Sympathy for the Devil?

Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

Still waiting for that poll. Go ahead. Open one. Let's see what happens.
It's not a matter for opinion or polling. Another fallacy. It is simply a matter of truth.
Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

Still waiting for that poll. Go ahead. Open one. Let's see what happens.
It's not a matter for opinion or polling. Another fallacy. It is simply a matter of truth.

Awwww. Don't want to start a poll and see who thinks you are an assclown, huh? Coward.
Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

You called it after I told you what I was going to do. You are a genius.

Go ahead. Read the links. It's never too late to learn.
Yeah, "here's a link I cherry picked because it says just what I say."
You understand that isnt an argument, right? Tell me you understand that. You've already demonstrated you dont understand irony or the difference between fact and opinion. Let's try for 1 out of 3, assclown.

I've yet to hear your great argument supporting the claim that torture does work. Are you going to even make an attempt?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
The standard in war is to kill your enemy...water boarding falls far short of that.

How are we defining who is and is not our enemy when we are not at war with a traditional military governed by a nation or state? Also, should "kill your enemy" really be your goal in war? How does one determine when all their enemies are gone? When does war end? What constitutes success?
They tells us they are our enemies. They are known. No mystery. The war ends when they realize they cannot win. When they, their supporters, and their goats are dead. I don't blame you for asking these questions, because our leaders have not provided clear cut answers.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

That's why we should rape their women and castrate their children. Anything less means we're not serious about victory and hate America. Will you join me in supporting this eagle?
Only fags would rape and castrate. We should kill them in the normal course of military operations if they CHOOSE to support their husbands and fathers.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.
I hell with them.

They are enemies of the United States and humanity in general. They torture and butcher those they capture and deserve what they get.

To those who disagree..........who the F cares.

Yeah, who cares if more than 20% were wrongfully held and our government lied to us while using techniques looked down upon by the international community and, according to this report, weren't even useful in getting information.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

That's why we should rape their women and castrate their children. Anything less means we're not serious about victory and hate America. Will you join me in supporting this eagle?
Only fags would rape and castrate. We should kill them in the normal course of military operations if they CHOOSE to support their husbands and fathers.

You're a pussy who won't do what it takes to protect America. Go stick a flower in your pee hole commie.
You didn't hear them chant "Hail Satan" in support of pro-baby-butchering?

This is a pretty accurate description of what pro-death liberals support during the first and second trimesters. They also chant "Hail Satan" while surrounding and intimidating Pro-Life groups.

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Damn did I call that or what?
Yeah, torture doesnt work because it doesnt.
ANd to back that up here's a guy I never heard of saying the same thing.

Classic. You are indeed the site assclown.

You called it after I told you what I was going to do. You are a genius.

Go ahead. Read the links. It's never too late to learn.
Yeah, "here's a link I cherry picked because it says just what I say."
You understand that isnt an argument, right? Tell me you understand that. You've already demonstrated you dont understand irony or the difference between fact and opinion. Let's try for 1 out of 3, assclown.

I've yet to hear your great argument supporting the claim that torture does work. Are you going to even make an attempt?
You made the assertion, assclown. You back it up.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.

I think you miss the point. It wasn't just KSM, it was all the guys who just had the bad luck of being scooped up because their neighbors sold them as 'Terrorists" to the CIA, or the guys who might be low level terrorists who didn't know anything, but were tortured into giving false information that wasted everyone's time.

We've signed treaties saying we wouldn't torture people. We gave up the moral high ground in this war.
Simple Democratic deflection. This really is not news, this has all been brought out before!
The Dems just want to divert our attention from something else maybe the never signed executive order on immigration.
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
Have we beheaded anyone?

Are we using woman as suicide bombers?

Use your fuckin' brain.

What in the world!
They get tennis and basketball courts, prayer rugs, prayer 5 times a day and specialty food.
The enemy combatants receive four scheduled medical visits per month — probably more than most Americans get in a year. Prior to their arrival, many of these prisoners had never even seen a dentist. But at Guantanamo they have access to first-class medical facilities and an operating room comparable to those in the United States. The equipment is modern and the staff is capable of performing the spectrum of procedures and treating various diseases. In the past few years alone, doctors have conducted 128 surgeries. And all of this medical attention is free — free to the enemy combatants because American taxpayers foot the bill.
One got a prosthetic leg.
Every cell and common area has arrows that point in the direction of Mecca. The complex also includes special restroom facilities and showers in compliance with the Muslim faith.
Detainees can retain their own attorneys — prisoners have their own lawyer. As for confidentiality, guards are not permitted to read correspondence between lawyers and prisoners.

