Systemically rigged society or systemic victims?


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
You can watch the embedded short clip which argues that it is understandable that conservatives believe outlandish election stories because the entire society is rigged against people who hold conservative values.

Is society perpetually rigged against conservatives or are they perpetual victims?

Trump is a perfect example of the founders warning us that electing a demagogue to the office of president is a dangerous thing. The more he has bitched about the election, the more his cult followers believe him. I find it interesting that there are lots of conservatives on this board who don't think for themselves, they simply parrot the talking points that Trump has laid out for them.
Even if President Trump had not said a word and had cheerfully conceded one minute after midnight on election day, there would have STILL been many Pubs & thoughtful Dems who would have been puzzled by some strange events that night and the following days.

Yes, where there's smoke there's often (always?) fire.

It would have been impossible to have the most "secure" election in our history simply because of the massive number of ballots mailed in for the first time in our history. And many of the alleged irregularities were suspected in cities that are not considered too friendly to President Trump or Republicans in general.

Because the media and Establishment figures are so adamant that the election could not have possibly been rigged, they seem to be whistling in the dark.

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