Tales from the post Apocalyptic 400PPM CO2 planet Earth

Global warming or not, we are destroying our environment, wasting natural resources and keeping fighting each other. We could do better...
Never fear greenies will never give up trying to save you......and take your money and raise prices on everything...Today, because they know Trump will win they quickly ratified that Paris accord so he couldnt do anything about the terms...but he can still not enforce it...or maybe phone and pen it out of existance...but for now you are saved again by their tireless efforts
Never fear greenies will never give up trying to save you......and take your money and raise prices on everything...Today, because they know Trump will win they quickly ratified that Paris accord so he couldnt do anything about the terms...but he can still not enforce it...or maybe phone and pen it out of existance...but for now you are saved again by their tireless efforts
Treaties must be ratified to have any force.. It isn't happening.. The UN and Obama can get fucked!
Never fear greenies will never give up trying to save you......and take your money and raise prices on everything...Today, because they know Trump will win they quickly ratified that Paris accord so he couldnt do anything about the terms...but he can still not enforce it...or maybe phone and pen it out of existance...but for now you are saved again by their tireless efforts
Treaties must be ratified to have any force.. It isn't happening.. The UN and Obama can get fucked!
Not a treaty its an understanding an agreement.......libs love childish word games
Never fear greenies will never give up trying to save you......and take your money and raise prices on everything...Today, because they know Trump will win they quickly ratified that Paris accord so he couldnt do anything about the terms...but he can still not enforce it...or maybe phone and pen it out of existance...but for now you are saved again by their tireless efforts
Treaties must be ratified to have any force.. It isn't happening.. The UN and Obama can get fucked!
Not a treaty its an understanding an agreement.......libs love childish word games
Congress still must approve or it don't mean crapola... Our dictator faggot dont care and i get that.. Time he was gone!@!
Day 3, 6:00AM. Woke up this morning and could feel the overwhelming concentration of CO2 burning my skin. It is as if the very air is about to catch fire. The sunrise is still below the eastern horizon but it is coming..and with it the dread of the added energy of the sun (piddling as it may be) to the massive destructive power of the 400ppm of CO2. We are all doomed...doomed...doomed I tell you. As I contemplate the miserable state of the world....record food crops, growing economic opportunity, unprecedented long life spans, I can only wish that the internal combustion engine had never been invented and we all could continue to live in the garden, in the pristine environment with its endless search for enough food to live till the next day, disease and pestilence racing across continents, truly abject poverty....everywhere...and brutishly short life spans...Oh woe are we....if we had only left the oil in the ground...I would have died decades ago and wouldn't have to live under the curse and devastation of 400ppm CO2...and my children, rather than having long prosperous lives to look forward to, would be leaving their middle age and entering old age...and preparing to die as well...then they to would not have to endure this well fed, healthy, prosperous hell.....Oh, the humanity.
Wonder how that chart would compare to a graph of the cumulative wealth created since 1870...or the number of people who didn't die from plagues since 1870...or the increased life expectancy since 1870....or the cases of disease prevented since 1870....all of which actually mean something ......since CO2 does not cause any change in temperature...the number describing CO2 in the atmosphere is meaningless...and since the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is something on the order of a decade...the total number becomes even more meaningless....only a graph showing the past decade would be accurate.
since CO2 does not cause any change in temperature......and since the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is something on the order of a decade...the total number becomes even more meaningless....

More reason your opinion on anything even resembling a scientific issue is completely worthless. You're an ignorant fool and you choose to remain an ignorant fool.
since CO2 does not cause any change in temperature......and since the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is something on the order of a decade...the total number becomes even more meaningless....

More reason your opinion on anything even resembling a scientific issue is completely worthless. You're an ignorant fool and you choose to remain an ignorant fool.

Here are 37 studies...35 of them finding the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere to be less than 20 years and the majority of those finding the residence time to be less than 10 years...what do you have...1 study and the IPCC? Cleary, you hold your position based on politics...not the actual evidence...which makes you both ignorant and foolish.

