Talent company drops Susan Sarandon after antisemitic comments

Meh, she's a younger Jane Fonda type. I thought she was pretty hot back in the day, don't get me wrong.

But that kind of crap is stupid, and she got blackballed, so..good.

Hollywood is definitely run by Jews, and I have a little insight as to how that happened.

A good chunk of the reason is that there were a lot of talented Jews.

Like the Festivus man! :iyfyus.jpg:

Jerry Stiller, baby! :D
You mean she got white balled.
The reason that Hollywood is largely run by Jews is because in the early 20th century, Jews who lived primarily on the East Coast were facing antisemitism and found it difficult to get hired and work into positions of success.

So, instead of whining, a group headed out to California to start a new film industry. Word got back that Hollywood was welcoming to Jews, and more joined the party.

Does that match up with your understanding?
For centuries Jewish people were driven off their land, denied the right to buy land forcing them to go into trades that didn't require land, i.e. shipping, science, medicine, research, academia, law, banking, merchandizing and such.

Jewish people have never played the victim card to get what they needed or wanted or as an excuse for sub par achievements. They chose instead to educate themselves and excel at what they could do and do well. Jewish people are .02% of the world population but hold 22% of all Nobel prizes that have been given.

It's a shame that Sarandon joins with the hard left that tries to make the Jews the scapegoat for all the bad things they can but rarely ever accuse and/or condemn anybody who are the true instigators/leaders of those bad thing.
Sarandon said “now Jews know what it feels like to be hated the way Muslims are,” which reeks of disdain and dismissal of the antisemitism sweeping the country.

Are Muslims being chased into libraries? Do Muslims have to hear “Death to Muslims” screamed by thousands? Do professors say they are ”exhilarated” to learn of Muslims being killed? Has a college student sent out a decree advising that students should slit the throat of every Muslim they see?

It’s just more of the liberal hogwash downplaying the extent of Jew-hate in America. NO minority is more subject to hate than Jews are in 2023.

And yet you’re fine with Elon Musk

Funny that
now Jews know what it feels like to be hated the way Muslims are
Lisa that statement in and of itself is not antisemitic. She did say nor imply that the Jewish people deserve the derision or hatred shown by some towards them. She merely pointed out that [hopefully] they could now understand if they didn't understand it previously, how it feels to be singled out as a minority and targeted for everything from avoidance, to abuse up to and including harm in the form of physical attacks and/or death simply for being Jewish and/or supporting the Israelis' treatment of the Palestinians both currently and prior to the attack by Hamas.

Think about the 6 year old Muslim child who was killed once the war began due to their landlord acting out his racists beliefs against Muslims when surely a six year old doesn't have the ability to do anything to attract his ire other than merely existing.

Also, far too many people are using the terms Muslim and Hamas interchangeably when they are not synonymous.
The racists and bigots will always tell you who they are if you give them enough rope.
Susan Sarandon has been boycotted in perpetuity by one group or the other. She doesn't give a crap.
Sounds like Burn Loot Murder.
Does that guy ever complain about blacks on the racism forum whining about things in 1854 or 1811 or whenever? Nope.

But let a Jew give examples of the antisemitism sweeping the nation, and he says she should shut her mouth.

It really seems as though blacks are upset that Jews are now more the victims of bigotry than they are, and they want it hushed under the table.
Does that guy ever complain about blacks on the racism forum whining about things in 1854 or 1811 or whenever? Nope.

But let a Jew give examples of the antisemitism sweeping the nation, and he says she should shut her mouth.

It really seems as though blacks are upset that Jews are now more the victims of bigotry than they are, and they want it hushed under the table.
Hes always screaming you did this and that and he deserves money from us because we are white.

Nothing new here. No one is allowed to cut in on his Black Panther Party.


She's always been overrated, IMO.

One far more talented actor, Geena Davis, has always managed to be non-political. Has anyone ever asked WHY actors like Davis are never recognized for their talent or given the very best roles? I think it's largely because they refuse to become leftist propaganda spouting sluts. Davis keeps her mouth shut and does her job.

This ^^
Sarandon said “now Jews know what it feels like to be hated the way Muslims are,” which reeks of disdain and dismissal of the antisemitism sweeping the country.

Are Muslims being chased into libraries? Do Muslims have to hear “Death to Muslims” screamed by thousands? Do professors say they are ”exhilarated” to learn of Muslims being killed? Has a college student sent out a decree advising that students should slit the throat of every Muslim they see?

It’s just more of the liberal hogwash downplaying the extent of Jew-hate in America. NO minority is more subject to hate than Jews are in 2023.

Musk will hire her; they are of the same mind.
LOL cancel movement.

Thank GOD Hanukkah is coming. Hope you are off-line for the entire time.
Nope. Company who hired her is under no obligation to keep employees that they feel gives a negative image to their company.

Its a private company. Do you feel its your right to tell them how to Run Their Business when its not tour busness??
And yet you’re fine with Elon Musk

Funny that
Sarandon is in the middle of Hollywood. An extreme feminist. Some years ago, a percentage of women who tried to break into the movie/TV industry came forward about the sexual favors demanded, rapes and other things. Perhaps many of the Hollywood elite demanding it were left wing Progressive Socialist Jewish men. Right or wrong Sarandon has reasons, and the Progressive Socialist Party has enabled them.

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