T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

So you didn't watch the speech, I gather...

While I give Obama high marks for what I would have to say is the best speech he has given.... the event was a circus.

All these memorials, candle light vigils, etc.... enough already.

I was refering to the comment that Stephanie made - there was no "booing" at the event. Which makes me think that she didn't see it, only heard about it on the radio.

People react to tragedy differently. Although I may not feel the same "mood" as the audience there did, I think it's a bit of a fucking reach to blame it on Obama, or call the event "political".

Well, I have to agree. I'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt. While I may disagree with him on most everything, I'll say while I think it was a bit political, he seemed genuine to me. I won't picture the man as a monster.
well well, lookie what I stumbled on.

Wyoming OFA BlogStoreDonateCommunity Blogs Login | Register | Search Blogs
Post from John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive
By John Berry IV - Feb 11, 2008 12:49:37 AM ET
Also listed in: Collin County for Obama | Obama Dallas


What I see in Obama is a chance for a revolution. A chance for every group to participate and be heard; A chance to live the American dream that has been denied to so many. Together we can and will change the world and return America to the shining beacon of Hope and Prosperity that we were and that we can be again. Only when we work together do we accomplish feats that rival any ever accomplished in the history of mankind. Diversity is our strength, that is what this campaign brings us a promise of. For many this is a scary prospect and thought, getting to know someone different from myself. We all want the same basic things for example a safe place to live, health and a quality education for our kids.

In a previous career, I was the global leader of Diversity for a global fortune 500 corporation, I have studied the affects of diverse groups working together and the results can not be denied. Together we Thrive!!!!!!!!!!!

Organizing for America | John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive

So you found a blog from 3 years ago.

What exactly is your point?
Obama had nothing to do with the type of crowd that was there. He was a guest speaker and gave a nice speech and what the folks did that showed up was not on him. He was as surprised as anyone the way they acted.

And on this, we agree.

He actually seemed put off... as well he should have.

I agree as well. I thought tonally the memorial was odd. And he looked uncomfortable with that.

It was a great speech, though.
Obama, I am sure, certainly understands the few weak minded in America will not take it to heart, and I doubt that it bothers him overly much. I was heartened by the scripture reading.
well well, lookie what I stumbled on.

Wyoming OFA BlogStoreDonateCommunity Blogs Login | Register | Search Blogs
Post from John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive
By John Berry IV - Feb 11, 2008 12:49:37 AM ET
Also listed in: Collin County for Obama | Obama Dallas


What I see in Obama is a chance for a revolution. A chance for every group to participate and be heard; A chance to live the American dream that has been denied to so many. Together we can and will change the world and return America to the shining beacon of Hope and Prosperity that we were and that we can be again. Only when we work together do we accomplish feats that rival any ever accomplished in the history of mankind. Diversity is our strength, that is what this campaign brings us a promise of. For many this is a scary prospect and thought, getting to know someone different from myself. We all want the same basic things for example a safe place to live, health and a quality education for our kids.

In a previous career, I was the global leader of Diversity for a global fortune 500 corporation, I have studied the affects of diverse groups working together and the results can not be denied. Together we Thrive!!!!!!!!!!!

Organizing for America | John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive

So you found a blog from 3 years ago.

What exactly is your point?

I'm sure the motto on the T-shirts was just a coincidence.
I gave you positive rep, did you do the same to me. Yes I have no proof, I was hoping for some in the form of an email, I also thought the slogan was bought and paid for to be found on google but it was not, I did see some articles though, both right and left, I think it was the Democrat Underground website that called this a rally. I really do not care, see things as you see them.

The only way either of us will know who is correct is as time passes. The Democrats can not lose, they can now say its us extreme neo-cons that politicized the rally. A bait and switch, maybe we can call it Democrat trolling so they can say they told us so.

Did I listen to the speech, not at all, I never responded to the speech, did I. I just stated Obama appeared at a Democrat rally, or did I say that, I do not know, I have not gone back to look and you did not quote me so you can just tell everyone what I said and what I meant. Go ahead, I really do not care.

Politics has sure become really bad ever since the Democrats lost the base to their party, now all they have left is to convince the minorities to join because we are the ones that hate.

Good luck with that. Be careful, if the truth gets out that I am a ****** Lover your party has no chance in hell. Thats right, I love black people and have been called a ****** Lover. How is that for a stereotype, white far right conservative extremist is a ****** lover. How will the Democrats convince all the minorities we hate them if the truth about me gets out.

Yes, holy fuck, I am an idiot, to waste my time sharing my life and experience in hopes that if someone undecided reads our posts they side with me and not you.

For your sake, I hope they just take your word that I am a holy fuck idiot, what if they decide to read all that I post and decide on their own, I hate to see that you wasted your time trying to convince people how to think about me.

What the hell did I just read?

I was wrong, you're not an idiot. You're bat shit crazy. :cuckoo:

He just said on another thread he has been drinking..

it shows....

I got to drink to tolerate you folks who support a Marxist. That you call me crazy is expected, I am sure Marx and Engels found everyone else crazy as well. Of course your most likely in complete denial of who Obama is, that is fine, you are also completely unaware how much damage has been done to the Democrats the last twenty years or so.

