Tabloid attacks won't take out the president.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The Stormy Daniels tabloid attack on the president is just one more example of how resilient the American people are when a change agent is placed in the White House. When people want change they can forgive just about anything. For eight years a token black president that anyone who wasn’t brought up in a cave knows was born outside the United States presided over Pennsylvania Avenue virtually unscathed.

His wrinkled counterfeit birth certificate, his collection of phony Social Security numbers and his esoteric, Cracker-Jack-Box educational credentials did not deter his supporters from standing behind him as he ushered the country into the sewer of political correctness. His single greatest achievement may be written into the record as the proliferation of transgender bathrooms.

The people finally got hip to what was going on when they realized that it was the political establishment that was calling the shots and they were delivering the middle class into the hands of foreign globalists. As rotten as Hillary Clinton was, she was not the main reason for the loss.

The people realized that a course correction was necessary and not a minor one. The country had to veer in another direction and that’s why we got Donald Trump. The political establishment then began mobilizing to save itself.

The FBI and the Department of Justice went right off the rails in a desperate attempt to smear the winner with laughable accusations of Russian Collusion. A reasonable observer can conclude that the political establishment is pulling out all the stops because it has been exposed.

Now Stormy Daniels has risen from the gutter to assist in the campaign to oust the upstart that has the nerve to challenge the crooked, moneyed status quo that has been furtively selling us out. This won’t work because Trump’s supporters do not support him because he is a saint; they see him as a change agent and they want change.

We already had a “perfect” president in Barack Obama and look where that got us. The world disrespected us every which way but loose. The Iranians are aiming missiles at Israel as we speak and the North Koreans are tipping their missiles with uranium that likely came from the fly-by-night suitcases of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

No one is going to be influenced by anything Stormy Daniels has on Trump because his personal conduct a decade ago is irrelevant.
I haven't watched 60 Minutes in years but I did last night and adjusted the op accordingly:

The Stormy Daniels tabloid attack on the president is just one more example of how resilient the American people are when a change agent is placed in the White House. When people want change they can forgive just about anything, including bad judgement. For eight years a token black president that anyone who wasn’t brought up in a cave knows was born outside the United States presided over Pennsylvania Avenue virtually unscathed.

His tattered counterfeit birth certificate, his collection of phony Social Security numbers and his esoteric, Cracker-Jack-Box educational credentials did not deter his supporters from standing behind him as he ushered the country into the sewer of political correctness. His single greatest achievement may be written into the record as the proliferation of transgender bathrooms.

The people finally got hip to what was going on when they realized that it was the political establishment that was calling the shots by delivering the middle class into the hands of foreign globalists. As rotten as Hillary Clinton was, she was not the main reason for the loss.

The people realized that a course correction was necessary and not a minor one. The country had to veer in another direction and that’s why we got Donald Trump. The political establishment then began mobilizing to save itself.

The FBI and the Department of Justice went right off the rails in a desperate attempt to smear the winner with laughable accusations of Russian Collusion. A reasonable observer can conclude that going to the gutter with a video prostitute fits the plan.

Stormy Daniels sees a payday of lottery-winner proportions and her contention that she was a babe in the woods is comedian material. She says she has something; maybe a secret DVD?-more comic script. And of course there is standard intrigue of a threat against her and her infant child made by a mysterious, unidentified representative of the White house-television crime show stuff. Her credit score on credibility wouldn’t buy a cheap used car.

We already had a “perfect” president in Barack Obama and look where that got us. The world disrespected us every which way but loose. The Iranians are aiming missiles at Israel as we speak and the North Koreans are tipping their rockets with uranium that likely came from the fly-by-night suitcases of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

No one will be influenced by Daniels because they didn’t elect the president to be a saint that would never take a picture with a porn star. They can go cheap and they can go low but Trump will sail right on by.
Of course not. The Republicans are in bed with the devil they knew. Don't expect them to care about his character now. Nope, a full 35% just simply don't give an air born rodents behind that he was a well known scumbag SOB when they voted for him. That's 80 % of the Republican Party, proving they have no moral compass, and never did.
The Stormy Daniels tabloid attack on the president is just one more example of how resilient the American people are when a change agent is placed in the White House. When people want change they can forgive just about anything. For eight years a token black president that anyone who wasn’t brought up in a cave knows was born outside the United States presided over Pennsylvania Avenue virtually unscathed.

