Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing... Or False Flag? [VIDEO]...

You guys keep taking up for Assad. Why?

Syria was never any of our business. The 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. I'm not taking up for Assad, i just want my Government to adopt a more neutral non-interventionist foreign policy. Especially in the Middle East. It's time to disengage from the region. We've done enough damage. Time to come home.

I agree. Let them work out their own problems. It's not our business to go over there and get involved with every damn conflict these people have!

And most of their problems have been caused by Western Powers like Great Britain and the US. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. Otherwise, Great Britain and the US would have never gone there to begin with. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. So i'm afraid our Government isn't gonna stop the meddling and war over there anytime soon. It's very sad.

you are very shallow

Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?
Syria was never any of our business. The 'Regime Change' policy is wrong and illegal. I'm not taking up for Assad, i just want my Government to adopt a more neutral non-interventionist foreign policy. Especially in the Middle East. It's time to disengage from the region. We've done enough damage. Time to come home.

I agree. Let them work out their own problems. It's not our business to go over there and get involved with every damn conflict these people have!

And most of their problems have been caused by Western Powers like Great Britain and the US. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. Otherwise, Great Britain and the US would have never gone there to begin with. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. So i'm afraid our Government isn't gonna stop the meddling and war over there anytime soon. It's very sad.

you are very shallow

Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?
I agree. Let them work out their own problems. It's not our business to go over there and get involved with every damn conflict these people have!

And most of their problems have been caused by Western Powers like Great Britain and the US. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. Otherwise, Great Britain and the US would have never gone there to begin with. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. So i'm afraid our Government isn't gonna stop the meddling and war over there anytime soon. It's very sad.

you are very shallow

Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?
And most of their problems have been caused by Western Powers like Great Britain and the US. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. Otherwise, Great Britain and the US would have never gone there to begin with. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. So i'm afraid our Government isn't gonna stop the meddling and war over there anytime soon. It's very sad.

you are very shallow

Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?

I'm sure you can figure it out. Do some research. I'm very confident you'll figure it out.
you are very shallow

Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?

I'm sure you can figure it out. Do some research. I'm very confident you'll figure it out.

you are stymied AGAIN. -------I will help you-------it is Russia and Iran who are
OUT TO EXPLOIT SYRIA------not the usa or england
Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?

I'm sure you can figure it out. Do some research. I'm very confident you'll figure it out.

you are stymied AGAIN. -------I will help you-------it is Russia and Iran who are
OUT TO EXPLOIT SYRIA------not the usa or england

PS-----the ability to EXPLOIT Syria-------by Iran and Russia is a problem for
the USA and for England
Western Powers like Great Britain and the US never had any business being in the Middle East. It's always been about the plundering of resources there. They wouldn't be there otherwise. And apparently, they're not done plundering yet. I'm sure more wars are coming.

what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?

I'm sure you can figure it out. Do some research. I'm very confident you'll figure it out.

you are stymied AGAIN. -------I will help you-------it is Russia and Iran who are
OUT TO EXPLOIT SYRIA------not the usa or england

I'm sure if you do some research, you'll understand what these wars are really about.
what does the USA want to "PLUNDER" in Syria?

What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?

I'm sure you can figure it out. Do some research. I'm very confident you'll figure it out.

you are stymied AGAIN. -------I will help you-------it is Russia and Iran who are
OUT TO EXPLOIT SYRIA------not the usa or england

PS-----the ability to EXPLOIT Syria-------by Iran and Russia is a problem for
the USA and for England

Uh huh, because Great Britain and the US would never exploit nations for their own gains. No way, they're so above doing that. :lol:
What do you think?

I asked YOU first. ------I will share the FACTS with you after you answer the
SIMPLE question. BTW -----what are the arab Bedouins doing in Greek/Phonecian Syria?

I'm sure you can figure it out. Do some research. I'm very confident you'll figure it out.

you are stymied AGAIN. -------I will help you-------it is Russia and Iran who are
OUT TO EXPLOIT SYRIA------not the usa or england

PS-----the ability to EXPLOIT Syria-------by Iran and Russia is a problem for
the USA and for England

Uh huh, because Great Britain and the US would never exploit nations for their own gains. No way, they're so above doing that. :lol:

and SOMEHOW you cannot conceive of a WAY that either England or the USA
COULD exploit Syria--------I can think of LOTS of ways that Iran and Russia can
exploit Syria--------but YOU are stuck-----"uhhh da west want to exploit Syria's---uhm-----gold, oil, diamonds..... uh uh wait----I'll think up SUMPIN' "
Why is no one asking the biggest question? Who benefits from the gas attack? No one in the MSM or Trump administration is asking this obvious question.

