Taboo Question:


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Are Face Masks Spreading the Coronavirus?

As censorship intensifies, with a doctors’ press conference largely scrubbed from the Internet because the physicians reject the establishment narrative, there’s another important question now being asked only in Web Siberia: Could face masks be spreading the Wuhan virus?

This was posed today by ex-Army surgical technician and biologist J.H. Capron. Capron, a man trained in face-mask hygiene and sterile technique, strongly suspects that masks, when worn by the general population, become vectors for COVID-19.

Building his case, Capron posits the theory that poor mask hygiene during the Spanish flu epidemic (1918-19) made the face coverings “fomites” — objects capable of harboring and transmitting pathogens — that actually spread the disease. He then laments how people today don’t appear to understand the microscopic world any better than our WWI-era forbearers.

This alone is worth the price of admission: All this said, Capron’s recommended mask study may very well be conducted; it then would no doubt be related. Then it would promptly be censored by GoogTwitFace, for even more important than keeping masks over Americans’ faces is keeping the veils over their eyes.
At the time the WHO/CDC recommended AGAINST face masks, this was one of the more serious points that was made.. That "mask hygiene" was a definite issue.. SO -- I dont think there's a chance that this Army Medical guy is "way out there"..

Also notice, the WEARING is being made mandatory, but NO guidelines are established or drilled into the public as to TYPE of mask, nor are they lecturing that a USED MASK -- especially a cloth one, should be treated like a contaminated object everytime you remove it...

Strange times indeed.. We're too stupid and too propagandized to survive as a species...
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Building his case, Capron posits the theory that poor mask hygiene during the Spanish flu epidemic (1918-19) made the face coverings “fomites” — objects capable of harboring and transmitting pathogens — that actually spread the disease
I wonder if masks during the Spanish Flu spread "the" disease" or disease in general...
The similarities from then to now are astounding...thanks for your thread its very interesting...
If one seldom replaces, washes, or otherwise makes no effort to periodically sterilize the damn things in a timely manner.. then sure, of course they "could" help spread any virus.
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Building his case, Capron posits the theory that poor mask hygiene during the Spanish flu epidemic (1918-19) made the face coverings “fomites” — objects capable of harboring and transmitting pathogens — that actually spread the disease
I wonder if masks during the Spanish Flu spread "the" disease" or disease in general...
The similarities from then to now are astounding...thanks for your thread its very interesting...

The similarities go back to the Middle Ages.... may be beyond

here is an historic drawing of what they wore during the bubonic plague.....little has change, lol.:dunno:

Are Face Masks Spreading the Coronavirus?

As censorship intensifies, with a doctors’ press conference largely scrubbed from the Internet because the physicians reject the establishment narrative, there’s another important question now being asked only in Web Siberia: Could face masks be spreading the Wuhan virus?

This was posed today by ex-Army surgical technician and biologist J.H. Capron. Capron, a man trained in face-mask hygiene and sterile technique, strongly suspects that masks, when worn by the general population, become vectors for COVID-19.

Building his case, Capron posits the theory that poor mask hygiene during the Spanish flu epidemic (1918-19) made the face coverings “fomites” — objects capable of harboring and transmitting pathogens — that actually spread the disease. He then laments how people today don’t appear to understand the microscopic world any better than our WWI-era forbearers.

This alone is worth the price of admission: All this said, Capron’s recommended mask study may very well be conducted; it then would no doubt be related. Then it would promptly be censored by GoogTwitFace, for even more important than keeping masks over Americans’ faces is keeping the veils over their eyes.

Sigh....I think that dumbass rep from Texas (Gohmert) was trying to say the same thing today.

J.H. Capron is NOT a biologist. He spent most of his career in manufacturing, technology, and consulting. He was an Army medic and surgical tech in his younger years from 1964-1967. Not an infectious disease expert...or a public health expert. Just another talking head with an opinion looking for their 15 minutes. An opinion that an extreme alt-right rag decided was worth spewing over their site while of course demeaning Dr Fauci (the real health professional). Sorry, author and site not credible in the least.

I swear, I don't know if it's me, but in last couple of days, the right wing has gone to Defcon 1 in its defense of Trump and trying everything in their power to try and say that the virus is a hoax.
Desperation time setting in. :)
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I swear, I don't know if it's me, but in last couple of days, the right wing has gone to Defcon 1 in its defense of Trump
I'm not right wing and I don't support Trump- maybe my signature escaped your view- I DESPISE authoritarian no matter what uniform is worn- Mandating is being authoritarian FYI-

Now, with that out of the way, is what he said not true?

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