Take Back California!

How'd the GOP do in Orange Co. this last time around?

Who knows when a million more votes were cast than people registered to vote? Orange county was lost and residents don't know how that was possible....only 8 seats left in GOP hands out of 53. Ask yourself...is this what you want your state to look like, be like?

Trump better not waste time an resources on that shithole when he needs to be shoring up support in swing states.

Would be incredibly stupid.
Could be the voters in that crap hole are ready to leave the Demon-crat control freak party. Gotta give them some kind of hope right ? Leave no man or woman behind right ?
When they elect some reps from the gop let me know. Until then, enough of this fantasy
Trump better not waste time an resources on that shithole when he needs to be shoring up support in swing states.

Would be incredibly stupid.
Could be the voters in that crap hole are ready to leave the Demon-crat control freak party. Gotta give them some kind of hope right ? Leave no man or woman behind right ?
When they elect some reps from the gop let me know. Until then, enough of this fantasy
Just leave ole Devin Nunez behind eh ?? I agree though, it probably is a fantasy. Look how bad Hollyweird has abused that place, and has abused the rest of the nation from that crap hole ?
Why would we want it?

Because it's the most beautiful place on earth for starters....so full of talent and ambition, ground under by the Stalinists....it's OURS not theirs so we take it back.
Actually you need to give it back to the indians and vamoose..

Hey Dip Stick....

The Indians took it from somebody and so on and so on.....
Who'd the Indians take it from?

Somebody else.........
Shouldn't abandon Nunes nor California. Clued-up dems could turn. It is possible. Short sentences may help.
We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....



Nothing would happen under Hitlery,I am hoping that Trump will be true to his word.problem is he has a lot of corrupt politicians that need to be jailed that he is up against,the president cant do everything he wants do is the problem.

Trump slams Democrats for homelessness in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco | Daily Mail Online
Shit.........we should give California to Mexico..........Build a dang wall around it.

Take it.............LOL

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