it. The woman may have felt she was safe because she was with a man. Or maybe, as the other rapes had been Indian woman, they felt Westerners would not be targeted.

These rapes are happening in certain areas of the country, mostly in the countryside. I haven't heard of any happening in tourist areas. There was news of one in Dehli, but if you have been to India, you would know, in the big cities, there are areas that are where you'll find a lot of tourists and upper class to upper middle class people, and areas that are densely populated by working class and lower class people. Mostly tourists would not be found in those areas. I think it was the fact the folks in the OP were traveling in the countryside, on their own, that made them vulnerable. When traveling, you have to take all of these things into consideration.

Apparently they did not take this into consideration and make plans to avoid this event. Further, I do not trust my life to the "news" I find whatever primary documents and data I can speak to the local police department if I can. Being unprepared or carelessness will get a person raped, killed or worse kidnapped.

I can tell you don't do a lot of traveling, not outside the US anyway. Talk to the local police department? Right. What do you do if they don't speak English? Local police departments don't welcome inquiries from every foreign tourist who wants to travel in their area. Talk to the American consulate or embassy wherever you are going. Check the CIA website which has a factsheet on traveling in foreign countries. Or better yet, since you really seem too fearful and paranoid to go outside the garden gate, just stay home. I've been traveling approximately 14 weeks per year every year for the past 10 years + and living in foreign countries, as an independent, single female traveler, no tours, no cruises, no resorts. What you describe about going to local police departments is ludicrous. Your whole American paranoid view of world travel is laughable. Stay home. You know, the fact is, you are in far more danger driving to and from work on your local freeway than you are traveling around the world. People just have no sense of proportion. You live in one of the most violent countries on Earth, and you think you are safer there than traveling in other countries. Funny.
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I will cross India off my list places to go and see.

"A Swiss couple was camping near a forest in India's Datia district when a group of men beat the husband and raped his wife, the district's deputy superintendent of police, R.S. Prajapati, told CNN. There were between five and seven attackers, he said.

The couple arrived in Mumbai on February 3 and were on a cycling tour across the country, said D.K. Arya, deputy inspector general of police.

The attackers stole a laptop, 10,000 rupees (US $185) and a mobile phone, he said. The victims went to police and the woman was hospitalized and later released.

Twenty people have been detained for questioning"

Disgusting human beings..

Just to put this in perspective: This kind of thing NEVER happens to tourists in the US. Right? Wrong. Tourists in the US are regularly attacked. Women are raped. People are robbed and assaulted, murdered. Writing off a whole country (India is a big country) because of one crime? Yep. You're a real smart guy. Stay home. Don't grace them with your presence. I'm sure the country and people of India will be able to handle the absence of yet another arrogant, ignorant, tunnel visioned American.

Yes, India has a problem right now with gang rapes. America has a problem right now with mass shootings. Which is worse? Anybody got some scales?

Nobody comes to America to go bicycling and camping in drug ridden gang banger neighborhoods.
No one should ever be required to register their firearms. It is an infringement on their 2nd amendment constitutional rights. - Jeremiah

How would that be an infringement by the wording of the amendment?

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