

Jul 12, 2019
Documentaries: Untold History of the United States, Born in Gaza, The War Show and Last Men In Aleppo.

"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence...". Samuel Huntington.

Gaza 2014. 507 children killed and 3,598 wounded. 80% of Gaza's population depends on humanitarian aid. More than 400,000 children need psychological support in Gaza.

Once again WH supports a dictator who kills his own people: Bashar al-Assad (Syria) against the Islamic State. WH still kills innocent civilians (Vietnam, Gaza and Syria). Israel did not learn anything from World War II. The WH dirty her hands with innocent blood. Examples: Vietnam, Gaza and Syria.

The International Criminal Court never judged the crimes of the United States and Israel. The International Criminal Court is useless. Gaza is a concentration camp. The opinions of American Press about Israel and Palestinians are incomplete. The American Press is bootlicker of WH.
Documentaries: Untold History of the United States, Born in Gaza, The War Show and Last Men In Aleppo.

"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence...". Samuel Huntington.

Gaza 2014. 507 children killed and 3,598 wounded. 80% of Gaza's population depends on humanitarian aid. More than 400,000 children need psychological support in Gaza.

Once again WH supports a dictator who kills his own people: Bashar al-Assad (Syria) against the Islamic State. WH still kills innocent civilians (Vietnam, Gaza and Syria). Israel did not learn anything from World War II. The WH dirty her hands with innocent blood. Examples: Vietnam, Gaza and Syria.

The International Criminal Court never judged the crimes of the United States and Israel. The International Criminal Court is useless. Gaza is a concentration camp. The opinions of American Press about Israel and Palestinians are incomplete. The American Press is bootlicker of WH.

Have you read the PLO & Hamas charters?
Documentaries: Untold History of the United States, Born in Gaza, The War Show and Last Men In Aleppo.

"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion, but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence...". Samuel Huntington.

Gaza 2014. 507 children killed and 3,598 wounded. 80% of Gaza's population depends on humanitarian aid. More than 400,000 children need psychological support in Gaza.

Once again WH supports a dictator who kills his own people: Bashar al-Assad (Syria) against the Islamic State. WH still kills innocent civilians (Vietnam, Gaza and Syria). Israel did not learn anything from World War II. The WH dirty her hands with innocent blood. Examples: Vietnam, Gaza and Syria.

The International Criminal Court never judged the crimes of the United States and Israel. The International Criminal Court is useless. Gaza is a concentration camp. The opinions of American Press about Israel and Palestinians are incomplete. The American Press is bootlicker of WH.

Have you read the PLO & Hamas charters?
Have you read the PLO & Hamas charters?
Perhaps we should start with the source of the (terror) problem?

Likud - Wikipedia

"Likud has historically espoused opposition to Palestinian statehood and support of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, it has also been the party that carried out the first peace agreements with Arab states.

"For instance, in 1979, Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat, which returned the Sinai Peninsula (occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967) to Egypt in return for peace between the two countries. "

The BIRTH OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: Part 1 – Christian Ramallah, King David Hotel & Guerilla Warfare Spreads From Europe to the Orient
"The 'PALESTINE' Police Force" :auiqs.jpg:
Rothschild Police Force:

The BIRTH OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM: Part 1 – Christian Ramallah, King David Hotel & Guerilla Warfare Spreads From Europe to the Orient

"The British Army occupied Ramallah in December 1917, one month after the Balfour Declaration, where Lord Arthur Balfour, on behalf of the Foreign Office of the British Government, declared to Lord Walter Rothschild, that their illegitimate, interloping third party authority, had promised Palestine to the Jews… and it remained under British rule until 1948."

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