Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

As a Christian, I support Christians.

'16th January 2017
Elaina Nana - a Christian who lives in Damascus, Syria - says its time for a change in British policy toward her country

Dear Britain,

Before what was called the 'Arab Spring' back in 2011, I was, like many of my friends, an ordinary Syrian wife and mother of two children, living happily and comfortably in a smart suburban area of Damascus.

I was not particularly interested in politics, and content to get on with my life as a teacher and my responsibilities with a Christian charity I was involved with.

Life was secure and the country was relatively stable under the leadership of our President Bashar Al- Assad and his Baathist party.

In fact since the Baathist party had been in power, my country had enjoyed a form of secular government which provided basic freedoms (freedom of religion and freedom for women included) we had come to take for granted.

Our government was not perfect, but given our context of living in the Middle East (and compared to the Gulf states) we really had a lot to be thankful for...."

Letter from a Syrian Christian: Britain must support Assad to end our war - Premier Christianity
Nothing new here------many of the besieged and persecuted Christians have
acquiesced to third class status under the filth of baathism ---- just to get to stay in their ancestral homes. Syria was Christian for some 400 years before the rapist pig
of Mecca was born. There are Zoroastrians still clinging to Iran too. -------a tiny
remnant<<< same phenomenon
Nothing new here------many of the besieged and persecuted Christians have
acquiesced to third class status under the filth of baathism ---- just to get to stay in their ancestral homes. Syria was Christian for some 400 years before the rapist pig
of Mecca was born. There are Zoroastrians still clinging to Iran too. -------a tiny
remnant<<< same phenomenon

Rosie bullshitting as usual:

"Despite their minority status, Christians have long been among Syria's elite. They have been represented in many of the political groups which have vied for control of the country, including the secular Arab nationalist and socialist movements which eventually came to the fore. The founder of the Baath Party, which has ruled Syria since 1963, was a Christian, and Christians rose to senior positions in the party, government and security forces...."

Syria's beleaguered Christians - BBC News
Nothing new here------many of the besieged and persecuted Christians have
acquiesced to third class status under the filth of baathism ---- just to get to stay in their ancestral homes. Syria was Christian for some 400 years before the rapist pig
of Mecca was born. There are Zoroastrians still clinging to Iran too. -------a tiny
remnant<<< same phenomenon

Rosie bullshitting as usual:

"Despite their minority status, Christians have long been among Syria's elite. They have been represented in many of the political groups which have vied for control of the country, including the secular Arab nationalist and socialist movements which eventually came to the fore. The founder of the Baath Party, which has ruled Syria since 1963, was a Christian, and Christians rose to senior positions in the party, government and security forces...."

Syria's beleaguered Christians - BBC News

you have red flagged yet ANOTHER interesting phenomenon------the ELITE
CHRISTIANS of arab lands-----Sure----there were some elite jews too both in
arab lands and European land-------the REASON? ------ In Europe jews were among the few people who could read and write. In arab lands TODAY---(now that the jews are gone) it is the Christians who are literate. Even in Egypt----Christians tend to harbor a population of LITERATE people way over muslims-----
tend to have jobs REQUIRING LITERACY----but are still treated like trash. ANYONE INTERESTED-----TALK TO A COPT in the USA------lots here----
they will talk if they trust you. They are also educated but that fact does not
prevent church massacres and kidnap and rape of their daughters for the GLORY OF ISLAM
Assad is a dictator, but he is not an idiot. Use chemical weapons - it's silly. I think it was a provocation.
Assad is a dictator, but he is not an idiot. Use chemical weapons - it's silly. I think it was a provocation.

You have no actual information to back your assertion. Chemical weapons abounded in Iraq under the Baathist pig SADDAM----when the USA showed up
in Iraq----Baathist pig Saddam shipped the stuff into the hands of Baathist pig ASSAD----
the Iranians built an extensive array of STEEL WALLED bunkers in the rocky
hills between Syria and Lebanon to STORE HOLY HEZBOLLAH AND WEAPONS
for their HOLY WAR--------I doubt that assad made duplicate keys to hand to his

In the middle east------the master chefs of chemical war fare is BAATHIST-----
even Baathist pig Gamal Abdel Nasser used Mustard gas-----way back in the 1960s
As a Christian, I support Christians.

'16th January 2017
Elaina Nana - a Christian who lives in Damascus, Syria - says its time for a change in British policy toward her country

Dear Britain,

Before what was called the 'Arab Spring' back in 2011, I was, like many of my friends, an ordinary Syrian wife and mother of two children, living happily and comfortably in a smart suburban area of Damascus.