DAY 4, 6:25 AM...I can hardly go on...my epidermis hangs in ragged shreds from my arms and face...every square inch of skin that is regularly exposed to the deadly effects of 400ppm CO2 and the hateful magic multiplying effect it has on gentle rays of the benevolent sun is screaming with agony as it exfoliates from my body. The sunrise isn't far off and once again, the sky will be burning with vast pools of CO2...It makes me weep to think that snow is a thing of the past...the poor children...woe are we...oh woe are we.
Here are 37 studies...35 of them finding the residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere to be less than 20 years and the majority of those finding the residence time to be less than 10 years...what do you have...1 study and the IPCC? Cleary, you hold your position based on politics...not the actual evidence...which makes you both ignorant and foolish.

Wow, you're stupid. I know it's been said before, but you insist on demonstrating it over and over. You're just a hilariously stupid human being, as are the writers of the cult blogs you depend on.

So, do you understand the basic concept that you failed at? No? Of course you don't. After all, if you has any brains, you wouldn't be a denier. Let me help you out.

Your kook cult blog source is lying. The IPCC never said the residence time of a CO2 molecule is a century. That's just a blatant lie by your source. If you disagree, simply post where the IPCC said such a thing.

So, why did you source lie like that? Well, because lying is what they do, being they're hardcore deniers. They're deliberately trying to confuse two totally different things. Those studies are about the average residence time of a single CO2 molecule in the atmosphere, while the IPCC is talking about how long a change in atmospheric CO2 concentration remains. When any single CO2 molecule leaves the atmosphere, it is almost always compensated for by a different CO2 molecule entering the atmosphere somewhere else. Hence the average residence time of one CO2 molecule in the atmosphere has no relation to the duration of atmospheric concentration changes.

So, were you capable of understanding that? If you don't, tough luck, because I can't dumb it down any further. The point is that your kook cult blog source lied to you, so you should never trust them again, and if you do, that makes you a willing participant in the lying.
All this CO2 is making people lazy. It took mankind a record 127 months to create a hurricane landfall. And it seems Mathew was over hyped to begin with. Overall, storm energy is down. The droughts are lifting. Seems like the only man-made disasters we're good at anymore are tornadoes.

Day 3 or 4, I lost track and am wondering if 400PPM CO2 has warped space-time itself. Trying to book a room in DC for next week and the hotels are full, is it the Surgeons Convention or is Global Warming to blame? I'm thinking its the CO2.

Reread IPCC 5 and had a good belly laugh over the "Excess Heat" concept.

The skies seem a little grayer too here in NYC near Grand Central, it's either my new polarized glasses or CO2 has changed the very blueness of the skies.

Your kook cult blog source is lying. The IPCC never said the residence time of a CO2 molecule is a century. That's just a blatant lie by your source. If you disagree, simply post where the IPCC said such a thing..

F'ing idiot woman....crick and old rocks are claiming that the residence time for CO2 in the atmosphere is centuries...keep up...
F'ing idiot woman....

Once more, faggot, please stop hitting on me. Old predatory queers like you creep me out.

crick and old rocks are claiming that the residence time for CO2 in the atmosphere is centuries...keep up...

And it is, as far as concentration goes, and not as individual molecules. As you're having trouble with such a basic concept, let me put it another way.

Imagine the room I'm in is divided into two imaginary halves.

The average length of residence of any air molecule in one half of the room is, say, a minute. I'm not sure if that's in the ballpark, but it doesn't really matter. The point is, it's a short time.

Therefore, by SSDD logic, that half of the room will lose 99% of its air in 5 half-lives. It will be a near-vacuum.

However, that's not how it works. As air molecules move out of that half, they move in from the other half. The only thing affecting air-pressure will be long-term changes in the barometric pressure. Average residence time of a molecule is irrelevant.

Same goes for CO2. Average residence time is irrelevant, being that CO2 moves in and out of sequestration. Only the long term trends matter.
Same goes for CO2. Average residence time is irrelevant, being that CO2 moves in and out of sequestration. Only the long term trends matter.

And yet, crick and rocks seem to think that it is quite important...and again, the residence time for CO2 is barely a decade...

And you seem to be sexually confused....thinking that my identifying you as a woman makes me homosexual....you have some very strange ideas. Your effeminate use of the language...and effeminate manner of insult, and your extremely effeminate choice of avatar identify you as a woman.

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