Syria: Trade in human organs by regime forces thrives


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Terrible as it might sound, at least people who needed these organs got them. However, it looks like there was a huge supply coming out of the regime's prisons, and many of the prisoners shouldn't have been there in the first place..

Syria: Trade in human organs by regime forces thrives
11 August 2015 21:11 (Last updated 11 August 2015 21:14)
Human rights groups say both soldiers and civilians killed in the conflict are being used as sources for organs, which are then sold on an international network

By Andrew Jay Rosenbaum


Syrian regime forces are actively engaged in organ trafficking, the human rights organization Violation Documentation Center in Syria told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday.

Both soldiers and civilians killed in the conflict are being used as sources for organs, which are then sold on an international network, the center said.

The reports are confirmed by Hossain Noufel, head of the department of forensic medicine at Damascus University, cited in the Syria Report.

According to international human rights organization Amnesty International, over 50,000 detainees have been killed inside Syrian prisons and most bodies were never returned to their families.

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Syria Trade in human organs by regime forces thrives Anadolu Agency?
There is nothing to filthy for those propaganda lies producing cockroaches of Al-Qaeda and their backers.

If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
There is nothing to filthy for those propaganda lies producing cockroaches of Al-Qaeda and their backers.

If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.
There is nothing to filthy for those propaganda lies producing cockroaches of Al-Qaeda and their backers.

If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Oh, so it's a new brain that you need. I am sure your beloved Assad can accommodate you with the head of a dead prisoner.
There is nothing to filthy for those propaganda lies producing cockroaches of Al-Qaeda and their backers.

If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Oh, so it's a new brain that you need. I am sure your beloved Assad can accommodate you with the head of a dead prisoner.
Its your FSA/Al-Qaeda terrorists that have the head issue. Your head fetishists aren´t inferior to ISIS in that point.
There is nothing to filthy for those propaganda lies producing cockroaches of Al-Qaeda and their backers.

If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Oh, so it's a new brain that you need. I am sure your beloved Assad can accommodate you with the head of a dead prisoner.
Its your FSA/Al-Qaeda terrorists that have the head issue. Your head fetishists aren´t inferior to ISIS in that point.

Is it a liver than you need? I am sure they must have loads of them from all those dead prisoners.
There is nothing to filthy for those propaganda lies producing cockroaches of Al-Qaeda and their backers.

If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Oh, so it's a new brain that you need. I am sure your beloved Assad can accommodate you with the head of a dead prisoner.
Its your FSA/Al-Qaeda terrorists that have the head issue. Your head fetishists aren´t inferior to ISIS in that point.

Is it a liver than you need? I am sure they must have loads of them from all those dead prisoners.
Maybe I put a bounty on your head, instead.
If you need a new kidney, I am sure your hero Assad will help you out with one from the dead prisoners from his jails.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Oh, so it's a new brain that you need. I am sure your beloved Assad can accommodate you with the head of a dead prisoner.
Its your FSA/Al-Qaeda terrorists that have the head issue. Your head fetishists aren´t inferior to ISIS in that point.

Is it a liver than you need? I am sure they must have loads of them from all those dead prisoners.
Maybe I put a bounty on your head, instead.

Two can play the game, silly Little Boy.
The "opposition" has proven to be the criminals behind the crimes they accuse the Syrian government of. So, if you need a new kidney you can either ask your recently released Rabbi or your Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Oh, so it's a new brain that you need. I am sure your beloved Assad can accommodate you with the head of a dead prisoner.
Its your FSA/Al-Qaeda terrorists that have the head issue. Your head fetishists aren´t inferior to ISIS in that point.

Is it a liver than you need? I am sure they must have loads of them from all those dead prisoners.
Maybe I put a bounty on your head, instead.

Two can play the game, silly Little Boy.
Actually, I don´t need to pay. That could be registered as the daily good deed :)
Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress procurement technician, discusses the industrial process of abortions and the lack of care shown to the patients. More problematic for Planned Parenthood, O’Donnell explains that she has witnessed clinics not getting consent before harvesting blood and organs, despite the organization’s insistence that women are fully informed before procuring human organs and tissues from their abortions:
New Planned Parenthood video Organs harvested without informed consent Hot Air

they would pick out whatever was requested—whether it was a specific organ, eyeballs, whatever it was—they would take that out and put that in a specimen bag.

