Syrian regime conducts around 3,000 air raids in past 60 days


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
More civilians killed by Assad.

Syrian regime conducts around 3,000 air raids in past 60 days - SOHR
19/12/2014 | 08:55 PM | World News


AMMAN, Dec 19 (KUNA) -- The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said on Friday that the Syrian regime warplanes conducted around 3,000 air raids in the past 60 days, which resulted in killing and injuring more than 3,500 people and the displacement of tens of thousands.
SOHR said in a statement that the number of air raids on various Syrian towns and villages that has been documented by them since the past 60 days and until the early hours today has reached 2,973.
The Syrian regime conducted at least 1,611 air raids targeting provinces in Deir Azzour, Homs, suburb of Damascus, Homa, Aleppo, Idlib, Daraa, Hasaka, and Al-Reqqa, while other Syrian provinces were targeted by explosive barrels 1,362 times.

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Black puppet Sally is angry about the Syrian government that fights terrorists which she calls civilians. No wonder she is always using the Islamists bullhorn SOHR. Shame on the filth. As if there are civilians...
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Black puppet Sally is angry about the Syrian government that fights terrorists which she calls civilians. No wonder she is always using the Islamists bullhorn SOHR. Shame on the filth. As if there are civilians...

Remember, everyone, Assad's chief cheerleader doesn't want to see any derogatory remarks about Assad and his gang, even if the news is true. We have to fake it that Assad and all those in his regimes are angels whose haloes never become tarnished.

Meanwhile, by the cheerleader's recent childish remarks about Blacks, I wonder if he can't stand Black people or that he didn't see any Blacks living in Syria when he was dragged back there on school breaks.
Black puppet Sally is angry about the Syrian government that fights terrorists which she calls civilians. No wonder she is always using the Islamists bullhorn SOHR. Shame on the filth. As if there are civilians...

Remember, everyone, Assad's chief cheerleader doesn't want to see any derogatory remarks about Assad and his gang, even if the news is true. We have to fake it that Assad and all those in his regimes are angels whose haloes never become tarnished.

Meanwhile, by the cheerleader's recent childish remarks about Blacks, I wonder if he can't stand Black people or that he didn't see any Blacks living in Syria when he was dragged back there on school breaks.
I miss your headline 'US-led anti-terror coalition kills more civilians.'

As for the black people I only reject your silly idea of enforcing black dolls on white children while telling us how disgusting racism is.
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Sally-- muslim anti black racism is a well kept secret. People who get to know about it are the ALMOST ALBINO like me
Sally-- muslim anti black racism is a well kept secret. People who get to know about it are the ALMOST ALBINO like me
Muslims seem to hate everyone, even each other.

It's a complex issue----best not to trivialize it with overly generalized statements. I learned about islam from muslims.
One of the first things I learned is that "all non muslim groups are out to DESTROY ISLAM" Way back----some 45 years ago----a new comer to the USA----from a country where there are no jews-----told me with absolute confidence "the jews want all the muslims to convert to Judaism". The statement was interesting----because---although I was young and never had any actual formal education in Judaism ----I did know that since the time of
EZRA (ezra the scribe) ----about 500 BC-----jews have been WARY of seeking converts------it messes things up-----converts sometimes import "foreign" ideas. Later on----in both muslim and Christian lands-----conversion to Judaism became a crime------a capital crime for any jew advocating and "doing" it upon either a Christian or a muslim. To this day jews AVOID any proselytizing----absolutely. I was amused-----I thought to myself----"actually no one wants you"---but I was young and still polite. I learned more-----things that anyone who wants to understand what is going on in the Middle east must know----or even what is going on in
southeast asia and the rest of the world. Always think *****DEFEND ISLAM**** ---in the Islamic psyche-------ISLAM IS UNDER ATTACK ----not particularly muslim people. -- ISLAM ITSELF. In Islamic lore---since arabs were involved in slave trade for MILLENIA --- --since long before the inception of islam------sub-Saharan blacks are seen as absolutely inferior persons-------logically slaves-----as decreed by allah. The big problem to arabs----is that being involved in slave trade-------and being that sex with slaves is legal----
arabs are very very GENETICALLY mixed with sub-Saharan blacks--------never mention it to an ARAB-----being pure ARAB is more important to ARABS than being pure Aryan is to----Nazis. The very best GENETIC history for an arab muslim is -------genetic link to muhummad <yuck> ----such people are kinda "holy"------even today politicians in muslim lands claim genetic link to muhummad or one of his boyfriends
Black dolls? WTF?

