T-Party CA. CON. wants to CAN public schools


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Aug 27, 2010
The Cons are systematically destroying America, one illogical move after another, so it is no surprise to find an unAmerican T-Party slut attempting to destroy public education. This goes along with republican plans to turn America over to illegals and cheap uneducated slaves to do their bidding in non-government interference Corporations to maximize profits.

And as usual, they have to keep the master plan secret and out of the public eye to succeed, as this piece of T-Party Shit is doing.

In California, GOP congressional candidate David Harmer wants to eliminate public education. But you won't hear him touting his extreme views on the campaign trail.

Harmer argues that "government should exit the business of running and funding schools." He contends that would allow for "quantum leaps in educational quality and opportunity" and notes that he's simply pushing for a return to "the way things worked through the first century of American nationhood." Here's how he describes the wondrous world of early American education:

[L]iteracy levels among all classes, at least outside the South, matched or exceeded those prevailing now, and... public discourse and even tabloid content was pitched at what today would be considered a college-level audience. Schooling then was typically funded by parents or other family members responsible for the student, who paid modest tuition. If they couldn't afford it, trade guilds, benevolent associations, fraternal organizations, churches and charities helped. In this quintessentially American approach, free people acting in a free market found a variety of ways to pay for a variety of schools serving a variety of students, all without central command or control.

Yet historians say the early American education system was nothing like that. Back then, even high school was a luxury. "The high school at that point is a kind of elite form of education pretty much limited to the inner cities," says John Rury, an education historian at the University of Kansas. The rest of the system was far from comprehensive. What early schools taught, Rury says, were "very basic literacy and computational skills." Many schools only met four or five months a year, and their quality varied widely. "To get to a higher level of cognitive performance, you needed to have more teachers and longer school years, and that drove costs up," he explains. That led to modern taxpayer-supported schools. "Look around the world," says Rury. "Do we have an example of a modern, well-developed school system that operates on the model this person is advocating? We don't."

Tea Party Frontrunner: Abolish Public Schools | Mother Jones
Getting elected and passing a bill are two different things.

Either way, good idea to me, kids keep getting dumber and dumber thanks to the government. What are we 15th now? We were 2nd just 25 years ago.

The government fails at EVERYTHING it does.
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Getting elected and passing a bill are two different things.

Either way, good idea to me, kids keep getting dumber and dumber thanks to the government. What are we 15th now? We were 2nd just 25 years ago.

The government fails at EVERYTHING it does.

Ohh we were #2 when Reagan was president?

Most all republicans want to do away with public schools.
Getting elected and passing a bill are two different things.

Either way, good idea to me, kids keep getting dumber and dumber thanks to the government. What are we 15th now? We were 2nd just 25 years ago.

The government fails at EVERYTHING it does.

Ohh we were #2 when Reagan was president?

Most all republicans want to do away with public schools.

There is a minority that want to get rid of the federal Department of Education...But they only say it to get elected.

Abolishing the DoE doesn't mean the end of gubmint education, no matter how much the NEA/AFT/AFSCME educrat weasels screech.
The Cons are systematically destroying America, one illogical move after another, so it is no surprise to find an unAmerican T-Party slut attempting to destroy public education. This goes along with republican plans to turn America over to illegals and cheap uneducated slaves to do their bidding in non-government interference Corporations to maximize profits.

And as usual, they have to keep the master plan secret and out of the public eye to succeed, as this piece of T-Party Shit is doing.
If you're a product of public education, I'd say Harmer has a point.
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Getting elected and passing a bill are two different things.

Either way, good idea to me, kids keep getting dumber and dumber thanks to the government. What are we 15th now? We were 2nd just 25 years ago.

The government fails at EVERYTHING it does.

Ohh we were #2 when Reagan was president?

Most all republicans want to do away with public schools.

There is a minority that want to get rid of the federal Department of Education...But they only say it to get elected.

Abolishing the DoE doesn't mean the end of gubmint education, no matter how much the NEA/AFT/AFSCME educrat weasels screech.

Not all republicans want to get rid of public education but many of them do.

I doubt that they CAN do it but that has nothign to do with wanting to.
Ohh we were #2 when Reagan was president?

Most all republicans want to do away with public schools.

There is a minority that want to get rid of the federal Department of Education...But they only say it to get elected.

Abolishing the DoE doesn't mean the end of gubmint education, no matter how much the NEA/AFT/AFSCME educrat weasels screech.

Not all republicans want to get rid of public education but many of them do.

I doubt that they CAN do it but that has nothign to do with wanting to.
Could you be a little more vague?
Why can't there be a real discussion about the issue rather than saying they want to destroy America and calling them disgusting misogynistic names?
The Cons are systematically destroying America, one illogical move after another, so it is no surprise to find an unAmerican T-Party slut attempting to destroy public education. This goes along with republican plans to turn America over to illegals and cheap uneducated slaves to do their bidding in non-government interference Corporations to maximize profits.

