Syria 'Submits Chemical weapons Data' To Hague Watchdog

This is stupid on so many levels it leaves one speechless!

As stupid as drawing a red line in the sand and then when that red line is crossed claim you never drew it to begin with? Obama's bluff was called and he folded like a house of cards in the wind. Russia saw this and seized the opportunity to look like the true statesman and peacemaker. The fact that you're buying all this bullshit is what's speechless.

It's a fucking game of chess and we lost our queen. Please catch up. Neither syria or Russia give a rats ass about the chemical weapons. Assad can decimate his enemies and own population with all the weapons Russia supplies as the WMD's are either hidden or disposed of.

Nothing will change in the end And hhundreds of thousands will likely CONTINUE to die.

Obama got played. Period, end of story.

We had Hanoi Jane. I guess you are Damascus Grampa.

Forget the sarcasm, listen to what Gramps had to say. He's right. Obama got played and he knows it, he just hopes that the Americans don't notice it. Well, we do. Anyone who's really watching and isn't constantly slapping him on his back for breathing in and out.

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