They get treated better at Gitmo than they did a home. In fact they get told they will be treated well if captured.

We should shoot em all on the battlefield and save our taxpayers having to "take care" of these dirtbags.
So the Dems, trying to deflect from Obama's unmitigated record of failure and disaster, are once again beating the dead horse of Bush-era interrogations. You'd think 6 years of this crap would be enough.
Does anyone else here just find themselves unable to garner sympathy for the likes of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his pals in the face of such horrors as being fed Ensure? Compare what we did to what they would have done to Americans given half the chance and I just fail to be outraged.

I think you miss the point. It wasn't just KSM, it was all the guys who just had the bad luck of being scooped up because their neighbors sold them as 'Terrorists" to the CIA, or the guys who might be low level terrorists who didn't know anything, but were tortured into giving false information that wasted everyone's time.

We've signed treaties saying we wouldn't torture people. We gave up the moral high ground in this war.

Funny you should say that.

These dirtbags don't recognize the Geneva convention and have no problem taking heads.

Moral high ground my ass.

Morality has no place on a battlefield and our enemies are hoping a praying the moral high ground is where we will be.

Shoot em all and take no prisoners.
We are in a War where the enemy tortures and crucifies captured people. They cut the heads off little was these types who killed 3000 of our people, many burned alive or jumping out of the buildings.

They don't deserve respect, and don't deserve my sympathy.................That's the deal with me. A little water boarding and sleep deprivation..........Wah Wah wah.

Well hell, this sounds real serious.
Are YOU in favor of kidnapping the terrorists kids? Raping their wife's and daughters? How about cutting off some heads?

I mean this is serious. So no holds barred. Right. Or are you just another wannabe bad ass? I say we make em pay for scaring us. After all they aren't even human. Right?


That's how many people were water boarded, which isn't TORTURE. You'd think was HUNDREDS of people and went on for DECADES the way the progtards are FROTHING AT THE MOUTH. It causes no PAIN, the people aren't HURT. All this hoopla is nothing more than IGNORANT, STUPID, JACKASSED PROGTARD BULL SHIT. They would rather ACHMED was treated like a fucking CELEBRITY with KID GLOVES than worry about whether or not he can BREATH for a few seconds or not, AFTER he's KILLED IN COLD BLOOD A FEW THOUSAND INNOCENT PEOPLE.

I mean my fucking GOD, the way progtards THINK just makes the mind BOGGLE! How in the FUCK do these people get so WARPED?!
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Riddle me this................a terrorist is caught in New York city.................You know he has information to a dirty bomb or nuke................that will kill everyone in the city...................millions to die...................

Will you torture his ass to save the city or quote BS rules of engagement and let millions die...........................

Information by these tactics got some information on our enemies including helped take them down and saved lives with the information...............

That terrorist who knows about New York..............I'd torture his ass off to stop it.

Would you...........................

No. Torture doesn't work. Resorting to it because you are afraid is unAmerican. Believing the lie that torture led to OBL or saving lives is the way that you excuse your fears.

Are the people torturing by Water boarding afraid that the guy will accidentally take a leak on them.......................................

Save it........................for someone who agrees with you..............

Pop quiz asshole................will you torture the guy to save New York City................or not answer that scenario.

Will you murder a family to save New York City..............or not answer that scenario.
Yep...........your turn.................The few versus the many unless you are retarded Liberal...................

I answered it....................Your turn.............

BTW would you do it to save your own family from a bunch of thugs............or say Oh families dead because I'm a kitty kat Liberal......................

Would you rape a baby and curb stomp a pregnant woman to save New York City?
That's an INCREDIBLY STUPID fucking question.

Tell us HOW "raping a baby and curb stomping a pregnant woman" is GOING TO SAVE NEW YORK CITY.

Fucking MORON... SHEEEEEEZUZ... where are you people's HEADS AT?
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
The standard in war is to kill your enemy...water boarding falls far short of that.
Do you agree to the same standard of treatment for US soldiers?
Our POWs have always gotten tenfold worse treatment than was ever given to the beheader Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

No, they haven't
None of our POWs have been waterboarded over a hundred times

Now, thanks to Republican morality, they can be
Don't you think we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard than our enemy?
The standard in war is to kill your enemy...water boarding falls far short of that.
Do you agree to the same standard of treatment for US soldiers?
Don't talk of raghead look silly.

Thanks to Republicans selling out our morals it now extends beyond "ragheads"
Any nation that captures an American is now justified to torture Americans for the same reason Bush did it

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