I was not particularly interested in politics, and content to get on with my life as a teacher and my responsibilities with a Christian charity I was involved with.

Life was secure and the country was relatively stable under the leadership of our President Bashar Al- Assad and his Baathist party.

In fact since the Baathist party had been in power, my country had enjoyed a form of secular government which provided basic freedoms (freedom of religion and freedom for women included) we had come to take for granted.

Our government was not perfect, but given our context of living in the Middle East (and compared to the Gulf states) we really had a lot to be thankful for...."

Letter from a Syrian Christian: Britain must support Assad to end our war - Premier Christianity

yeah? so? I have friends of Italian background who have told me that their
relatives lived HAPPILY under the government of MUSSOLINI----safe and
secure in prosperous neighborhoods. They were DELIGHTED with IL DUCE.

I have had Indian friends who told me about relatives who RESENT
Mahatma Gandhi for taking their privileged british endorsed Brahman life-style from them and contributing to the bust up of the caste system.

Long ago a colleague of mine resented WHAT HAPPENED TO SOUTH
AFRICA and the loss of the servant maintained mansion in which he had
once lived.

and-----then there were the Iranians----who were streaming out of Iran with
the sad cry-----DA MOOOOOSLEMS ARE COMING (that was way back in
the early 1970s-----while Khomeini was somewhere else-------but some people were smart enough to know He's COMMIN' BACK)
You have no actual information to back your assertion.

I use logic, why Assad used chemical weapons when he could use for example cluster bombs If he so much wanted to bomb something, damage effect was more strong and political consequences are much less.
You have no actual information to back your assertion.

I use logic, why Assad used chemical weapons when he could use for example cluster bombs If he so much wanted to bomb something, damage effect was more strong and political consequences are much less.

you imagine you are being logical------but your "logic" is nothing
but sophistry. You are trying HARD to support a tentative theory
Rosie also believed that the reason we attacked Iraq was because Saddam had WMDs.
Last edited:
Rosie also believed the Saddam had WMDs.

He did-----he had nitrogen mustard gas and proved himself WILLING to use it---
in fact he did use it. Lots of labs for the creation of and the materials themselves which are BIOLOGICALS were found in Iraq.. Biologicals are weapons of
mass destruction to which the USA is very vulnerable
Rosie also believed the Saddam had WMDs.

He did-----he had nitrogen mustard gas and proved himself WILLING to use it---
in fact he did use it. Lots of labs for the creation of and the materials themselves which are BIOLOGICALS were found in Iraq.. Biologicals are weapons of
mass destruction to which the USA is very vulnerable

There were no WMDs in Iraq you silly nutter. You are a poster that exclusively posts bullshit. Constant bullshitting should be against the TOS.

"October 6, 2004 - The final Iraq Survey Group report is released. The report concludes that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction."

Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts -
Rosie also believed the Saddam had WMDs.

He did-----he had nitrogen mustard gas and proved himself WILLING to use it---
in fact he did use it. Lots of labs for the creation of and the materials themselves which are BIOLOGICALS were found in Iraq.. Biologicals are weapons of
mass destruction to which the USA is very vulnerable

There were no WMDs in Iraq you silly nutter. You are a poster that exclusively posts bullshit. Constant bullshitting should be against the TOS.

"October 6, 2004 - The final Iraq Survey Group report is released. The report concludes that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction."

Iraq Weapons Inspections Fast Facts -

Your post is meaningless------you cannot DEFINE the term
you imagine you are being logical------but your "logic" is nothing
but sophistry. You are trying HARD to support a tentative theory

Enrique on Twitter

Rosie also believed the Saddam had WMDs.

He did-----he had nitrogen mustard gas and proved himself WILLING to use it---
in fact he did use it. Lots of labs for the creation of and the materials themselves which are BIOLOGICALS were found in Iraq.. Biologicals are weapons of
mass destruction to which the USA is very vulnerable

Um..........gonna have to correct you here, because you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Me? I was a member of the CBR teams whenever I was on sea duty.

Mustard gas is a chemical weapon. It is not a biological one. If it was a biological weapon it would be called as such and biological weapons are things like anthrax, not mustard gas.

And, chemical weapons come in 3 different varieties, choking (burns out your lungs), blood agent (thickens your blood), and a nerve agent (sends you into spasms and you tear yourself apart).

