T-rump stabs law enforcement in the back

Trump should be drummed out of office for the horror he's perpetrated on these people.

Funding for San Bernardino terrorist attack victims potentially jeopardized by Trump executive order

Assistance promised to victims and law enforcement in response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack is among the funding potentially jeopardized by President Donald Trump's executive order blocking assistance to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.

Stop harboring criminals and the money flows again. Duh. Even a moron could figure that one out!....Oh wait....you didn't fig... ummmm, what's stupider than a moron?

You ask what's stupider than a moron? Try the Trump administrations "bull in a china shop" solutions for all their perceived problems. They have no clue.

Illegals are a real problem. Sanctuary cities are a real problem.
Trump should be drummed out of office for the horror he's perpetrated on these people.

Funding for San Bernardino terrorist attack victims potentially jeopardized by Trump executive order

Assistance promised to victims and law enforcement in response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack is among the funding potentially jeopardized by President Donald Trump's executive order blocking assistance to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.

Stop harboring criminals and the money flows again. Duh. Even a moron could figure that one out!....Oh wait....you didn't fig... ummmm, what's stupider than a moron?

You ask what's stupider than a moron? Try the Trump administrations "bull in a china shop" solutions for all their perceived problems. They have no clue.
We had to eat leftist bull for a long time and it didn't work. It never does but leftists can't learn. Making tough decisions may very well look extreme to you but it's what all successful people have mastered. Have a pacifier before you get diaper rash.
WASHINGTON — National law enforcement groups are sharply divided over President Trump’s plan to crack down on sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation, as some warn that law enforcement's already fraught relationship with minority communities could be further damaged by pressing local officers

Police divided over Trump's 'sanctuary city' order

It was stupid of US to grow immigrant communities to the point that we can't enforce the law because the communities feel more loyalty to the criminals then to their fellow citizens.
WASHINGTON — National law enforcement groups are sharply divided over President Trump’s plan to crack down on sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation, as some warn that law enforcement's already fraught relationship with minority communities could be further damaged by pressing local officers

Police divided over Trump's 'sanctuary city' order
...but ask the actual cops on the street and you'll get a different story. Big cities are run by liberals and anyone close to them, like the police chief will have the mayor's butt on his breath.
WASHINGTON — National law enforcement groups are sharply divided over President Trump’s plan to crack down on sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation, as some warn that law enforcement's already fraught relationship with minority communities could be further damaged by pressing local officers

Police divided over Trump's 'sanctuary city' order

It was stupid of US to grow immigrant communities to the point that we can't enforce the law because the communities feel more loyalty to the criminals then to their fellow citizens.

You think only in absolutes which suggests a serious lack of education and an over the top reliance on low or no information sites like Fox News. You should expand your horizons.
WASHINGTON — National law enforcement groups are sharply divided over President Trump’s plan to crack down on sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation, as some warn that law enforcement's already fraught relationship with minority communities could be further damaged by pressing local officers

Police divided over Trump's 'sanctuary city' order
...but ask the actual cops on the street and you'll get a different story. Big cities are run by liberals and anyone close to them, like the police chief will have the mayor's butt on his breath.

I doubt it.
WASHINGTON — National law enforcement groups are sharply divided over President Trump’s plan to crack down on sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation, as some warn that law enforcement's already fraught relationship with minority communities could be further damaged by pressing local officers

Police divided over Trump's 'sanctuary city' order
...but ask the actual cops on the street and you'll get a different story. Big cities are run by liberals and anyone close to them, like the police chief will have the mayor's butt on his breath.

I doubt it.
I don't. I've been a member of a LEO forum for over ten years. You think cops like the extra work and tossing them in jail only to have to deal with them again?
WASHINGTON — National law enforcement groups are sharply divided over President Trump’s plan to crack down on sanctuary cities that shield illegal immigrants from deportation, as some warn that law enforcement's already fraught relationship with minority communities could be further damaged by pressing local officers

Police divided over Trump's 'sanctuary city' order

It was stupid of US to grow immigrant communities to the point that we can't enforce the law because the communities feel more loyalty to the criminals then to their fellow citizens.

You think only in absolutes which suggests a serious lack of education and an over the top reliance on low or no information sites like Fox News. You should expand your horizons.

Got it. YOu have nothing to say that disputes my point.

THus my point stands.

It was stupid of US to grow immigrant communities to the point that we can't enforce the law because the communities feel more loyalty to the criminals then to their fellow citizens.
Trump should be drummed out of office for the horror he's perpetrated on these people.

Funding for San Bernardino terrorist attack victims potentially jeopardized by Trump executive order

Assistance promised to victims and law enforcement in response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack is among the funding potentially jeopardized by President Donald Trump's executive order blocking assistance to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.

Stop harboring criminals and the money flows again. Duh. Even a moron could figure that one out!....Oh wait....you didn't fig... ummmm, what's stupider than a moron?

LMAO A tree stump dumb dumbass that's who.
Trump should be drummed out of office for the horror he's perpetrated on these people.

Funding for San Bernardino terrorist attack victims potentially jeopardized by Trump executive order

Assistance promised to victims and law enforcement in response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack is among the funding potentially jeopardized by President Donald Trump's executive order blocking assistance to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.
Bruh....you're pathetic. 7 days in and you're already having a mental breakdown. I am worried you won't make it through his first term without slitting your wrists if you keep this up.
Flyover country giggles in mirth when liberals are attacked by terrorists, and now they get to cut funding to terrorist victims. The party of family values at work.

We goggle because you think those people are your friends and you support them.

As for funding, it has nothing to do with terrorism

So which is more important for California?

Terrorists or illegals
Trump should be drummed out of office for the horror he's perpetrated on these people.

Funding for San Bernardino terrorist attack victims potentially jeopardized by Trump executive order

Assistance promised to victims and law enforcement in response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack is among the funding potentially jeopardized by President Donald Trump's executive order blocking assistance to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.
lol...OH THE HUMANITY...As the leftenburg explodes into obliteration.
Flyover country giggles in mirth when liberals are attacked by terrorists, and now they get to cut funding to terrorist victims. The party of family values at work.

Doesn't work bud. It's actually happening. Be proud.
ah, see I see what you're trying to do, place the blame of harboring illegal criminals on Trump. That is straight out of the libturd playbook. wow, you're a fking genius, not. but hey, money flows once san bernardino complies with the law of the land and not the law of the one.
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Trump should be drummed out of office for the horror he's perpetrated on these people.

Funding for San Bernardino terrorist attack victims potentially jeopardized by Trump executive order

Assistance promised to victims and law enforcement in response to the Dec. 2 terrorist attack is among the funding potentially jeopardized by President Donald Trump's executive order blocking assistance to so-called sanctuary jurisdictions.

Please! Is that the best you got. He should shut down sanctuary cities and he is awesome for doing so!

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