Former Planned Parenthood Worker Explains Tissue Donation

This is happening today in the good old US of A Matthew 7:3
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Holly O’Donnell, a former StemExpress procurement technician, discusses the industrial process of abortions and the lack of care shown to the patients. More problematic for Planned Parenthood, O’Donnell explains that she has witnessed clinics not getting consent before harvesting blood and organs, despite the organization’s insistence that women are fully informed before procuring human organs and tissues from their abortions:
New Planned Parenthood video Organs harvested without informed consent Hot Air

they would pick out whatever was requested—whether it was a specific organ, eyeballs, whatever it was—they would take that out and put that in a specimen bag.

Former Planned Parenthood Worker Explains Tissue Donation

This is happening today in the good old US of A Matthew 7:3
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

PP tissue donation is done with consent. Rules are posted online and in any clinic

Women have to sign the forms and that they fully understand what they are agreeing to.

They are not harvesting organs not murdering anyone.

For all is not life till a month after birth, not conception. Go back to your bibles.
Birth control and abortions are also permitted in the bible.
And we do not live in the time of the black death when half the population died. We do not suffer under an under population. Nor are women slaves to be dictated what they can do to their bodies

many people I can understand would sell their organs out of necessity during war. They have to find a way to feed their family somehow.

The state doing it is the crime, be know assad has no regard for the syrian people. History of torture, massacres, chemical war fare, abuse.................... Why should this be any different?

Camel's back should have broken years ago. It's not a camel but a granite mountain. The camels were eaten for food along with lions, donkeys, rats, dogs and anything including humans that once moved.
and is anyone really surprised?
Of course, the shit of Al-Qaeda springs at this bogus piece of propaganda.

But wouldn´t it be intersting to know what this Zionist piece of Al-Qaeda says when a Rabbi was caught with some kidneys in his bag?

As hard as it might seem, the purpose of organ transplants is to save lives. If people can live with one kidney or lung, or half a liver and can save a life, some are willing to do so. Family members often will under go the surgery to save other member. Some do it for money, usually because they have so little and want to prove for their loved ones. The dead no longer need the organs that could save others. A few trade in organs for money because there is such a need and the risks are high. If it was mandatory for good organs from those dying or dead to be used for transplants as long as they are not damaged, there would be no need for traders or risk.
Trading companies that create jobs is legal, but trading in organs to save lives is not? If there was an abundance of organs those trading and selling organs would no longer exist.
Organ donation should be mandatory and automatic as long as the organs are viable. Umbilical cords and embryos should be included as donor cells as well. Unless there are health reasons, everyone over the age of 18 should be a blood donor as least once a year. I think bodies should be used for science and not worm food. If you must, take some body part, cremate it and have it turned into a diamond and mount it in a frame of the person's picture to remember them by. Stop wasting good land for graves.

If you don't care about saving lives, create a mandatory age of termination or take all those with terminal illness and just eliminate them. Why waste time, money and resources to save someone that is so close to death and no longer a provider to the community?

Why condemn those who try to save lives then?
The Rabbi Of Organ Trafficking Is Released Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
and is anyone really surprised?
Of course, the shit of Al-Qaeda springs at this bogus piece of propaganda.

But wouldn´t it be intersting to know what this Zionist piece of Al-Qaeda says when a Rabbi was caught with some kidneys in his bag?