So, before you display your ignorance yet again, remember that Google can be your friend and help you with research so you don't sound as stupid.

By the way................what exactly is "nitrogen mustard gas"? Whenever we were talking about that particular agent, we simply called it mustard gas, no nitrogen mention required.
Rosie also believed the Saddam had WMDs.

He did-----he had nitrogen mustard gas and proved himself WILLING to use it---
in fact he did use it. Lots of labs for the creation of and the materials themselves which are BIOLOGICALS were found in Iraq.. Biologicals are weapons of
mass destruction to which the USA is very vulnerable

Um..........gonna have to correct you here, because you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Me? I was a member of the CBR teams whenever I was on sea duty.

Mustard gas is a chemical weapon. It is not a biological one. If it was a biological weapon it would be called as such and biological weapons are things like anthrax, not mustard gas.

And, chemical weapons come in 3 different varieties, choking (burns out your lungs), blood agent (thickens your blood), and a nerve agent (sends you into spasms and you tear yourself apart).

So, before you display your ignorance yet again, remember that Google can be your friend and help you with research so you don't sound as stupid.

By the way................what exactly is "nitrogen mustard gas"? Whenever we were talking about that particular agent, we simply called it mustard gas, no nitrogen mention required.

read it again-----I did not refer to nitrogen mustard gas as a BIOLOGICAL. The
"mustard gases" ALKYLATE benzene rings of chromosomal DNA------ie they
add a CH3 plus the halide----either a nitrogen or a sulphur atom with attached halides to the benzene ring----thus destroying the structure of the DNA base----the screwed up cell becomes vulnerable to cell death------now do you KNOW?----it messes up DNA molecules IN THE CELLS The atom holding the halides can be either NITROGEN OF SULPHUR-----the ones with nitrogen are called NITROGEN MUSTARD GASES (most commonly used)-----the less commonly
used ones are called SULPHUR MUSTARD GASES
White House claims on Syria chemical attack ‘obviously false’ – MIT professor

A professor who challenged the 2013 claims of a chemical attack in Syria is now questioning the Trump administration’s narrative blaming the Assad government for the April 4 attack in the Idlib province town of Khan Shaykhun.
On Tuesday, the White House released a declassified intelligence brief accusing Syrian President Bashar Assad of ordering and organizing the attack, in which Syrian planes allegedly dropped chemical ordnance on civilians in the rebel-held town.

The report “contains absolutely no evidence that this attack was the result of a munition being dropped from an aircraft,” wrote Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Theodore Postol, who reviewed it and put together a 14-page assessment, which he provided to RT on Wednesday.

“I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun,” wrote Postol.

A chemical attack with a nerve agent did occur, he said, but the available evidence does not support the US government’s conclusions.
White House claims on Syria chemical attack ‘obviously false’ – MIT professor

A professor who challenged the 2013 claims of a chemical attack in Syria is now questioning the Trump administration’s narrative blaming the Assad government for the April 4 attack in the Idlib province town of Khan Shaykhun.
On Tuesday, the White House released a declassified intelligence brief accusing Syrian President Bashar Assad of ordering and organizing the attack, in which Syrian planes allegedly dropped chemical ordnance on civilians in the rebel-held town.

The report “contains absolutely no evidence that this attack was the result of a munition being dropped from an aircraft,” wrote Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Theodore Postol, who reviewed it and put together a 14-page assessment, which he provided to RT on Wednesday.

“I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun,” wrote Postol.

A chemical attack with a nerve agent did occur, he said, but the available evidence does not support the US government’s conclusions.
It is becoming more obvious that the attack was NOT committed by Assad. This was a classic false flag...yet Trump took the bait, as did all the Neocons, Neolibs, and most of the MSM.

Funny how military actions seems to unit all these criminals. Sadly, many duped Americans believe the lies.

It is as if Hillary won the election.
It is as if Hillary won the election.

"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize -- very publicly and very sincerely -- to all the widows and the orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would then announce that America's global interventions -- including the awful bombings -- have come to an end. And I would inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but – oddly enough – a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many American bombings and invasions. There would be more than enough money. Do you know what one year of the US military budget is equal to? One year. It's equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. That's what I'd do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I'd be assassinated."
Assad was beginning to seize control of Syria again. He's winning the war. Why would he carry out a chemical weapon attack? This thing stinks of False Flag.
That's exactly what I was thinking. He wasn't guilty of the last gas attack, so I'm very skeptical of the "blame throwers", until I see a smoking gun.

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