Sympathy for the Devil?

So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.

Unmitigated record of failure? Check the stock market level when Obama took office along with how many jobs were being shed in the months before he took office (and even in the months leading up to the election under our self-described CEO president Bush and his CEO vice-president Cheney). Compare that to the stock market today and last month's jobs report.
Hard to believe so may conservatives justify torture. Same ones who belong to the religious right

Ah here's the board's number one terrorist rights supporter. How r u RW?
Real Americans oppose is part of what this country was built upon. Ever read about cruel and unusual punishment?

I never read cruel and unusual punishment, but I can promise you I'll never have sympathy for terrorists under any circumstance, and I certainly won't have sympathy for terrorists because they got water boarded.
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It's funny, Obama calls eliminating torture one of his greatest accomplishments. Let's say I agreed with liberals that enhanced interrogation is torture, I still would want the CIA and military to use it on fucking terrorists! Obama and liberals are great defenders of terrorist rights!

It doesn't work. Using it has no merit. Obama and liberals are great defenders of human rights. You aren't capable of understanding.
Of course it works! Common sense tell anyone that. Liberals never seemed to care when we water boarded our troops.

It does not work. Common sense fails here.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
Have we beheaded anyone?

Are we using woman as suicide bombers?

Use your fuckin' brain.

What in the world!
They get tennis and basketball courts, prayer rugs, prayer 5 times a day and specialty food.
The enemy combatants receive four scheduled medical visits per month — probably more than most Americans get in a year. Prior to their arrival, many of these prisoners had never even seen a dentist. But at Guantanamo they have access to first-class medical facilities and an operating room comparable to those in the United States. The equipment is modern and the staff is capable of performing the spectrum of procedures and treating various diseases. In the past few years alone, doctors have conducted 128 surgeries. And all of this medical attention is free — free to the enemy combatants because American taxpayers foot the bill.
One got a prosthetic leg.
Every cell and common area has arrows that point in the direction of Mecca. The complex also includes special restroom facilities and showers in compliance with the Muslim faith.
Detainees can retain their own attorneys — prisoners have their own lawyer. As for confidentiality, guards are not permitted to read correspondence between lawyers and prisoners.

Muslims reading your post will be fighting to get into gizmo. And they don't have to be convicted of a crime to get in there either.
"Sympathy for the Devil?"

One cannot have sympathy for (or hatred of) imaginary creatures.

Its a silly and nonsensical as hating the Tooth Fairy.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

That's why we should rape their women and castrate their children. Anything less means we're not serious about victory and hate America. Will you join me in supporting this eagle?
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................
WWII pearl harbor and massive barbarian acts in china by the Japanese and komokazi attacks, and Germany yet we didn't torture
Chicken shit nutters. Fear rules you.
You're such an ass. I wonder how you can breathe without being told.

It is not torture. Torture occurs where there is no motive except to make someone else suffer. This was interogation for the purpose of eliciting information to save lives. That already is a distinction.
Further, every one of those motherfuckers is fine, alive, and walking around this Earth. If they had truly been tortured the way they understand it, they'd be hobbling around blind if at all.
I dont understand opposition to saving American lives. Oh, wait. Yeah, BOOOSH!

And Obama's record of failure spans the globe. China, Russia, North Korea, Iran. There is absolutely no, none, success in any initiative he has taken.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

That's why we should rape their women and castrate their children. Anything less means we're not serious about victory and hate America. Will you join me in supporting this eagle?
I'd knock your lights out on that one.............

The tactics used in Gitmo are mild.........................and they aren't about raping and killing children,'s about putting a known enemy combatant through a little hell to find out where his buddies are...............and nothing more.
WWII pearl harbor and massive barbarian acts in china by the Japanese and komokazi attacks, and Germany yet we didn't torture
Who were we going to torture? And why?
In any case, I would be relatively certain that prisoners out in the field are covered by the Geneva Convention (these turds arent). But if troops discovered a spy with information I'd feel sorry for that person.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

That's why we should rape their women and castrate their children. Anything less means we're not serious about victory and hate America. Will you join me in supporting this eagle?
I'd knock your lights out on that one.............

The tactics used in Gitmo are mild.........................and they aren't about raping and killing children,'s about putting a known enemy combatant through a little hell to find out where his buddies are...............and nothing more.

Just "a little" hell? We need to kidnap their families and execute them one by one, raping the women beforehand. That will get them talking far faster than your little cat and mouse games. Anything less and your a 'Murica hating liberal.

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