Taking Another Look At 'That Big Blue Wave'


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
First off.....this country will never be saved until we get back to the truth....that 'Red' is a term that has always been reserved for anarchists, communists.....and Democrats.

The proof of their power in the media is the switch of Red and Blue as indicators.

Now....that vaunted Democrat wave?

Check this out:

1. "This Ohio County Swung From Obama to Trump. Hereā€™s What 8 Fair Attendees Think, 2 Years Later.

2. CANTON, Ohioā€”Attendees of the 169-year-old Stark County Fair in Ohio donā€™t come out to see politicians, and politics arenā€™t on the forefront of their minds, but a large portion of the folks here had strong opinions on both when asked.

In the 2008 presidential race, then-Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois won 51.59percent of the vote in Stark County and his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, won 46.14 percent. Obama won the county again in 2012 with 49.21 percent of the vote, inching past Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who had 48.74 percent.

But in 2016, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democrat nominee, received 38.68 percent of the vote, while Republican nominee Donald Trump received 55.85 percent.

4. Some cities in Stark County such as Alliance, Massillon, Canton Township, East Canton, Navarre, and Perry Township all went for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

These cities flipped to Trump in 2016 and support for the president was strong among the attendees roaming around the fairgrounds.

5. ā€œThe backlash I get from is liberal Democrats,ā€ Davis said. ā€œThey think Iā€™m crazy.ā€

His family, however, is starting to see his fascination with conservatism, Davis said.

My brother, heā€™s liberal ā€¦ But heā€™s changing. Heā€™s understanding. I said, ā€˜Well, Trumpā€™s doing what he got elected for.ā€™ And he is. Heā€™s one of the very few presidents went in there and did what he said he was going to do.

Obama didnā€™t even like this country. And maybe he still doesnā€™t. I donā€™t know.

6. ā€œWe got too many people on welfare,ā€ Davis said. ā€œIf you want to go on welfare, and youā€™re willing to do some work, fine ā€¦ but we donā€™t need it at the limits itā€™s at now, and thatā€™s what Obamacare is.ā€

ā€œAnd if Obama ā€¦ had gotten all of these people on welfare he wanted, then theyā€™d be dependent on, itā€™d be a communist country,ā€ he added.

The 77-year-old said he thinks the county needs to return to more traditional and socially conservative values, including re-defining marriage as being between a man and a woman as well. Heā€™s also concerned that rights for people who identify as LGBT are superseding otherā€™s rights.

...they should be treated equally, but equally,ā€ Davis said. ā€œNot overly-equally.ā€
This Ohio County Swung From Obama to Trump. Here's What 8 Fair Attendees Think, 2 Years Later.

Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
The much vaunted "Blue wave" is turning out to be barely a ripple at low tide. ....:cool:
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I hope those of us who oppose regressive democrooks get out the vote with all the same results as 2010.

A complete democrook washout.

I want us to take a giant shit in their "blue wave".

"... said she switched her party from Democrat to Republican in 2008 because she couldnā€™t stand by how Obama was running the country.

ā€œI positively did not approve of Obama, Mr. Obama,ā€ French said, adding, ā€œMy parents were strict Democrats. But now Iā€™m Republican.ā€

The 86-year-old Stark County resident said she is disheartened by the mediaā€™s treatment of Trump.

ā€œI thoroughly support President Trump,ā€ she said. ā€œI believe that the news media needs to give us a break ā€¦ I thank God that he is in control. That is the big thing in my life. God runs me.ā€

Sometimes, French said, she will align with and support Democrats, but said she 100 percent stands behind Trump.

ā€œMy mother, like I said, was a strict Democrat, but she voted who she thought was a good party person ā€¦ and I do the same, ā€™cause thereā€™s Democrats I will vote for,ā€ French said. ā€œI definitely, Iā€™m a Trump person.ā€
This Ohio County Swung From Obama to Trump. Here's What 8 Fair Attendees Think, 2 Years Later.

"If Democrats Retake The House, The Same Folks Who Oversaw The Great Recession Will Be Back
The United States is now enjoying a truly remarkable economic resurgence. Yet, it wasnā€™t all that long ago that we were trapped in the Great Recession, followed by the slowest and most anemic economic recovery since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

We were told by the people in charge at the time that that was the new normal. Americaā€™s best days were behind us, our economy was destined to stagnate, our children could not expect the economic prosperity we had grown up in, and 2 percent GDP growth was the best we could do.