And as usual, they have to keep the master plan secret and out of the public eye to succeed, as this piece of T-Party Shit is doing.
If you're a product of public education, I'd say Harmer has a point.

Coming from a village imbecile who just fell off the pumpkin wagon, I would say you landed on your head.
The Cons are systematically destroying America, one illogical move after another, so it is no surprise to find an unAmerican T-Party slut attempting to destroy public education. This goes along with republican plans to turn America over to illegals and cheap uneducated slaves to do their bidding in non-government interference Corporations to maximize profits.

And as usual, they have to keep the master plan secret and out of the public eye to succeed, as this piece of T-Party Shit is doing.
If you're a product of public education, I'd say Harmer has a point.

Coming from a village imbecile who just fell off the pumpkin wagon, I would say you landed on your head.

im surprised you know how to work a computer with that pea brain of yours. Nature truly is remarkable and unpredictable.
Why can't there be a real discussion about the issue rather than saying they want to destroy America and calling them disgusting misogynistic names?

And you don't think the right is attempting to destroy America, or shouldn't be addressed in disgusting terms??

What do you think would happened if republicans succeeded in shutting down public education in favor of private education or home schooling or some kind, and running education 5 months a year?
If you're a product of public education, I'd say Harmer has a point.

Coming from a village imbecile who just fell off the pumpkin wagon, I would say you landed on your head.

im surprised you know how to work a computer with that pea brain of yours. Nature truly is remarkable and unpredictable.

Imbeciles like you are always amazed over the simplest of inspirations. Do you also get amazed when listening to your cocopuffs pop?
Coming from a village imbecile who just fell off the pumpkin wagon, I would say you landed on your head.

im surprised you know how to work a computer with that pea brain of yours. Nature truly is remarkable and unpredictable.

Imbeciles like you are always amazed over the simplest of inspirations. Do you also get amazed when listening to your cocopuffs pop?

Do tell, why is American education now 14th in the world? This ought to be good.
Why can't there be a real discussion about the issue rather than saying they want to destroy America and calling them disgusting misogynistic names?

And you don't think the right is attempting to destroy America, or shouldn't be addressed in disgusting terms??

What do you think would happened if republicans succeeded in shutting down public education in favor of private education or home schooling or some kind, and running education 5 months a year?
How could they do worse?
Why can't there be a real discussion about the issue rather than saying they want to destroy America and calling them disgusting misogynistic names?

And you don't think the right is attempting to destroy America, or shouldn't be addressed in disgusting terms??

What do you think would happened if republicans succeeded in shutting down public education in favor of private education or home schooling or some kind, and running education 5 months a year?

No more than I think the left is attempting to destroy America, or should be addressed in disgusting terms.

Republicans don't want to shut down public education. "No Child Left Behind" is proof enough of that.
The Cons are systematically destroying America, one illogical move after another, so it is no surprise to find an unAmerican T-Party slut attempting to destroy public education. This goes along with republican plans to turn America over to illegals and cheap uneducated slaves to do their bidding in non-government interference Corporations to maximize profits.

And as usual, they have to keep the master plan secret and out of the public eye to succeed, as this piece of T-Party Shit is doing.
If you're a product of public education, I'd say Harmer has a point.

Coming from a village imbecile who just fell off the pumpkin wagon, I would say you landed on your head.

And you fell out of the stupid, liberal, partisan hack tree and hit every fucking branch on the way down... STFU moron.
why is American education now 14th in the world?

I'll tell you why. Ronald Reagan put together a Commission on Education in 1983. It produced a report called "A Nation At Risk".

A Nation at Risk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The report was a load of ideologically driven nonsense of course, comparing standardized test scores of a nation that attempts to educate everyone (us) to countries who don't let their underachievers progress past primary school. That aside, mostly in response to that report, a national standards movement was initiated. That is, schools started to change their curriculums in response to the perception that "the schools are broken".

Another major blow to education came with the No Child Left Behind Act. This initiative of GW Bush required that all states adopt specific standards and tests. Now the kids, along with trying to learn by new, fucked up curriculum like Chicago math and Whole language, had to spend valuable instructional time taking useless tests that were usually used for little more than bashing unions.

Meanwhile, since nobody was able to meet the unreasonable standards, more and more of the nation's children were and are being labled "disabled". In some states, as many as 1 in 5 kids in high school are told they are disabled. This helps the districts you see cause you can give the disabled kids help on the all important standardized tests. This is only one way that the test scores are corrupted.

So, what did we get for all this "reform". Well, we got kids that are confused by overly abstract curriculum in the lower grades being taught by discouraged teachers who are reflexively bashed by administration and politicians. We have tests that the kids don't take seriously that have the scores manipulated so as to not let the school lose invaluable funding. And we have between 13 and 20% of the kids being called disabled because we, the adults, fucked the system up completely.

Good fucking job Republicans.

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