Tales from the post Apocalyptic 400PPM CO2 planet Earth

Day 5 6:30 AM....the days seem to drag by in a haze of fire in this pos 400ppm apocalypse...vast seas of burning CO2...melting sidewalks..boiling oceans. Now that CO2 has passed 400ppm, we live in a new paradigm....warmer and cooler winters at the same time....warmer and cooler summers, at the same time....more and less rain at the same time..stronger and weaker wind, at the same time...more and less snow, at the same time. How much longer can it be before each of us begin experiencing day and night, at the same time.

I look at the news, and the doom isn't just here...the amazon is both threatened and not threatened, at the same time....individual species of fish are getting both smaller and larger, at the same time....we are told that we have both more and less mosquitoes....individual islands are stinking and not sinking simultaneously, the Antarctic is gaining and losing ice as we watch....we have more and less fires in boreal forests....even the very rotation of the earth is speeding up and slowing down...at the same time.

Is there no end to the evil magic of CO2??
Day 7 6:20AM - Didn't write yesterday...Sat and watch the CO2 fueled super storm blow leaves around my yard all day. It was terrifying to watch...first they would blow from one side of the yard to the other...then they would blow from that side back to where they were originally...then they would skitter around in wild circles and strange patterns...surely some derivative geometry spawned by the magic of CO2....then some would blow out into the fields to parts unknown...and all the while, a moderate rain was falling. Oh...the terrifying power of CO2 now that it has reached the level of 400ppm.

Having leaves swirl around my yard is certainly a gut punch to me...but I started wondering who has been hardest hit by the evil of 400ppm CO2..so I did a bit of research...according to the media rural Australians are hardest hit, and urban Australians, and Papua, New Ginea, and Bangladesh, and Africa, and Pakistan, and Viet Nam, and small island states....but that is not all....according to the media, Thailand, the Maldives, and the Scandinavian countries are also hardest hit...and Spain, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, and Greece...

I guess that is to be expected what with now experiencing warmer and cooler, and more and less rain, and more and less snow...etc., all at the same time. Oh, if we could only return to the good old days of 399ppm...life would be so fine.


Your graphs showing tampered records only show how corrupt climate science has become.
Global Warming Deniers are like people standing on the deck of the Titanic "this ship isn't sinking, look right here at my feet, dry as a bone."
"Well look at the bow of the ship it is under water"
"I never look further than the end of my nose, that way nothing is scary. Now, where's my blanky."

The earth isn't sinking.

In fact the planet will be here long after humans are extinct.
Global warming or not, we are destroying our environment, wasting natural resources and keeping fighting each other. We could do better...

True...there are many actual environmental problems that need to be dealt with...problems that are real and to which actual solutions exist...

But they will never be addressed or dealt with so long as the AGW scam is sucking all the air out of the room and all the treasure out of the coffers....can you point to any environmental problem that climate science has not blamed on CO2?....and have they offered any solution at all other than crippling world economies?..which certainly would not help environmental problems...look at the environmental state of the great socialist failures...china...USSR...etc.
We fight these people, Bleipriester, because their ignorance and bigotry threatens the well being of others, including our children.
Global warming or not, we are destroying our environment, wasting natural resources and keeping fighting each other. We could do better...

True...there are many actual environmental problems that need to be dealt with...problems that are real and to which actual solutions exist...

But they will never be addressed or dealt with so long as the AGW scam is sucking all the air out of the room and all the treasure out of the coffers....can you point to any environmental problem that climate science has not blamed on CO2?....and have they offered any solution at all other than crippling world economies?..which certainly would not help environmental problems...look at the environmental state of the great socialist failures...china...USSR...etc.
Deserts are taking over the lands, monster jelly fish takes over the seas and smog is taking over the atmosphere. Well done, humanity! Global warming is our least problem, if at all.
Those who reject mainstream science and the need to reduce our CO2 emissions. I do not need a name to fight for; but, as I have stated, their positions threaten the welfare of our children.
Global warming or not, we are destroying our environment, wasting natural resources and keeping fighting each other. We could do better...

True...there are many actual environmental problems that need to be dealt with...problems that are real and to which actual solutions exist...