Assad has absolutely NOTHING to gain...he was about to begin peace talks in Europe...he was winning the war....then BINGO gas attack occurs right on cue. Classic false flag.

See below the opinion of Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell
“Assad’s military has gained a decisive advantage over the rebels and he had just scored a major diplomatic victory with the Trump administration’s announcement that the U.S. was no longer seeking ‘regime change’ in Syria. The savvy Assad would know that a chemical weapon attack now would likely result in U.S. retaliation and jeopardize the gains that his military has achieved with Russian and Iranian help. (…) But logic and respect for facts no longer prevail inside Official Washington, nor inside the mainstream U.S. news media.”
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: “The Syrian chemical attack story is a hoax.”

On Tuesday, the White House released a declassified intelligence brief accusing Syrian President Bashar Assad of ordering and organizing the attack, in which Syrian planes allegedly dropped chemical ordnance on civilians in the rebel-held town.

The report “contains absolutely no evidence that this attack was the result of a munition being dropped from an aircraft,” wrote Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Professor Theodore Postol …

This week a Russian newspaper has published an article debunking this "attack" too - Independent investigation of false “chemical attack” allegedly conducted by the Syrian Air Forces
bullshit. both papa and baby assad have been doing NOT NICE things
since 1970--------which is why they have the reputation which they have
bullshit. both papa and baby assad have been doing NOT NICE things
since 1970--------which is why they have the reputation which they have
realize what you have done?”

Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:

  1. Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.
  2. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
  3. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.
  4. Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.
  5. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.*
"We don't know", or "I haven't been briefed on that" seem to be the main phrases uttered by the Trump admin as of late.
The interesting thing is that it has been done before and it took more than a year to discover that the rebels and their allies were responsible for chemical attacks.

"UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops..."

UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online

actually what the UN investigators reported was ' we don't know '

No you lying propagandist, what was said is:

"Carla Del Ponte said evidence from casualties and medical staff indicated that rebel forces in the civil war had used the deadly nerve agent sarin..."

Read more: UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
The interesting thing is that it has been done before and it took more than a year to discover that the rebels and their allies were responsible for chemical attacks.

"UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops..."

UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online

actually what the UN investigators reported was ' we don't know '

No you lying propagandist, what was said is:

"Carla Del Ponte said evidence from casualties and medical staff indicated that rebel forces in the civil war had used the deadly nerve agent sarin..."

Read more: UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

thanks----that is what Carla said EVEN THOUGH SHE HAD NO EVIDENCE
AT ALL TO SUPPORT HER OPINION. Sarin is not administered up close
by the
The interesting thing is that it has been done before and it took more than a year to discover that the rebels and their allies were responsible for chemical attacks.

"UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops..."

UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online

actually what the UN investigators reported was ' we don't know '

No you lying propagandist, what was said is:

"Carla Del Ponte said evidence from casualties and medical staff indicated that rebel forces in the civil war had used the deadly nerve agent sarin..."

Read more: UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

thanks----another opinion piece
The interesting thing is that it has been done before and it took more than a year to discover that the rebels and their allies were responsible for chemical attacks.

"UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops..."

UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online

actually what the UN investigators reported was ' we don't know '

No you lying propagandist, what was said is:

"Carla Del Ponte said evidence from casualties and medical staff indicated that rebel forces in the civil war had used the deadly nerve agent sarin..."

Read more: UN accuses Syrian rebels of carrying out sarin gas attacks which had been blamed on Assad's troops | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
It was rebels in 2014 wasn't it? I think back the Tokyo subway attacks when I hear about the gas attacks.
Aum Shinrikyo (jap. オウム真理教) is a Japanese doomsday cult founded by Shoko Asahara in 1984. It gained international notoriety when it carried out the deadly Tokyo subway sarin attack in 1995 and was found to have been responsible for another smaller sarin attack the previous year.

The group never confessed. Those who carried out attacks did so secretly, without being known to ordinary believers. Asahara broadcast his singing, insisting on his innocence through a radio broadcast on a signal they purchased in Russia and directed toward Japan.[2]

Aum Shinrikyo, which split into Aleph and Hikari no Wa in 2007, has been formally designated a terrorist organization by several countries, including North Korea, Russia, Canada,[3] Kazakhstan,[4] and the United States.[5] Japan's Public Security Examination Commission considers Aleph and Hikari no Wa to be branches of a "dangerous religion"[6] and announced in January 2015 that they would remain under surveillance for three more years.[7]

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