It wasnā€™t. It was just the best they could do."
If Democrats Retake The House, The Same Folks Who Oversaw The Great Recession Will Be Back
Looking at how the nation has gained in prosperity under Trump.....why would you want the communists.....er, Democrats, back in power????
You guys started spewing this swill one day after Trump came into Office. Just. one. day.



Looking at how the nation has gained in prosperity under Trump.....why would you want the communists.....er, Democrats, back in power????
You guys started spewing this swill one day after Trump came into Office. Just. one. day.



Let's check:

1.ā€œTeam Obama: Sorry, America, the ā€˜new normalā€™ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.ā€
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trumpā€¦.

2.ā€œU.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of Mayā€™s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

With the benefit of the tax cuts, strong employment growth and a slow acceleration in hourly wage growth, consumption growth should remain strong going into the second half of this year,ā€ Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics told MarketWatch.ā€ US economy on track for 4% GDP growth?

3. Each point, by the way, means approximately $3 trillion and 10 million jobs,ā€ @POTUS says https://cbsn.ws/2JZ4YIt

CBS News on Twitter

Now is the point where you respond with "duuuuuhhhhhhhh........"
"....she thinks the mediaā€™s coverage of Trump has been unfair.

ā€œI just wish people would be a little bit kinder to the president, and support him a little bit, and give him a chance,ā€ Kaw said. ā€œHeā€™s done a lot already, but help him out a little instead of fighting everything he does, and give him a little help and support.ā€

Kaw, who has been coming with her mom each year since grade school to walk the grounds while children are in school, said she wants to see Trumpā€™s wall on the U.S.-Mexico border built.

ā€œSounds clichĆ©, but Iā€™d like to see the wall built,ā€ Kaw said, adding:

I have no problem with immigrants if they come here legally, and do what they need to do, but all these ones ā€¦ are coming in, and weā€™re supporting them. It has nothing to do with coming here to get better jobs. It has to do with coming here to get our welfare, and food, and medical, and ship a lot of the money back to Mexico. So, Iā€™d like to see that done, and better immigration laws.

Kaw, who said she had a ā€œa family full of Democrats and now weā€™re all Republicans,ā€ is pleased with the Republicansā€™ tax reform plan, which went into effect Jan. 1.

ā€œI think the tax reform has been good ā€¦ itā€™s helped a lot of businesses and a lot of people have got more money in their paychecks, even if Nancy Pelosi says itā€™s crumbs,ā€ Kaw said.

ā€œItā€™s not,ā€ she added. ā€œItā€™s helping a lot of people out, from the bottom all the way to the top.ā€
This Ohio County Swung From Obama to Trump. Here's What 8 Fair Attendees Think, 2 Years Later.
"Brooke Karmie, a 22-year-old recent college graduate, says sheā€™s seen an economic boom in her town due to Trumpā€™s trade deals.

ā€œI think everything heā€™s done economically has very noticeably changed our country for the better,ā€ said Karmie, who spent some of her time working the Stark County Republicansā€™ booth.

ā€œIā€™ve seen the benefits in my town. So, thatā€™s the president changing local businesses. Especially here in Ohio, steel is coming back. We have a lot of people in the steel industry who are coming back to our state, which is benefiting our economy.ā€

Karmie, whose grandfather, Frederick Karmie, came to the United States from Syria and went through the immigration process legally, says she is passionate about immigration issues given her grandfatherā€™s experience.

ā€œI know we hear a lot about how itā€™s wrong of us not to welcome these immigrants,ā€ Karmie said, adding:

But thatā€™s not weā€™re doing. We are welcoming the immigrants. And Donald Trump is making sure that people have a way to come into our country legally. And making sure that the people who are coming here to be up to no good are not coming, so that the rest of us have opportunities where theyā€™ve been taken from us in the past.

Karmie, who majored in government and foreign affairs at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio, said she is passionate about legal immigration because she wants America to stay a secure place for citizens as well as immigrants.

ā€œIf we allow crime to come into our country, then thereā€™s no safe haven for the immigrants who come the right way,ā€ Karmie said. ā€œSo I really respect that heā€™s taking action on that. And then, just overall how heā€™s upholding all of his promises that he talked about in the campaign.ā€

Karmie said she hopes Trump will help mend the divide she says that Obama instigated.

ā€œI think President Obama created a lot of divisiveness in our country with every single policy he enacted,ā€ Karmie said. ā€œSo itā€™s something thatā€™s very hard to undo, because of the way our media is. But I think that Donald Trump is fighting in the right direction against all that divisiveness.ā€
This Ohio County Swung From Obama to Trump. Here's What 8 Fair Attendees Think, 2 Years Later.

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