Tactical advantage: Russian military shows off impressive new gear

Do you DENY that their body armament is superior to ours?
I deny that the body armor of their elite special forces troops is superior to that of our elite special forces troops. Care to prove otherwise?

And with a $70 BILLION budget for 2014, and their desire to increase their influence over what was part of the USSR, and the fucking pussy we have in the WH that has 3+ years left, that the Russians aren't a force to be reckoned with?
Of course they are, but then again any country with a modern military is a force to be reckoned with.

As was pointed out in the article you linked to, we really don't know much about the capabilities of the Russian army, because we are only seeing their best equipped elite troops. All it took was their best showing up with new shit for your to start a new round of fear mongering about the Russian military, and that doesn't surprise me because conspiracy tin-hat retards only feel alive when they are spreading fear.

Bottom line = the Russian military is far inferior to the of the United States.
Do you DENY that their body armament is superior to ours?
I deny that the body armor of their elite special forces troops is superior to that of our elite special forces troops. Care to prove otherwise?

And with a $70 BILLION budget for 2014, and their desire to increase their influence over what was part of the USSR, and the fucking pussy we have in the WH that has 3+ years left, that the Russians aren't a force to be reckoned with?
Of course they are, but then again any country with a modern military is a force to be reckoned with.

As was pointed out in the article you linked to, we really don't know much about the capabilities of the Russian army, because we are only seeing their best equipped elite troops. All it took was their best showing up with new shit for your to start a new round of fear mongering about the Russian military, and that doesn't surprise me because conspiracy tin-hat retards only feel alive when they are spreading fear.

Bottom line = the Russian military is far inferior to the of the United States.

Yes, that's why Scott Traudt, an executive with Green Mountain, a Vermont gun manufacturer. “They’ve got new grenade launchers that are awesome. The helmets are better than our helmets. The body armor is better than our body armor. They’re doing a lot of things right. I’m pretty amazed at it.”.....He said NOTHING about only their ELITE troops having it!

Right now we are superior, but after 3 more years of military decline, where will we be? Fundamentally changing, sure didn't mean for the better!
Yes, that's why Scott Traudt, an executive with Green Mountain, a Vermont gun manufacturer. “They’ve got new grenade launchers that are awesome. The helmets are better than our helmets. The body armor is better than our body armor. They’re doing a lot of things right. I’m pretty amazed at it.”.....He said NOTHING about only their ELITE troops having it!
1. Their elite troops are the ones in Ukraine, and Scott Traudt is making this analysis by looking at pictures of the troops in Ukraine.
2. Your own article said the equipment carried by the elite troops in Ukraine doesn't tell us anything about the Russian army as a whole, somehow you are able to filter that out to cling to your latest stupid thread.

Right now we are superior, but after 3 more years of military decline, where will we be? Fundamentally changing, sure didn't mean for the better!
In 3 more years we'll still be spending about 7x more on our military than Russia, and still have a far superior one. Not even close.

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Yes, we're cutting back on everything military while Russia seems to be passing us by in many strategic areas!

Elite Russian troops are displaying a new arsenal of body armor, individual weapons, armor-piercing ammunition and collar radios — a menu of essential gear that gives them a big tactical advantage against a lesser-equipped Ukrainian army.

If President Vladimir Putin orders an invasion, the new-generation body armor, in particular, would provide exceptional protection against small arms if Russian troops go street by street to capture Kiev and other cities.

“What we saw and what was dangled in front of the West was a clear indication that Putin is on a roll,” retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Robert Scales said. “It just seems to me from watching the films that their arrows are pointing up and ours are sadly pointing down.”

Weapons specialists such as Gen. Scales have been studying images of Spetsnaz, Russia’s ubiquitous special forces, and airborne troops since they conquered the Crimea region and mobilized to strike eastern Ukraine.
What they see are the fruits of a modernization plan begun in 2008, not just in tanks and vehicles but all the way down to the individual warrior. Russia now has the world’s third-highest defense budget, at over $70 billion.

“They’ve got better equipment than they had five years ago,” said Scott Traudt, an executive with Green Mountain, a Vermont gun manufacturer. “They’ve got new grenade launchers that are awesome. The helmets are better than our helmets. The body armor is better than our body armor. They’re doing a lot of things right. I’m pretty amazed at it.”

