Syria sarin gas proved & 9 killed children reported killed by Russian airstrike


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
What a mess......

Testing is in and it was undoubtedly sarin gas.

OPCW Director-General Shares Incontrovertible Laboratory Results Concluding Exposure to Sarin

"Russian airstrikes reportedly killed 9 children of the same family in Marat Herma yesterday; video tweeted Bivi ✩✩✩ #FreeSyria on Twitter

Reports Assad is liberating people from daesh in the south Syrian Desert areas FSA News on Twitter

Map FSA News on Twitter
& #Russia’s Air Forces Intensify Attacks Using Internationally Banned Weapons #Syria #AssadMustGo #WarCrimes

Okay so, was Assad responsible for the Sarin or no?

I have more than just a couple doubts of that as I've been following this for at least 2 years, maybe more.
Okay so, was Assad responsible for the Sarin or no?

I have more than just a couple doubts of that as I've been following this for at least 2 years, maybe more.
I don't know. Gas was used in the Ukraine and the Islamic terrorist were blamed for the last gas attack. I doubt it was Assad's forces gassing his own people but...other things are a problem. He may have pissed off the thugs that he had previously let traffic the illegal goods through there.
Okay so, was Assad responsible for the Sarin or no?

I have more than just a couple doubts of that as I've been following this for at least 2 years, maybe more.

Nothing for Assad to gain from gassing his own people of which the majority supports him. Russia is helping him to rid the country of the cabal supported "ISIS" fighters that ere being supplied weapons, supplies and strategic air cover in order to wage a proxy war on a Middle Eastern country that isn't in the clutches of the international bankers. Who would stand to gain from such an attack? The very ones that the cabal is funding.......I am calling "bullshit" all the way. I am very disappointed in Trump's knee-jerk response.
Okay so, was Assad responsible for the Sarin or no?

I have more than just a couple doubts of that as I've been following this for at least 2 years, maybe more.

Nothing for Assad to gain from gassing his own people of which the majority supports him. Russia is helping him to rid the country of the cabal supported "ISIS" fighters that ere being supplied weapons, supplies and strategic air cover in order to wage a proxy war on a Middle Eastern country that isn't in the clutches of the international bankers. Who would stand to gain from such an attack? The very ones that the cabal is funding.......I am calling "bullshit" all the way. I am very disappointed in Trump's knee-jerk response.
A lot of different groups there and just like Libya those people join up and find out it wasn't what they thought is was and they fracture or are killed. A Saud was found guilty of international trafficking, India, Pakistan, Lebanon, Palestine and the rest all have their crooks that back the gangs/thugs that terrorize whoever doesn't go along. Even when they know who is doing what it takes several years to get them listed as terrorist groups, etc...
They are also evacuating parts of Damascus suburbs Syrian Network on Twitter

IntlCoalition is Russian forces-airstrikes
Syrian Network‏Verified account @snhr Apr 19

.@independent:#SNHR found the #IntlCoalition forces, killed 260 #civilians in March, inc. 70 children & 34 women

How many were held as human shields by ISIS and/or the rebel forces?

They may have preferred death.
There was two hundred from that one area near Idlib reported taken hostage/killed or kidnapped. The families were looking for them when they gassed. They is why it was a possibility that could have been some of the dead from that raid.
I'm not real happy with the bombing of Assad's airbase and Spicer's comments.

Erdogan is not pro-US.

That's why all the nukes are now in..Romania-surprise!
What with the way Erdogan did Incirluk, uh yah.

It isn't rocket surgery to realize that Turkey is an ally to the US on paper only.

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