Take the door off the hinges


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I've been sitting back and watching the immigration debate lately, and it seems to me some leftists simply want unrestricted immigration into the US, whether be it legal or illegal. They go on about us needing to have compassion or understanding about their effort to make a better life for themselves. Think of the children they say, have pity on the less fortunate they say. Essentially, they want to take the door off the hinges and leave our collective home open to anyone and everyone who wishes to enter from around the world.

It's as if our immigration laws don't exist. In essence, given the full blown crisis at our southern border with ICE agents catching hordes of illegal immigrants and then simply releasing them due to the strain on our legal system, it appears they don't.

So, I have a simple solution. For those of you who insist on the compassion and pity you think these people deserve, I invite you to take the front door of your home off its hinges. Set it aside and let anyone come and go into your home as they please. Let them eat up your food and use up your resources. If they want your money, give it to them. Complete and unfettered compassion. You are simply taking the strain off the system and adhering to your self imposed morality. This is your goal is it not?

Here's the catch. Achieving this goal will come at the detriment of your own family. How long will it be until they are no longer willing to put up with playing second to a bunch of strangers coming in and out of your home footloose and fancy free? How long will it be until you are devoting all of your money and resources to people that don't belong in your home as compared to your family, the ones who do? How long will it be until one of the people you want to take pity on takes advantage of you? Hurts or kills you or your family? What if they become a danger to the neighborhood you live in?

Will the neighborhood you live in look on you kindly as your hub of compassion and pity turns into a den of depravity? I am certain they won't. They would more than likely see you as a detriment and a danger to their safety and well being.

I'm pretty certain of one thing. You claim you have a superior understanding of human nature, of humanity itself... but this blind devotion to compassion and pity shows you have very little understanding of these things. Pity and compassion are things that need to be measured; portioned out, not given all at once. Giving those things to one group of people over another doesn't breed goodwill, it breeds resentment. Hatred.

So, will you take the door of the hinges? Are you willing to commit yourself and your family to this way of life?
Someone thinks this is funny. Am I telling a joke?
Just click and see who it was. Caddo of course.

They don’t want their doors open. They already have the socialism votes they need in their districts. They want these freeloading illegals in ours. Then they will teach them how to vote illegally. If they have to take them in they will just change from the EC to a popular vote. So that explains that movement. It’s all about the votes.
Someone thinks this is funny. Am I telling a joke?
Just click and see who it was. Caddo of course.

They don’t want their doors open. They already have the socialism votes they need in their districts. They want these freeloading illegals in ours. Then they will teach them how to vote illegally. If they have to take them in they will just change from the EC to a popular vote. So that explains that movement. It’s all about the votes.


It's certainly not about compassion. It's about building a voting bloc dependent on Democrats. It's about the power and always has been.
Breaking the law to get voters. Such a Democrat move. It is nice we don't have a political party throwing our country under the bus.

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