Talent company drops Susan Sarandon after antisemitic comments

Sarandon said “now Jews know what it feels like to be hated the way Muslims are,” which reeks of disdain and dismissal of the antisemitism sweeping the country.

Are Muslims being chased into libraries? Do Muslims have to hear “Death to Muslims” screamed by thousands? Do professors say they are ”exhilarated” to learn of Muslims being killed? Has a college student sent out a decree advising that students should slit the throat of every Muslim they see?

It’s just more of the liberal hogwash downplaying the extent of Jew-hate in America. NO minority is more subject to hate than Jews are in 2023.

Yes to all those questions, but you know what? That talent company is a private business and can choose not to represent her if they don't like her public comments so this is really a big fat "nothingberder".
Sarandon said “now Jews know what it feels like to be hated the way Muslims are,” which reeks of disdain and dismissal of the antisemitism sweeping the country.

Are Muslims being chased into libraries? Do Muslims have to hear “Death to Muslims” screamed by thousands? Do professors say they are ”exhilarated” to learn of Muslims being killed? Has a college student sent out a decree advising that students should slit the throat of every Muslim they see?

It’s just more of the liberal hogwash downplaying the extent of Jew-hate in America. NO minority is more subject to hate than Jews are in 2023.

What Susan said:

"There are a lot of people that are afraid of being Jewish at this time and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence"..."'People are stepping away from brainwashing that started when they were kids'"

"She encourage crowds to "hold Palestine in your heart, pray for the people of Palestine. Their love and resilience is unbelievable. Thank you to the Jewish community who's come to have our backs."

Susan Sarandon Was Dropped by Her Talent Agency

Generations of Americans have been brainwashed about Israel's special relationship with the US.

Finally, the truth is coming out.
Sarandon said “now Jews know what it feels like to be hated the way Muslims are,” which reeks of disdain and dismissal of the antisemitism sweeping the country.

Are Muslims being chased into libraries? Do Muslims have to hear “Death to Muslims” screamed by thousands? Do professors say they are ”exhilarated” to learn of Muslims being killed? Has a college student sent out a decree advising that students should slit the throat of every Muslim they see?

It’s just more of the liberal hogwash downplaying the extent of Jew-hate in America. NO minority is more subject to hate than Jews are in 2023.


Let what's left of her career rot in the garbage dump of left-wing bullshit.
I dunno. I never was all that into her. But I do think she was more attractive as a younger woman. Now? Just another random libturd; ignorant and anti-Semitic.
She was kinda hot in Bull Durham but had a lot to do with the roll she played. A horny 40 year old banging her entire minor league baseball team. :boobies::wink:

She's always been overrated, IMO.

One far more talented actor, Geena Davis, has always managed to be non-political. Has anyone ever asked WHY actors like Davis are never recognized for their talent or given the very best roles? I think it's largely because they refuse to become leftist propaganda spouting sluts. Davis keeps her mouth shut and does her job.

Geena Davis made some missteps that destroyed her career. She starred in the massive failure, Cutthroat Island. She stepped away from acting to train for the Olympics where she competed in archery.
Susan Sarandon is such a wonderful actress and great humanitarian . She said nothing bigoted. I can’t believe the crybabies that are some of the pro Israel Trump supporters. there literally the same as BLM. It’s an embarrassment.

Loved her in Bull Durham!


That talent agency that dropped her is monstrous, and they are the enemies of free speech. Some disgraceful behavior going on with some of the pro Israel people.
Susan Sarandon is such a wonderful actress and great humanitarian . She said nothing bigoted. I can’t believe the crybabies that are some of the pro Israel Trump supporters. there literally the same as BLM. It’s an embarrassment.

Loved her in Bull Durham!

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That talent agency that dropped her is monstrous, and they are the enemies of free speech. Some disgraceful behavior going on with some of the pro Israel people.
Her comments were about American JEWS, and showed contempt for them. The talent agency has a right to decide to cut ties with people they see as contemptuous to Jews.
Geena Davis made some missteps that destroyed her career. She starred in the massive failure, Cutthroat Island. She stepped away from acting to train for the Olympics where she competed in archery.

Haven't seen it yet. I've got so many movies I'm still trying to get around to!

You mean only liberal actors, because you start threads when dumb ass right wing actors says something.

She’s one of the leading voice of the dembot base. It’s how they feel about Jews.

Oh, I know.
Meh, she's a younger Jane Fonda type. I thought she was pretty hot back in the day, don't get me wrong.

But that kind of crap is stupid, and she got blackballed, so..good.

Hollywood is definitely run by Jews, and I have a little insight as to how that happened.

A good chunk of the reason is that there were a lot of talented Jews.

Like the Festivus man! :iyfyus.jpg:

Jerry Stiller, baby! :D
Meh, she's a younger Jane Fonda type. I thought she was pretty hot back in the day, don't get me wrong.

But that kind of crap is stupid, and she got blackballed, so..good.

Hollywood is definitely run by Jews, and I have a little insight as to how that happened.

A good chunk of the reason is that there were a lot of talented Jews.

Like the Festivus man! :iyfyus.jpg:

Jerry Stiller, baby! :D
The reason that Hollywood is largely run by Jews is because in the early 20th century, Jews who lived primarily on the East Coast were facing antisemitism and found it difficult to get hired and work into positions of success.

So, instead of whining, a group headed out to California to start a new film industry. Word got back that Hollywood was welcoming to Jews, and more joined the party.

Does that match up with your understanding?
The reason that Hollywood is largely run by Jews is because in the early 20th century, Jews who lived primarily on the East Coast were facing antisemitism and found it difficult to get hired and work into positions of success.

So, instead of whining, a group headed out to California to start a new film industry. Word got back that Hollywood was welcoming to Jews, and more joined the party.

Does that match up with your understanding.
There's more to it than that. A lot were the friends and family of people already in Hollywood.

Like you got this guy, and he's an A-1 producer or director, and then here comes Uncle Joe with a couple of his buddies with money

to invest in equipment and studios. And it worked. :dunno:

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