Sympathy for the Devil?

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.

Are the people torturing by Water boarding afraid that the guy will accidentally take a leak on them.......................................

Save it........................for someone who agrees with you..............

Pop quiz asshole................will you torture the guy to save New York City................or not answer that scenario.

This is a completely absurd, fictional scenario. I am more interested in defining standards. At what point should it be acceptable to use torture? Who defines these standards? What should be the consequences if we, as a country, do not live up to these standards? What types of torture are ethical, and which are not? How do you deliniate between what is and is not ethical? How transparent should our government be surrounding these practices? Is it acceptable that they lie to the American people? Should was assume that our government is operative with the best of interests?
It's an opinionated thread. So I ask opinionated questions on under what scenario's you would do so in order to save lives......................

But to some...................that puts a road bump on their moral RIGHTEOUSNESS in these types of threads............

Most will not answer because they no damn good and well that if push came to shove they do exactly what I've said here.

They just don't want to grow a set and say it openly.

You answered literally none of my questions. You have shown yourself to be nothing more than a reactionary individual. What about rules, standards, and expectations. Should we assume that our government is always acting within our best interest, even when lying to us?
Yep...........your turn.................The few versus the many unless you are retarded Liberal...................

I answered it....................Your turn.............

BTW would you do it to save your own family from a bunch of thugs............or say Oh families dead because I'm a kitty kat Liberal......................

Would you rape a baby and curb stomp a pregnant woman to save New York City?
Why should I answer you................It doesn't work that way................You refuse to answer the questions and keep asking questions tssk tssk.

I agree with the OP and own up to the fact that I would do so...............That's the grow a set.

I know you agree with the OP. I'm trying to find what depth republicans finally won't sink to. I thought you could help me with that.

Alas :dunno:
Alas you will not engage in the areas I suggested..................That is a double standard.........You want others to play the game but without willing to commit to areas you know good and well you'd do it to.

No I will not rape a baby and curb stomp a pregnant woman. It should alarm you that someone asked you that question because they legitimately don't know what you'd answer.
You just sensationalize your point, when you know damned well I wouldn't do that..............

I've already said I'd water board their asses to get information to save our troops in the field...........That is the deal...................

You wouldn't and there it is.
Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
You know this, how?
You dont. You cant. You just throw it out like it's truth. Because you cannot form an argument based on logic and facts and then defend it.
This might be because you are 18 years old and still a high school sophmore.

It's because I have listened to former interrogators ( especially Ali Soufan) explain why it doesn't work. It's because we know it doesn't work. We know that the info drawn during torture is often unreliable. Often enough to make the practice pointless.
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Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.

Are the people torturing by Water boarding afraid that the guy will accidentally take a leak on them.......................................

Save it........................for someone who agrees with you..............

Pop quiz asshole................will you torture the guy to save New York City................or not answer that scenario.

This is a completely absurd, fictional scenario. I am more interested in defining standards. At what point should it be acceptable to use torture? Who defines these standards? What should be the consequences if we, as a country, do not live up to these standards? What types of torture are ethical, and which are not? How do you deliniate between what is and is not ethical? How transparent should our government be surrounding these practices? Is it acceptable that they lie to the American people? Should was assume that our government is operative with the best of interests?
It's an opinionated thread. So I ask opinionated questions on under what scenario's you would do so in order to save lives......................

But to some...................that puts a road bump on their moral RIGHTEOUSNESS in these types of threads............

Most will not answer because they no damn good and well that if push came to shove they do exactly what I've said here.

They just don't want to grow a set and say it openly.

You answered literally none of my questions. You have shown yourself to be nothing more than a reactionary individual. What about rules, standards, and expectations. Should we assume that our government is always acting within our best interest, even when lying to us?
They water boarded and used sleep deprivation down there.............which were the main ways they got information.........

And I've stated I have no problem with it. I didn't go any deeper unless you choose one of the hypos I posted.
Would you rape a baby and curb stomp a pregnant woman to save New York City?
Why should I answer you................It doesn't work that way................You refuse to answer the questions and keep asking questions tssk tssk.

I agree with the OP and own up to the fact that I would do so...............That's the grow a set.

I know you agree with the OP. I'm trying to find what depth republicans finally won't sink to. I thought you could help me with that.

Alas :dunno:
Alas you will not engage in the areas I suggested..................That is a double standard.........You want others to play the game but without willing to commit to areas you know good and well you'd do it to.

No I will not rape a baby and curb stomp a pregnant woman. It should alarm you that someone asked you that question because they legitimately don't know what you'd answer.
You just sensationalize your point, when you know damned well I wouldn't do that..............

I've already said I'd water board their asses to get information to save our troops in the field...........That is the deal...................

You wouldn't and there it is.

Ah so you think less of me for it. Well there are people out there who WOULD rape a baby that would think less of you. That should put into context how little I'm stung by your opinion.

I'm all for killing terrorists. But if we're going to put ourselves into a position where we have to sink to their barbaric levels and shame ourselves in front of the rest of the world, then we should rethink what we're doing.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
Merely repeating what you've said isnt an argument. Even in 10th grade you should have learned that.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
You know this, how?
You dont. You cant. You just throw it out like it's truth. Because you cannot form an argument based on logic and facts and then defend it.
This might be because you are 18 years old and still a high school sophmore.

It's because I have listened to former interrogators ( especially Ali Soufan) explain why it doesn't work. It's because we know it doesn't work. We know that the info drawn during torture is often unreliable. Often enough to make the practice pointless.
So your argument literally is "we know waterboarding doesnt work because we know waterboarding doesnt work."
Thank you ,Capt Oblivious.
Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
Merely repeating what you've said isnt an argument. Even in 10th grade you should have learned that.

