Syria Accuses Israel of Health Violations in the Golan


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Syria, which consistently violates the human rights of its own citizens, has slammed Israel over what it says is the "deterioration of the health conditions of the Syrian population in the occupied Golan as a result of the suppressive practices of the Israeli occupation."

According to a report on Thursday in the Yisrael Hayom daily, Syria made the allegations against Israel in a report it presented to the UN's World Health Organization on Monday of this week.

Under the rubric of "Health Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem, and in the Occupied Syrian Golan," the conference featured four reports scrutinizing Israel, and a brief reply from the Jewish state.

According to UN Watch, nowhere in the WHO agenda or supporting documents is there any mention of the more than 80,000 civilians slaughtered in Syria, the tens of thousands more who have been injured or disfigured, the 2.5 million refugees, including 600,000 children, strewn across the region, or the 2 million children internally displaced.

In a report to the WHO's 66th World Health Assembly, Syria's Health Ministry said that Syrians were being deprived of medical treatment for rejecting Israeli citizenship, and there was an "acute shortage of primary and tertiary health care services owing to the lack of integrated medical centers in the occupied Syrian Golan," according to Yisrael Hayom.

Syria Accuses Israel of Health Violations - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Isn't that rich??:doubt: Israel saves Syrian lives everyday and those hypocrites have complains?!?!
"Syria, which consistently violates the human rights of its own citizens, has slammed Israel over [...............] --- Isn't that rich??

OH they got.............................'some pair'
saying anything about any other country and what they do after the SYRIAN GOV'T HAS murdered over 80,000 of it's people. and the piece of garbage, BASHIR ASSAD....continuing on as president.............

it's...literally crazy ?? and preposterous.......
This shows the paranoid state of Assad after two years of stress!

You would think that being faced with all his deadly problems he would have more realities to worry about rather than propaganda claims against Israel.
Syria gonna put a stop to dem health violations...
Syrian army 'retakes Golan crossing'
6 June 2013 - The Syrian army has taken control of a UN-monitored crossing in the Golan Heights that had been overrun by rebel forces, Israeli military sources say.
Tanks and armoured vehicles were used in the fighting at Quneitra, near Israeli-held territory. Austria has said it will withdraw its peacekeepers from the Golan Heights because of the fighting. It comes a day after Syrian troops backed by Lebanese Hezbollah militants retook the key town of Qusair. The involvement of Hezbollah and the upsurge of fighting near the ceasefire line with Israel in the Golan have both raised fears that the conflict could spread across Syria's borders. Rebels seized the crossing near the town of Quneitra earlier on Thursday, with explosions and heavy shelling rocking the area. But an Israeli military source said Syrian government forces retook the symbolically significant position hours later, and that it was now relatively quiet in the area.

'Unacceptable threat'

Two UN peacekeepers were wounded as fighting raged around the crossing and Quneitra. Austria said it would withdraw its soldiers because the threat had "reached an unacceptable level". Austrian troops make up more than a third of the more than 900-strong UN force monitoring the demilitarised zone and Quneitra - the only open crossing between Syria and the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. The UN said the withdrawal of Austrian troops would affect the mission's operational capacity and it would look for replacements. Croatia, Canada and Japan had already withdrawn their contingents in the Golan because of the conflict in Syria.


Syria's deployment of tanks in the demilitarised zone violates ceasefire agreements in place since the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, but sources have told the BBC that Israel will not react. Israel captured part of the plateau in 1967 and later annexed it in a move that has never been internationally recognised. Israeli officials have voiced fears the civil war in Syria could spill over their borders. They are worried the Golan Heights could be used to launch attacks against Israel - either by Islamist extremists fighting for the rebels, or by Hezbollah militants fighting on the government side. Hezbollah's growing role in the conflict was highlighted by its involvement in the battle for Qusair, which government forces recaptured on Wednesday after a bitter siege. Hezbollah is a political and military organisation in Lebanon made up mainly of Shia Muslims.

Israel expressed regret at Austria's decision, and said it hoped it would not lead to "further escalation" in the region. It emerged with backing from Iran in the early 1980s when it fought Israeli forces in southern Lebanon and has always been a close ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Its involvement in Syria has heightened sectarian tensions across the region, and the US has called for it to withdraw. Late on Wednesday several rockets landed in the Hezbollah stronghold of Baalbek inside Lebanon - after rebel threats to strike at Hezbollah on its home turf.

Ghost town

See also:

Syrian rebel offensive in Golan jolts Israel
Jun 6,`13 -- Syrian rebels briefly seized control of a border crossing along the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights on Thursday, prompting the withdrawal of a major Austrian peacekeeping contingent and heightening fears in Israel that it could soon be dragged into the neighboring country's civil war.
From the Israeli side of the Golan, Syrian tanks and armored vehicles could be seen across the border. Large explosions could be heard throughout the day, and thick smoke and flames rose from the area. Israeli TV stations showed images of Israeli tourists flocking to the Golan to look across the frontier and gawk at the fighting. Israeli troops along the border were on high alert, although the military said no special actions had been taken in response to the escalation.

By nightfall, the situation appeared to be quieting down. Israel's deputy defense minister, Danny Danon, said forces remained on high alert, but no special actions had been taken. "We are following very carefully what's happening in Syria," Danon told The Associated Press. "We will do whatever is necessary to protect the interests of Israel."

Israel fears that Islamic militants who have joined the rebel ranks in trying to oust President Bashar Assad will turn their guns toward Israel if they topple the Syrian leader. Islamic groups are believed to be active in the fighting in the Golan area. Israel has also expressed concerns that Assad's sophisticated weapons, could slip into the hands of hostile groups, including Assad's ally, Hezbollah. The Jewish state has kept a wary eye on the fighting next door since the conflict erupted in March 2011 and in recent months has been bolstering its forces in the area and reinforcing a fence along the frontier.

The rebels overran the border position near the abandoned town of Quneitra early Thursday, holding their positions for several hours before Syrian government troops retook it. The international peacekeepers who maintain a 40-year-old truce receive most of their supplies through that position from Israel. Fierce gunbattles forced peacekeepers to seek shelter in a nearby base, and the Philippine military said one of its men serving in the force was wounded in the leg when a mortar or artillery shell struck the area. U.N. diplomats said an Indian peacekeeper also was injured. In Vienna, Austrian leaders said the fighting made it necessary to withdraw their troops.

If the current situation in Syria continues for much longer, Syria will be no problem to anyone. There won't be any Syrians left. LONG LIVE THE ARAB SPRING!

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