Syria crossed the red line.

It seems Syria has crossed President Obama's red line about using chemical weapons in the Syria civil war how do you think Obama will respond to this if he does at all?
Crossing a 'red line'? US says Syria used poison - SFGate

Hopefully nothing. Or maybe admit he was wrong to draw a line.

Before the drum banging neocon scum get the PR machine going like they did after those arabs attacked New York, it'd be interesting to see a poll of maybe ten-thousand Americans on whether there is anything in Syria worth American money or blood.
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Let us know when they use one against the US, then I'll care.

It was Obama who set the red line for taking action against Syria so now we have two choices stand by the claim and take action against the Assad regime which I don't think anyone right or left will back or do nothing which will no doubt embolden other tyrant's seems like two good reasons to care. The problem with issuing a ultimatum is sometimes you get called on them.
It seems Syria has crossed President Obama's red line about using chemical weapons in the Syria civil war how do you think Obama will respond to this if he does at all?
Crossing a 'red line'? US says Syria used poison - SFGate

Hopefully nothing.

Before the drum banging neocon scum get the PR machine going like they did after those arabs attacked New York, it'd be interesting to see a poll of maybe ten-thousand Americans on whether there is anything in Syria worth American money or blood.

It wasn't the right who gave Syria the ultimatum that was the Commander in Chief.
[ame=""]2012 Vice Presidential debate: Syria - YouTube[/ame]

Russia has a different interest in Syria and that's not in our interest.....I love Joe Biden. Allow myself to

[ame=""]allowmyself - YouTube[/ame]

Didnt Biden say they didnt use the UN, but then Obama says they mobilized the international community? Wow do these guy have a clue?
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It seems Syria has crossed President Obama's red line about using chemical weapons in the Syria civil war how do you think Obama will respond to this if he does at all?
Crossing a 'red line'? US says Syria used poison - SFGate

Hopefully nothing.

Before the drum banging neocon scum get the PR machine going like they did after those arabs attacked New York, it'd be interesting to see a poll of maybe ten-thousand Americans on whether there is anything in Syria worth American money or blood.

It wasn't the right who gave Syria the ultimatum that was the Commander in Chief.

Exactly. Now let's see if he's as stupid as his predecessor.

Is it okay if I hope he's not?
He's using this shit against AQ. His enemies. And don't hand me any shit people. Aassad is an intelligent and well educated man and is not falling for this "Arab Spring" garbage.

Not sure if I can condone it, but hey he's fighting Al Qaeda.....
Hopefully nothing.

Before the drum banging neocon scum get the PR machine going like they did after those arabs attacked New York, it'd be interesting to see a poll of maybe ten-thousand Americans on whether there is anything in Syria worth American money or blood.

It wasn't the right who gave Syria the ultimatum that was the Commander in Chief.

Exactly. Now let's see if he's as stupid as his predecessor.

Is it okay if I hope he's not?
He has already shown stupidity by issuing a ultimatum that I suspect he has no intention of backing up. That is lesson that you learn as kid at the playground.
Let us know when they use one against the US, then I'll care.

It was Obama who set the red line for taking action against Syria so now we have two choices stand by the claim and take action against the Assad regime which I don't think anyone right or left will back or do nothing which will no doubt embolden other tyrant's seems like two good reasons to care. The problem with issuing a ultimatum is sometimes you get called on them.

Thank you!

And now Assad is fighting AQ and Obama is arming them....It's really getting interesting.

Obama is actually arming AQ.
Let us know when they use one against the US, then I'll care.

Wow spoken like a true liberal.

That's right, twit. Liberals were vindicated on the Iraq War fiasco too. I suggest you listen to them this time.

Conservatives have clearly learned nothing, and are still in pure "couch colonel" mode. What a bunch of jokes.

Wait isnt it liberals that say cons are right wing, nationalist, america first people? Sounds alot like your post there hombre.
Think about this as well.

Insurrection against Obama. The whole world condemns Obama for using force against those that would oppose him.

Its what we are witnessing with Assad and Syria are we not?

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