Repeating facts is an argument. Torture does not work. In is unAmerican.
Why should I answer you................It doesn't work that way................You refuse to answer the questions and keep asking questions tssk tssk.

I agree with the OP and own up to the fact that I would do so...............That's the grow a set.

I know you agree with the OP. I'm trying to find what depth republicans finally won't sink to. I thought you could help me with that.

Alas :dunno:
Alas you will not engage in the areas I suggested..................That is a double standard.........You want others to play the game but without willing to commit to areas you know good and well you'd do it to.

No I will not rape a baby and curb stomp a pregnant woman. It should alarm you that someone asked you that question because they legitimately don't know what you'd answer.
You just sensationalize your point, when you know damned well I wouldn't do that..............

I've already said I'd water board their asses to get information to save our troops in the field...........That is the deal...................

You wouldn't and there it is.

Ah so you think less of me for it. Well there are people out there who WOULD rape a baby that would think less of you. That should put into context how little I'm stung by your opinion.

I'm all for killing terrorists. But if we're going to put ourselves into a position where we have to sink to their barbaric levels and shame ourselves in front of the rest of the world, then we should rethink what we're doing.

Shame ourselves..............LOL..................The object of War is to kill, capture, and end their will to fight anymore..........................dead men don't fight you anymore...................

We are fighting an Ideology..................and they don't play by the dang rules.............and if a few get bent in the process to find some of their buddies then so be it.
You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
You know this, how?
You dont. You cant. You just throw it out like it's truth. Because you cannot form an argument based on logic and facts and then defend it.
This might be because you are 18 years old and still a high school sophmore.

It's because I have listened to former interrogators ( especially Ali Soufan) explain why it doesn't work. It's because we know it doesn't work. We know that the info drawn during torture is often unreliable. Often enough to make the practice pointless.
So your argument literally is "we know waterboarding doesnt work because we know waterboarding doesnt work."
Thank you ,Capt Oblivious.

My argument is that torture doesn't work as it has been proven to not work. Do some research.

Would you like some links?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
The standard in war is to kill your enemy...water boarding falls far short of that.

How are we defining who is and is not our enemy when we are not at war with a traditional military governed by a nation or state? Also, should "kill your enemy" really be your goal in war? How does one determine when all their enemies are gone? When does war end? What constitutes success?
How do we know who is really an enemy? Maybe they are killing us in the hopes of improving us, and thus actually our friends? Perhaps we dont any of this? Maybe this is all a dream? Maybe the Arab terrorists are actually Mossad agents, very well trained? Maybe all the tapes and beheadings are actually staged provocations by France?

Yeah, outside of dormitory discussions at 1AM after some ganja serious people understand that eliciting information from people not covered by the Geneva Convention in any way that leaves them whole of body and sound of mind is perfectly acceptable.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
Merely repeating what you've said isnt an argument. Even in 10th grade you should have learned that.

Repeating facts is an argument. Torture does not work. In is unAmerican.
You understand you have not posted any facts, right?
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

You speak as though you are a radical extremist. America does not torture.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
Merely repeating what you've said isnt an argument. Even in 10th grade you should have learned that.

Repeating facts is an argument. Torture does not work. In is unAmerican.

Torture does work.

Read a little history of the Cheka, NKVD,KGB, Gestapo, et al.
Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
You know this, how?
You dont. You cant. You just throw it out like it's truth. Because you cannot form an argument based on logic and facts and then defend it.
This might be because you are 18 years old and still a high school sophmore.

It's because I have listened to former interrogators ( especially Ali Soufan) explain why it doesn't work. It's because we know it doesn't work. We know that the info drawn during torture is often unreliable. Often enough to make the practice pointless.
So your argument literally is "we know waterboarding doesnt work because we know waterboarding doesnt work."
Thank you ,Capt Oblivious.

My argument is that torture doesn't work as it has been proven to not work. Do some research.

Would you like some links?
Your argument is that torture doesnt work because it doesnt work.
When that fails, here's a link to some guy saying torture doesnt work.
This is why you are the site assclown.
No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.
You know this, how?
You dont. You cant. You just throw it out like it's truth. Because you cannot form an argument based on logic and facts and then defend it.
This might be because you are 18 years old and still a high school sophmore.

It's because I have listened to former interrogators ( especially Ali Soufan) explain why it doesn't work. It's because we know it doesn't work. We know that the info drawn during torture is often unreliable. Often enough to make the practice pointless.
So your argument literally is "we know waterboarding doesnt work because we know waterboarding doesnt work."
Thank you ,Capt Oblivious.

My argument is that torture doesn't work as it has been proven to not work. Do some research.

Would you like some links?
Your argument is that torture doesnt work because it doesnt work.
When that fails, here's a link to some guy saying torture doesnt work.
This is why you are the site assclown.

I am the site asscliwn? Where is that poll, dummy?
Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

You called it after I told you what I was going to do. You are a genius.

Go ahead. Read the links. It's never too late to learn.
Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

Still waiting for that poll. Go ahead. Open one. Let's see what happens.
Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

You called it after I told you what I was going to do. You are a genius.

Go ahead. Read the links. It's never too late to learn.
Yeah, "here's a link I cherry picked because it says just what I say."
You understand that isnt an argument, right? Tell me you understand that. You've already demonstrated you dont understand irony or the difference between fact and opinion. Let's try for 1 out of 3, assclown.

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