Yes its crazy to make a connection with the lost of the Baby Boomer generation and the Democrats frantic attempts to scare minorities into the party.

Yes I rambled a bit, just sharing thoughts as I get em, not for your pleasure, but simply in case a casual internet user happens to read what we posted.

I am sure if they read what I wrote they will easily side with your opinion that I am only a crazy drunk.

After all they can see my long posts as a cut and paste and not someone typing at a pretty good click.

Hope you guys do not wear out your index finger typing, "c r a z y".

Nice rebuttal, I concede, your right, I am crazy and drunk. The content of your response has overwhelmed me.

The quick grey fox jumped over the lazy brown cow. Does that mean anything to you folks.

See ya, its bed time in Brazil. obrigado.
It was a "different" event. Not like anyone expected. I don't believe, or I don't want to believe, that even Obama expected the reactions of the crowd. Regardless I still thought it was rather strange.

But what is even stranger is the people in here arguing about how the right is trash talking the t-shirts and the atmosphere of the service, yet they are ignoring what their glorious leader said.

Sorry folks, but you can't bring people together when the ones who support the guy who says it ignore everything he had to say.

Maybe if he screamed out for everybody to tone it the fuck down, then maybe one person on each side would actually hear him and react.....

I'm having a hard time untangling this sentence. What exactly do you mean?

Aside from that, I think that people react in strange ways to tragedy. It's not up to us, from across the country, to judge the people who were actually there, and their reactions to it.

And do you really think that it would have been better if the President had called out people for cheering?

Obama's message was to tone down the rhetoric, for people to come together. Yet from the get go the right has been demonized (starting with the sheriff) and it hasn't stopped even after his speech.

And Did I not say that Obama was surprised by the crowds actions? It's simply strange, not because of any one person. But the point is that Obama''s message seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
Many here still don't get it, Ollie, I think. Let's hope they do. Many in our community have been living the principle since last weekend. Some have told me they have to think about what they are doing. I have caught myself at least twice for trying to act in the old way. Learning to disagree agreeably is learned behavior. It will take awhile, and many will still not get it, which reflects on them, not the president's message.
Many here still don't get it, Ollie, I think. Let's hope they do. Many in our community have been living the principle since last weekend. Some have told me they have to think about what they are doing. I have caught myself at least twice for trying to act in the old way. Learning to disagree agreeably is learned behavior. It will take awhile, and many will still not get it, which reflects on them, not the president's message.

sorry, but the Obama isn't MY DADDY, my spiritual ADVISOR or anything else. and I will not be told what to do just because HE SAID SO.
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Sorry, it is hard to tone down when the President is such a polarizing figure with a socialist agenda. If he really wanted to see change, he'd leave.


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Wyoming OFA BlogStoreDonateCommunity Blogs Login | Register | Search Blogs
Post from John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive
By John Berry IV - Feb 11, 2008 12:49:37 AM ET
Also listed in: Collin County for Obama | Obama Dallas


What I see in Obama is a chance for a revolution. A chance for every group to participate and be heard; A chance to live the American dream that has been denied to so many. Together we can and will change the world and return America to the shining beacon of Hope and Prosperity that we were and that we can be again. Only when we work together do we accomplish feats that rival any ever accomplished in the history of mankind. Diversity is our strength, that is what this campaign brings us a promise of. For many this is a scary prospect and thought, getting to know someone different from myself. We all want the same basic things for example a safe place to live, health and a quality education for our kids.

In a previous career, I was the global leader of Diversity for a global fortune 500 corporation, I have studied the affects of diverse groups working together and the results can not be denied. Together we Thrive!!!!!!!!!!!

Organizing for America | John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive
It was a "different" event. Not like anyone expected. I don't believe, or I don't want to believe, that even Obama expected the reactions of the crowd. Regardless I still thought it was rather strange.

But what is even stranger is the people in here arguing about how the right is trash talking the t-shirts and the atmosphere of the service, yet they are ignoring what their glorious leader said.

Sorry folks, but you can't bring people together when the ones who support the guy who says it ignore everything he had to say.

Maybe if he screamed out for everybody to tone it the fuck down, then maybe one person on each side would actually hear him and react.....

I'm having a hard time untangling this sentence. What exactly do you mean?

Aside from that, I think that people react in strange ways to tragedy. It's not up to us, from across the country, to judge the people who were actually there, and their reactions to it.

And do you really think that it would have been better if the President had called out people for cheering?

Obama's message was to tone down the rhetoric, for people to come together. Yet from the get go the right has been demonized (starting with the sheriff) and it hasn't stopped even after his speech.

And Did I not say that Obama was surprised by the crowds actions? It's simply strange, not because of any one person. But the point is that Obama''s message seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

I see the Sheriff being demonized.
You beat me to it. "Together we Thrive," the slogan on the t-shirts, is from Organizing From America's web site, a political arm of Barack Obama!


Ok, I went to their website and perhaps you can save me some time searching beyond the obvious sub-links....haven't found the slogan there yet.

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