As hard as it might seem, the purpose of organ transplants is to save lives. If people can live with one kidney or lung, or half a liver and can save a life, some are willing to do so. Family members often will under go the surgery to save other member. Some do it for money, usually because they have so little and want to prove for their loved ones. The dead no longer need the organs that could save others. A few trade in organs for money because there is such a need and the risks are high. If it was mandatory for good organs from those dying or dead to be used for transplants as long as they are not damaged, there would be no need for traders or risk.
Trading companies that create jobs is legal, but trading in organs to save lives is not? If there was an abundance of organs those trading and selling organs would no longer exist.
Organ donation should be mandatory and automatic as long as the organs are viable. Umbilical cords and embryos should be included as donor cells as well. Unless there are health reasons, everyone over the age of 18 should be a blood donor as least once a year. I think bodies should be used for science and not worm food. If you must, take some body part, cremate it and have it turned into a diamond and mount it in a frame of the person's picture to remember them by. Stop wasting good land for graves.

If you don't care about saving lives, create a mandatory age of termination or take all those with terminal illness and just eliminate them. Why waste time, money and resources to save someone that is so close to death and no longer a provider to the community?

Why condemn those who try to save lives then?
The Rabbi Of Organ Trafficking Is Released Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Aris, get a load of this nut? He drags up the article about one Rabbi when there are all these political prisoners who have been jailed, tortured, and then killed with their organs consequently sold by those in the employ of his idol Assad. Imagine if he had to suffer the torture that his lover doesn't mind seeing others get if they are in opposition to him.

Notice that this article is propaganda to him, as if everyone is going to believe this just because he states it.
and is anyone really surprised?
Of course, the shit of Al-Qaeda springs at this bogus piece of propaganda.

But wouldn´t it be intersting to know what this Zionist piece of Al-Qaeda says when a Rabbi was caught with some kidneys in his bag?

As hard as it might seem, the purpose of organ transplants is to save lives. If people can live with one kidney or lung, or half a liver and can save a life, some are willing to do so. Family members often will under go the surgery to save other member. Some do it for money, usually because they have so little and want to prove for their loved ones. The dead no longer need the organs that could save others. A few trade in organs for money because there is such a need and the risks are high. If it was mandatory for good organs from those dying or dead to be used for transplants as long as they are not damaged, there would be no need for traders or risk.
Trading companies that create jobs is legal, but trading in organs to save lives is not? If there was an abundance of organs those trading and selling organs would no longer exist.
Organ donation should be mandatory and automatic as long as the organs are viable. Umbilical cords and embryos should be included as donor cells as well. Unless there are health reasons, everyone over the age of 18 should be a blood donor as least once a year. I think bodies should be used for science and not worm food. If you must, take some body part, cremate it and have it turned into a diamond and mount it in a frame of the person's picture to remember them by. Stop wasting good land for graves.

If you don't care about saving lives, create a mandatory age of termination or take all those with terminal illness and just eliminate them. Why waste time, money and resources to save someone that is so close to death and no longer a provider to the community?

Why condemn those who try to save lives then?
The Rabbi Of Organ Trafficking Is Released Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Aris, get a load of this nut? He drags up the article about one Rabbi when there are all these political prisoners who have been jailed, tortured, and then killed with their organs consequently sold by those in the employ of his idol Assad. Imagine if he had to suffer the torture that his lover doesn't mind seeing others get if they are in opposition to him.

Notice that this article is propaganda to him, as if everyone is going to believe this just because he states it.

I'm having a number of discussions where there are more idiots than adults using their brains. Must be something in the water. I think part of the problem is they look at a spot and can't see the whole picture.

They want to micro manage every detail.
Sally´s Al-Qaeda truth of political prisoners is kinda interesting but it belongs to the Al-Qaeda realm of Obama fantasies. Must be the Rabbi who installed an Al-Qaeda brain in Sally when they realized there was a dire lack of brain cells.

In the real world, there have been amnesties:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad announces prisoner amnesty euronews world news

Wouldn't it be nice, Aris, if brain transplants were available because I think both you and I know who needs one? The Little Boy thinks that just because there was an Amnesty by his idol, he forgets that many had been imprisoned previously, had been tortured, and had died as a result. The organs probably were taken from dead prisoners then as well as the dead prisoners since then since his article is a year old.. I am willing to bet that if everyone here were allowed to visit the Syrian jails, we would find plenty of prisoners incarcerated in them. Who does he think rioted the other day in one of them because of the terrible conditions?

Hundreds of Syrian prisoners riot in protest at jail conditions?

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