Mr. Traudt is paying special attention to the body armor because it presents a big challenge to rifle and munition makers. It might be able to deflect NATO’s basic 5.56 mm rifle round. If so, Ukrainian soldiers face a daunting task because their AK-74 assault rifles fire a similar munition.
The Russians, in their new 6B43 model body armor, issued chest and back plates made of titanium and hard carbide boron ceramics.....

Much more... Tactical advantage: Russian military shows off impressive new gear - Washington Times

There is reason to be concerned. They have been training and preparing for something. It is said that it would take 8,000 Spez troops to successfully take down the USA through sabotage of our infrastucture. I believe there could be that many now inside our country.
Yes, that's why Scott Traudt, an executive with Green Mountain, a Vermont gun manufacturer. “They’ve got new grenade launchers that are awesome. The helmets are better than our helmets. The body armor is better than our body armor. They’re doing a lot of things right. I’m pretty amazed at it.”.....He said NOTHING about only their ELITE troops having it!
1. Their elite troops are the ones in Ukraine, and Scott Traudt is making this analysis by looking at pictures of the troops in Ukraine.
2. Your own article said the equipment carried by the elite troops in Ukraine doesn't tell us anything about the Russian army as a whole, somehow you are able to filter that out to cling to your latest stupid thread.

Right now we are superior, but after 3 more years of military decline, where will we be? Fundamentally changing, sure didn't mean for the better!
In 3 more years we'll still be spending about 7x more on our military than Russia, and still have a far superior one. Not even close.


Denial isn't a river in Egypt, and I suppose YOU KNOW exactly what Putin is up to, as the military doesn't know!:eusa_clap:
I just love people that hate our nation and loves Russia.....

You have many times over demonstrated your love for He who so hates our nation that He wants to fundamentally transform it. Nice to see that you have similar feelings for Mr. Putin who obviously loves his country and is not bent upon transforming it.

Still, your re-affirmation will provide some with warm, fuzzy comfort. Nice gesture, that.
I just love people that hate our nation and loves Russia.....

You have many times over demonstrated your love for He who so hates our nation that He wants to fundamentally transform it. Nice to see that you have similar feelings for Mr. Putin who obviously loves his country and is not bent upon transforming it.

Still, your re-affirmation will provide some with warm, fuzzy comfort. Nice gesture, that.

He is transforming it, but will not be able to afford it..just like that last Russian rulers of the last 150 years...Good or bad, I'll stand by my nation...
Denial isn't a river in Egypt, and I suppose YOU KNOW exactly what Putin is up to, as the military doesn't know!:eusa_clap:
I didn't say that, but hey it is common for you to attempt misdirection when cornered looking stupid again. If you have a problem with the fact the elite troops in Ukraine don't represent the Russian military as a whole take it up with the article you linked to instead of picking and choosing what parts to count as valid to support your chicken little thread.
Denial isn't a river in Egypt, and I suppose YOU KNOW exactly what Putin is up to, as the military doesn't know!:eusa_clap:
I didn't say that, but hey it is common for you to attempt misdirection when cornered looking stupid again. If you have a problem with the fact the elite troops in Ukraine don't represent the Russian military as a whole take it up with the article you linked to instead of picking and choosing what parts to count as valid to support your chicken little thread.

You implied it, but you'll refute that, as you usually do when caught!
You implied it
Hah in other words Vigilante again caught manufacturing straw men to argue with, doesn't matter if anyone said it hey his personal opinion of what they said is the best thing to argue against.

We'll chalk this thread up as yet another Vigilante thread fail.
You implied it
Hah in other words Vigilante again caught manufacturing straw men to argue with, doesn't matter if anyone said it hey his personal opinion of what they said is the best thing to argue against.

We'll chalk this thread up as yet another Vigilante thread fail.

Obuma is bent on us becoming a third world military, and he is doing a great job of it so far

I love it when they declare I lost or failed!
Obuma is bent on us becoming a third world military
Yup, by spending over half a trillion on defense, order of magnitude more than any other country. But hey don't let facts get in the way of your constant drive to say things that make you look stupid.

I love it when they declare I lost or failed!
Well hey at 50 posts a day I'm sure you have plenty of opportunity to experience it, I doubt you've ever succeeded at anything. Might not see the sun or get laid but you keep banging away on your keyboard in the basement.

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