Syria War News Thread

Syrian army, Allies storm and gain in Handarat area


"Having successfully captured Mallah farms in the northern countryside of Aleppo from the Turkey-backed rebels on Thursday, The Syrian Armed Forces backed by the pro-government Palestinian fighters “Liwaa Al-Quds” and the National Defense Forces (NDF), have start storming the 4-year rebels-held district of Handarat Refugee camp, located nearly 7 km to the northeast of Aleppo city."

Syrian army and Allies storm and gain in Handarat area | Al-Masdar News
Nusra strikes back to keep the supply route open.

Syrian Army concludes day 1 of the large-scale Aleppo offensive
ISIS attacks "rebel" enclave in northern Aleppo

Not long after Obama and Erdogan announced increased support for the "rebels" in this enclave that has no acess to Idlib, ISIS threatens to cut this small area into two amid the "rebel" offensive.

April 11:

April 3:

ISIS slices through rebel enclave in northern Aleppo - Map update
ISIS reverses all rebel gains and more in northern Aleppo: Al-Rai recaptured

This may be the end of this "opposition" presence. Actually, big words of support seem to be sufficient to Erdobama.

ISIS reverses all rebel gains and more in northern Aleppo: Al-Rai recaptured
ISIS sweeps through a dozen rebel villages in northern Aleppo

Despite US airstrikes and Turkish artillery, ISIS managed to push back the "rebels" further, extensively using VBIEDs.


ISIS sweeps through a dozen rebel villages in northern Aleppo - Map update
Rebels flee across Turkish border as ISIS snatches more villages

Meanwhile, Obama celebrates his "successes" against ISIS. While it doesn´t really matter, if a region is ruled by ISIS or Nusra (both are unacceptable), the hypocrisy with what he claims others´ credit, is astonishing. Furthermore, ISIS is till in the offensive.


Rebels flee across Turkish border as ISIS snatches more villages - Map update | Al-Masdar News
ISIS recaptures Tall Shair from Islamist rebels in northern Aleppo


"Remarkably, this Islamic State advance comes as rebel forces have just recaptured a handful of villages from ISIS fighters on the Turkish-Syrian border.
Heavy clashes are still ongoing in northern Aleppo with the death toll already in the hundreds on both sides as regional clashes have been ongoing for more than a week.
Furthermore, several reports indicate that ISIS has torched nearby refugee camps set up by NGO’s."

ISIS recaptures Tall Shair from Islamist rebels in northern Aleppo - Map update
| Al-Masdar News
ISIS advances on the Khanasser Highway: Burj Al-Atshanah captured

"Currently, ISIS is only 15 km east of the Khanasser Highway; if they continue to advance west, they will be able to cutoff the Syrian government’s only supply line to the Aleppo Governorate."

ISIS advances on the Khanasser Highway: Burj Al-Atshanah captured | Al-Masdar News
ISIS seizes Russian tank and war booty in blitz offensive in eastern Aleppo

ISIS seizes Russian tank and war booty in blitz offensive in eastern Aleppo
Large wave of Syrian Army reinforcements arrive to east Damascus

Against ISIS.

Large wave of Syrian Army reinforcements arrive to east Damascus | Al-Masdar News
Syrian Army drives back ISIS in eastern Damascus & recaptures Badia Cement Factory

Syrian Army drives back ISIS in eastern Damascus & recaptures Badia Cement Factory | Al-Masdar News
Battle for east Damascus underway as Syrian Army & rebels gang up on ISIS


"Earlier today, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) captured the Badia Cement Factory and Khan Abut Shamat Base (marked in dark red on the map) after a brief skirmish with ISIS fighters in eastern Damascus.
Meanwhile, Jaish al-Islam rebels and Islamic State militants are engaged in heavy clashes inside the town of Dumayr. Currently, the town is roughly controlled 50/50; however, ISIS fighters are completely cut off from receiving new supplies or reinforcements.
Remarkably, this region has witnessed a lasting local ceasefire between rebels and the SAA. Furthermore, for the first time in five years, rebel fighters and government troops are cooperating against a bigger foe; namely ISIS.
As a show of good will, the SAA recently allowed a Jaish al-Islam convoy to leave East Ghouta as to reinforce rebel fighters inside Dumayr city.
Thus, commanders of Jaish al-Islam and the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigade have exchanged phone numbers with local SAA commanders as the latter has provided rebel forces with much required air cover when needed in their clashes with ISIS.
Meanwhile, SAA troops of the 120th Brigade & 81st Brigade of the 2nd Division – backed by National Defence Forces (NDF) – are slowly advancing eastwards en route to the Sayqal Airbase which has been encircled by ISIS fighters for some time.
Thereby, both Syrian rebels and government soldiers are attempting to drive ISIS back into the eastern deserts of Syria. However, it seems highly unlikely that the Islamic State will surrender the area easily as it marks ISIS’ only genuine way of reaching the Syrian capital."

Battle for east Damascus underway as Syrian Army & rebels gang up on ISIS - Map update
ISIS advances on the Khanasser Highway: Burj Al-Atshanah captured

"Currently, ISIS is only 15 km east of the Khanasser Highway; if they continue to advance west, they will be able to cutoff the Syrian government’s only supply line to the Aleppo Governorate."

ISIS advances on the Khanasser Highway: Burj Al-Atshanah captured | Al-Masdar News
ISIS seizes Russian tank and war booty in blitz offensive in eastern Aleppo

ISIS seizes Russian tank and war booty in blitz offensive in eastern Aleppo
Syrian Army reinforcements arrive to Khanasser to drive back ISIS


Syrian Army reinforcements arrive to Khanasser to drive back ISIS: Map update | Al-Masdar News
ISIS offensive at Dumayr ends in disaster as the Syrian Army reclaims the area

ISIS offensive at Dumayr ends in disaster as the Syrian Army reclaims the area | Al-Masdar News

Syrian Army’s High Command confirms the victory at Sayqal Airport in east Damascus

"In a public announcement on SAMA TV, General Freij congratulated the Syrian Armed Forces for defeating the terrorist forces and protecting the Syrian capital of Damascus (var. Dimashq)."

Syrian Army's High Command confirms the victory at Sayqal Airport in east Damascus | Al-Masdar News
ISIS advances on the Khanasser Highway: Burj Al-Atshanah captured

"Currently, ISIS is only 15 km east of the Khanasser Highway; if they continue to advance west, they will be able to cutoff the Syrian government’s only supply line to the Aleppo Governorate."

ISIS advances on the Khanasser Highway: Burj Al-Atshanah captured | Al-Masdar News
ISIS seizes Russian tank and war booty in blitz offensive in eastern Aleppo

ISIS seizes Russian tank and war booty in blitz offensive in eastern Aleppo
Syrian Army reinforcements arrive to Khanasser to drive back ISIS


Syrian Army reinforcements arrive to Khanasser to drive back ISIS: Map update | Al-Masdar News
Syrian Army recaptures several villages in southeast Aleppo

Syrian Army recaptures several villages in southeast Aleppo | Al-Masdar News

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