His wrinkled counterfeit birth certificate, his collection of phony Social Security numbers and his esoteric, Cracker-Jack-Box educational credentials did not deter his supporters from standing behind him as he ushered the country into the sewer of political correctness. His single greatest achievement may be written into the record as the proliferation of transgender bathrooms.

The people finally got hip to what was going on when they realized that it was the political establishment that was calling the shots and they were delivering the middle class into the hands of foreign globalists. As rotten as Hillary Clinton was, she was not the main reason for the loss.

The people realized that a course correction was necessary and not a minor one. The country had to veer in another direction and that’s why we got Donald Trump. The political establishment then began mobilizing to save itself.

The FBI and the Department of Justice went right off the rails in a desperate attempt to smear the winner with laughable accusations of Russian Collusion. A reasonable observer can conclude that the political establishment is pulling out all the stops because it has been exposed.

Now Stormy Daniels has risen from the gutter to assist in the campaign to oust the upstart that has the nerve to challenge the crooked, moneyed status quo that has been furtively selling us out. This won’t work because Trump’s supporters do not support him because he is a saint; they see him as a change agent and they want change.

We already had a “perfect” president in Barack Obama and look where that got us. The world disrespected us every which way but loose. The Iranians are aiming missiles at Israel as we speak and the North Koreans are tipping their missiles with uranium that likely came from the fly-by-night suitcases of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

No one is going to be influenced by anything Stormy Daniels has on Trump because his personal conduct a decade ago is irrelevant.
They will hurt him, though. Ultimately, it will be the Mueller investigation that takes him out.
The Stormy Daniels tabloid attack on the president is just one more example of how resilient the American people are when a change agent is placed in the White House. When people want change they can forgive just about anything. For eight years a token black president that anyone who wasn’t brought up in a cave knows was born outside the United States presided over Pennsylvania Avenue virtually unscathed.

His wrinkled counterfeit birth certificate, his collection of phony Social Security numbers and his esoteric, Cracker-Jack-Box educational credentials did not deter his supporters from standing behind him as he ushered the country into the sewer of political correctness. His single greatest achievement may be written into the record as the proliferation of transgender bathrooms.

The people finally got hip to what was going on when they realized that it was the political establishment that was calling the shots and they were delivering the middle class into the hands of foreign globalists. As rotten as Hillary Clinton was, she was not the main reason for the loss.

The people realized that a course correction was necessary and not a minor one. The country had to veer in another direction and that’s why we got Donald Trump. The political establishment then began mobilizing to save itself.

The FBI and the Department of Justice went right off the rails in a desperate attempt to smear the winner with laughable accusations of Russian Collusion. A reasonable observer can conclude that the political establishment is pulling out all the stops because it has been exposed.

Now Stormy Daniels has risen from the gutter to assist in the campaign to oust the upstart that has the nerve to challenge the crooked, moneyed status quo that has been furtively selling us out. This won’t work because Trump’s supporters do not support him because he is a saint; they see him as a change agent and they want change.

We already had a “perfect” president in Barack Obama and look where that got us. The world disrespected us every which way but loose. The Iranians are aiming missiles at Israel as we speak and the North Koreans are tipping their missiles with uranium that likely came from the fly-by-night suitcases of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

No one is going to be influenced by anything Stormy Daniels has on Trump because his personal conduct a decade ago is irrelevant.
Still suffering from a severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome I see. What a shame.
People who elected Trump knew what they were getting. He never presented himself as a paragon of virtue and the voters are wise enough to know that those who do are frauds anyway. Trump promised to make America great again which suggests that those who have been pulling the strings lately have been trashing that greatness by selling it off to like minded central planners across oceans. Trump, unlike Obama who bows and kisses the hands of the thieves who steal our prosperity, will meet them with a left hook if they don't comply.

The deplorable, uneducated middle class is on the mend.

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