Take that, Obama: Police Can Now Use Military Equipment


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obongo should have never been potus, white folks were trying to give negroids a break but cost the US dearly...

Take that, Obama: Police Can Now Use Military Equipment
"We back the blue."


Michael Horn


He echoed Trump's promise to be the "law and order" candidate.

“[Trump] is doing all he can to restore law and order and support our police across America" and "make it easier to protect yourselves and your communities.”

“We back the blue,” he exclaimed.

FOP president Chuck Canterbury said the move will help increase police safety.

“The previous administration was more concerned about the image of law enforcement being too ‘militarized’ than they were about our safety,” Canterbury said.

Take that, Obama: Police Can Now Use Military Equipment
You do realize that the only items actually prohibited by the Obama change was the following.

1) Bayonets.
2) Grenade Launchers.
3) Tracked Vehicles

Everything else was still authorized. Helmets, Vests, Rifles, MRAP's and the rest were still available. The only thing the cops could not get were Grenade Launchers, Tanks, and Bayonets. Executive Order Takes Window Dressing off Police Militarization Program

So I guess the police can once again say those magic words. Fix Bayonets.

From the looks of things, the police need any extra help they can get. Well, as long as they are not ordered to Stand Down by some idiot in charge.

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