Sympathy for the Devil?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
It's funny, Obama calls eliminating torture one of his greatest accomplishments. Let's say I agreed with liberals that enhanced interrogation is torture, I still would want the CIA and military to use it on fucking terrorists! Obama and liberals are great defenders of terrorist rights!
This was the Democrat's last chance to cause American deaths around the world. They weren't going to miss it.
It's funny, Obama calls eliminating torture one of his greatest accomplishments. Let's say I agreed with liberals that enhanced interrogation is torture, I still would want the CIA and military to use it on fucking terrorists! Obama and liberals are great defenders of terrorist rights!

It doesn't work. Using it has no merit. Obama and liberals are great defenders of human rights. You aren't capable of understanding.
I bet raping their women and kidnapping their children would get them talking. Why are you pussy ass republicans against that? DO YOU HATE 'MURICA???
After 6 years of watching the GOP vandals spray paint Scandals all over the White House walls, here's mud in your eye.
It's funny, Obama calls eliminating torture one of his greatest accomplishments. Let's say I agreed with liberals that enhanced interrogation is torture, I still would want the CIA and military to use it on fucking terrorists! Obama and liberals are great defenders of terrorist rights!

It doesn't work. Using it has no merit. Obama and liberals are great defenders of human rights. You aren't capable of understanding.
Of course it works! Common sense tell anyone that. Liberals never seemed to care when we water boarded our troops.
Hard to believe so may conservatives justify torture. Same ones who belong to the religious right
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
Have we beheaded anyone?

Are we using woman as suicide bombers?

Use your fuckin' brain.

SO our actions should be justified or be viewed as legitimate because they could be worse? Great logic.

Hey you're the one who was implying a moral equivalence because we used enhanced interrogation techniques.

SO our actions should be justified or be viewed as legitimate because they could be worse? Great logic.

I would have settled for shooting them dead and leaving them on the battlefield ... Over capturing them, torturing them and letting them go.

Does that count?

I bet suicide bombing the terrorists would be pretty effective. What do you think cons? Or are you gonna be pussies about that too?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
Have we beheaded anyone?

Are we using woman as suicide bombers?

Use your fuckin' brain.

What in the world!
They get tennis and basketball courts, prayer rugs, prayer 5 times a day and specialty food.
The enemy combatants receive four scheduled medical visits per month — probably more than most Americans get in a year. Prior to their arrival, many of these prisoners had never even seen a dentist. But at Guantanamo they have access to first-class medical facilities and an operating room comparable to those in the United States. The equipment is modern and the staff is capable of performing the spectrum of procedures and treating various diseases. In the past few years alone, doctors have conducted 128 surgeries. And all of this medical attention is free — free to the enemy combatants because American taxpayers foot the bill.
One got a prosthetic leg.
Every cell and common area has arrows that point in the direction of Mecca. The complex also includes special restroom facilities and showers in compliance with the Muslim faith.
Detainees can retain their own attorneys — prisoners have their own lawyer. As for confidentiality, guards are not permitted to read correspondence between lawyers and prisoners.
Hard to believe so may conservatives justify torture. Same ones who belong to the religious right

Ah here's the board's number one terrorist rights supporter. How r u RW?
Real Americans oppose is part of what this country was built upon. Ever read about cruel and unusual punishment?
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.

Continuous posting of the disaster of Obama doesn't make it true. Sorry, but Obama's presidency will be considered a successful one in spite of the efforts of republicans to destroy him even if they have to destroy the country doing it. Unmitigated?? Read up on some other presidencies first, why don't you? Reagan, Nixon, Grant, Harding, bushcheney for starters. You Republicans are nothing if not persistent though.
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