Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik launch Paris type Attack


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik launched a Paris style attack in San Bernardino California.

#fuctardObama says the answer is to end civil rights and bring in more Middle East refugees.

#crookHillary joins in and calls for ending civil rights.

Isn't the goal of Islamic terrorism to crush the Constitutional Republic? What side are demcrats on?

Let's see, a report a while back said a pamphlet outlining instructions for jihadists said to come to the US, don't go to mosque, act normal, get a normal job and when called on, strike. Looks like their idea works pretty good for the JV.
This was nothing at all like Paris. They were the people he worked with and for.

Right, a couple of Islamists shooting massive numbers of people in Paris is nothing like a couple of Islamists shooting massive numbers of people in San Bernardino.

You Communists are so fucking smart.
This was nothing at all like Paris. They were the people he worked with and for.

Right, a couple of Islamists shooting massive numbers of people in Paris is nothing like a couple of Islamists shooting massive numbers of people in San Bernardino.

You Communists are so fucking smart.
Strangers versus coworkers. Nothing alike, except for the faith (which might not be a factor) and the new pile of bodies from your deadly toys.
Let's see, a report a while back said a pamphlet outlining instructions for jihadists said to come to the US, don't go to mosque, act normal, get a normal job and when called on, strike. Looks like their idea works pretty good for the JV.

Who knows, it could be a simple as Farook and Malik watching the Paris attack and simply deciding to honor Allah.

But #fuctardObama wants to bring in thousands more more Middle East refugees.
Strangers versus coworkers. Nothing alike, except for the faith (which might not be a factor) and the new pile of bodies from your deadly toys.

Does France have gun control Comrade?

Why did it not stop the identical thing from happening in Paris?

The issue is Islamic terrorism. Ending civil rights will do nothing to stop it.

Two of the guns used were openly illegal, and the other two were bought through a straw sale, because Farook could not legally own a gun.

You Communists say that passing laws to keep Americans from owning guns to protect themselves will keep your terrorist allies from launching these kinds of attack. Why did the laws prohibiting Farook and Malik from buying guns not stop them? Why would the assault on civil liberty by #fucktardObama make a difference?
Using facts with paintmyhorse is like kissing a pig. The pig really doesn't understand and eventually gets peeved.

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