Gravity-----when I was a kid----in prehistoric times-----there were dolls (ie---baby toys---)-depicting black babies) but they were
sorta rare and ---I don't know what company made them----they were never so gorgeous and elaborate as Aryan Wasp baby dolls. As far as I know---there has never been a black BARBIE-----soneone suggested a black Barbie type thing and Captain Blei is HEARTBROKEN. Do not attack his fragile psyche
Black dolls? WTF?

Gravity-----when I was a kid----in prehistoric times-----there were dolls (ie---baby toys---)-depicting black babies) but they were
sorta rare and ---I don't know what company made them----they were never so gorgeous and elaborate as Aryan Wasp baby dolls. As far as I know---there has never been a black BARBIE-----soneone suggested a black Barbie type thing and Captain Blei is HEARTBROKEN. Do not attack his fragile psyche
You and Sally did not suggest one but you want to force the company to make one.
Black dolls? WTF?

Gravity-----when I was a kid----in prehistoric times-----there were dolls (ie---baby toys---)-depicting black babies) but they were
sorta rare and ---I don't know what company made them----they were never so gorgeous and elaborate as Aryan Wasp baby dolls. As far as I know---there has never been a black BARBIE-----soneone suggested a black Barbie type thing and Captain Blei is HEARTBROKEN. Do not attack his fragile psyche
You and Sally did not suggest one but you want to force the company to make one.

I think Barbie is MATTEL ----not important enough to me to
devote my index finger to a google----how does one "FORCE" mattel. It's an interesting idea but it would never
sell in Saudi arabia
Black dolls? WTF?

Gravity-----when I was a kid----in prehistoric times-----there were dolls (ie---baby toys---)-depicting black babies) but they were
sorta rare and ---I don't know what company made them----they were never so gorgeous and elaborate as Aryan Wasp baby dolls. As far as I know---there has never been a black BARBIE-----soneone suggested a black Barbie type thing and Captain Blei is HEARTBROKEN. Do not attack his fragile psyche
You and Sally did not suggest one but you want to force the company to make one.

I think Barbie is MATTEL ----not important enough to me to
devote my index finger to a google----how does one "FORCE" mattel. It's an interesting idea but it would never
sell in Saudi arabia

I have a terrific idea-------Mattel makes a black Barbie-----
and names it FATIMA . --------well-----no.......such a move
would lead to terrorist attacks
Black dolls? WTF?

Gravity-----when I was a kid----in prehistoric times-----there were dolls (ie---baby toys---)-depicting black babies) but they were
sorta rare and ---I don't know what company made them----they were never so gorgeous and elaborate as Aryan Wasp baby dolls. As far as I know---there has never been a black BARBIE-----soneone suggested a black Barbie type thing and Captain Blei is HEARTBROKEN. Do not attack his fragile psyche
You and Sally did not suggest one but you want to force the company to make one.

I think Barbie is MATTEL ----not important enough to me to
devote my index finger to a google----how does one "FORCE" mattel. It's an interesting idea but it would never
sell in Saudi arabia
You cant force them. Holy shit, what would we have to expect if you could. A black pedophile gay sex offender or something.
Black puppet Sally is angry about the Syrian government that fights terrorists which she calls civilians. No wonder she is always using the Islamists bullhorn SOHR. Shame on the filth. As if there are civilians...

Remember, everyone, Assad's chief cheerleader doesn't want to see any derogatory remarks about Assad and his gang, even if the news is true. We have to fake it that Assad and all those in his regimes are angels whose haloes never become tarnished.

Meanwhile, by the cheerleader's recent childish remarks about Blacks, I wonder if he can't stand Black people or that he didn't see any Blacks living in Syria when he was dragged back there on school breaks.

I miss your headline 'US-led anti-terror coalition kills more civilians.'

As for the black people I only reject your silly idea of enforcing black dolls on white children while telling us how disgusting racism is.

Looks like the pipsqueak doesn't like the idea of Black children having Black Barbies to play with. He wants them all to be playing with blond Barbies.
As for racism, why not tell us how your lighter skinned Arab brothers don't like the dark Muslims?

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