But they will never be addressed or dealt with so long as the AGW scam is sucking all the air out of the room and all the treasure out of the coffers....can you point to any environmental problem that climate science has not blamed on CO2?....and have they offered any solution at all other than crippling world economies?..which certainly would not help environmental problems...look at the environmental state of the great socialist failures...china...USSR...etc.
Deserts are taking over the lands, monster jelly fish takes over the seas and smog is taking over the atmosphere. Well done, humanity! Global warming is our least problem, if at all.

Certainly there are other problem. Jelly fish are not among them. You present a false dichotomy. Global warming is a large problem, but working on it does not prevent us from working on others. And many problems have the same solution. You mention smog (which is not much of a problem these days outside China). What do you think the solution to smog might be?
Global warming or not, we are destroying our environment, wasting natural resources and keeping fighting each other. We could do better...

True...there are many actual environmental problems that need to be dealt with...problems that are real and to which actual solutions exist...

But they will never be addressed or dealt with so long as the AGW scam is sucking all the air out of the room and all the treasure out of the coffers....can you point to any environmental problem that climate science has not blamed on CO2?....and have they offered any solution at all other than crippling world economies?..which certainly would not help environmental problems...look at the environmental state of the great socialist failures...china...USSR...etc.
Deserts are taking over the lands, monster jelly fish takes over the seas and smog is taking over the atmosphere. Well done, humanity! Global warming is our least problem, if at all.

Certainly there are other problem. Jelly fish are not among them. You present a false dichotomy. Global warming is a large problem, but working on it does not prevent us from working on others. And many problems have the same solution. You mention smog (which is not much of a problem these days outside China). What do you think the solution to smog might be?
Get into it. Where the sea dies, nothing but giant jelly fish is present.

"Last week, Sweden’s Oskarshamn nuclear power plant, which supplies 10% of the country’s energy, had to shut down one of its three reactors after a jellyfish invasion clogged the piping of its cooling system.

Coastal areas around the world have struggled with similar jellyfish blooms, as these population explosions are known. These blooms are increasing in intensity, frequency, or duration, says Lucas Brotz, a jellyfish expert at the University of British Columbia.

The proliferation of jellyfish appears in large part to be related to humans’ impact on the oceans. The toll we take on the seas may augur a new world order of jellyfish disasters, which, in turn, could devastate the global economy.

Oskarshamn-like disturbances are happening all over the world. Throngs of jellyfish have disrupted power generation everywhere from Muscat to Maryland, from South Korea to Scotland. Things are worse in the fishing business, where blooms have wiped out billions of dollars in earnings over the last few decades."

Jellyfish are taking over the seas, and it might be too late to stop them



Algas may also appear to be a problem. Global warming is not even proven to be a problem or existent. May be a natural shift in average temperature like it happened all the time. Smog can be avoided by environmental measures. Filters, ect.
And what do you believe is causing them? You say "May be a natural shift in average temperature". What does that mean? What is a "natural shift"? One that happens all by itself? Get real. The ocean's are warming because of human CO2 emissions.
All of those temperature fluctuations had causes. What do you believe is the cause of the warming over the last 150 years? "Natural" doesn't cut it.
Those who reject mainstream science and the need to reduce our CO2 emissions. I do not need a name to fight for; but, as I have stated, their positions threaten the welfare of our children.

And based upon what actual evidence do you justify your fight...certainly no real evidence.
And what do you believe is causing them? You say "May be a natural shift in average temperature". What does that mean? What is a "natural shift"? One that happens all by itself? Get real. The ocean's are warming because of human CO2 emissions.

Sorry crick...isn't happening.never has...never will.
All of those temperature fluctuations had causes. What do you believe is the cause of the warming over the last 150 years? "Natural" doesn't cut it.

What precisely was the cause of all of them?....what forces interacted to cause those warm periods?...we have no idea...and therefore have no actual basis upon which to claim that modern warming is due to CO2 emissions.
And what do you believe is causing them? You say "May be a natural shift in average temperature". What does that mean? What is a "natural shift"? One that happens all by itself? Get real. The ocean's are warming because of human CO2 emissions.

Tell us again how you obtained deep sea temperature accurate to a tenth of a degree from 1880-1920

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