Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

Now all the INCELs have somewhere to go and be supported.
Let flip this and had Trump won and did the same thing would you write the same exact words you are writing now or would you be blasting Trump like the OP is blasting Biden?

Reality is America was leaving Afghanistan but how it is being done is wrong but nothing can fix it now.

With that written the People of Afghanistan have had nineteen years to prepare for the day the U.S. Troops would leave and the failure of their Government and Army to be able to stand on it own is their fault along with ours!
Let flip this and had Trump won and did the same thing would you write the same exact words you are writing now or would you be blasting Trump like the OP is blasting Biden?

Reality is America was leaving Afghanistan but how it is being done is wrong but nothing can fix it now.

With that written the People of Afghanistan have had nineteen years to prepare for the day the U.S. Troops would leave and the failure of their Government and Army to be able to stand on it own is their fault along with ours!


Trump would have NEVER left Americans on the ground like this

YOU own this, Biden voter.
What is your defination of going to shit in this? Seems it already has.

Time will tell. Afghanistan has been at war since 1974. The country is in shambles. The warlords didn't want to give up war and the Haqqani mafia are vicious war profiteers.

Trump would have NEVER left Americans on the ground like this

YOU own this, Biden voter.
Yawn, I was pointing out the other poster hypocrisy of bashing the OP when it is clear they would have bashed Trump had he done the same thing, so give it a rest on attacking me or don’t because you have been a unhinged retard for many years!

Fact is I wrote in my response that Biden withdrawal in it manner was wrong but also let be fucking clear Trump was going to remove the Troops this year also and after nineteen years it is time to leave but how Biden did it was wrong!
Yawn, I was pointing out the other poster hypocrisy of bashing the OP when it is clear they would have bashed Trump had he done the same thing, so give it a rest on attacking me or don’t because you have been a unhinged retard for many years!

Fact is I wrote in my response that Biden withdrawal in it manner was wrong but also let be fucking clear Trump was going to remove the Troops this year also and after nineteen years it is time to leave but how Biden did it was wrong!

Sometimes all your choices stink.
Everyone will be evacuated .. That's why Biden sent troops and so did the Australians.

Your man Biden said in his speech yesterday that "getting out is the right thing to do". he said that for 15 minutes. Then he said, "we're sending men in...."

That's what a mess this is.

At any rate, YOU HOPE they can get everyone out now. Of course, they can only get the ones out the Taliban haven't raped and then murdered, beheaded, burned alive.

What a complete catastrophe
Your man Biden said in his speech yesterday that "getting out is the right thing to do". he said that for 15 minutes. Then he said, "we're sending men in...."

That's what a mess this is.

At any rate, YOU HOPE they can get everyone out now. Of course, they can only get the ones out the Taliban haven't raped and then murdered, beheaded, burned alive.

What a complete catastrophe

Yes, Biden sent troops in to facilitate the evacuation. Not unusual at all.

The Taliban made it their business to rescue girls who had been kidnapped by the warlords.
Yes, Biden sent troops in to facilitate the evacuation. Not unusual at all.

The Taliban made it their business to rescue girls who had been kidnapped by the warlords.
The Taliban are warlords,

Yeah, a Superpower that failed to eliminate the enemy, then left a mess afterwards.
I am reminded of the old joke. The farmer and the flood. A farmer is alongside a river, and his farm is in the flood zone. He’s listening to the radio, and a warning is broadcast that the river is going to flood. He says God will protect me. That evening the TV tells him that the river is going to flood. His Farm is well within the flood zone. He says that he is a good Man, and believes in God. God will protect me.

The waters start to rise, and he retreats to his roof. He is up there when a boat comes by. The people in the boat shout at him to come on, the river is flooding. He says no, He is a good man, he believes. God will protect him. He dies, and arrives in Heaven where he demands to know why God did not protect him.

God says. “What the hell are you doing here? I sent you a radio, a TV, and a boat.”

For months Americans in Afghanistan were told to leave. For weeks they said the end was near, and it was past time to go. We watched the Taliban taking over bases minutes after we departed. We watched the Afghan Army run and hide in Turkmenistan.

Warning went out, get out of Afghanistan. Get the hell out of Afghanistan. Additional flights were laid on.

What the hell are they still doing there? They’ve had months to get the hell out of Afghanistan. They’ve had weeks while this disaster unfolded. Why are they still there? What were they waiting for? The 82nd Airborne to show up and escort them personally to a red carpet Gulfstream jet?
Taking a helicopter from the roof of the embassy to the airport is standard practice in many countries.
Oh stop the bullshit - no one is buying it. Joe Biden declared 'This is not Saigon' and 'There will be no roof-top helicopter rescues'. He was right on the 1st - it's worse than Saigon. He lied about the 2nd...or was horribly wrong; however, congrats on earning your KNEE PADS today.
No, he confirmed today that thousands are still in country waiting for evacuation. We seem to have two choices. Stay for a few more weeks to do the evacuation or run with our tails between our legs and betray every Afghan that risked everything to help us.
I believe that we should beef up our presence there, hammer the Taliban to keep them at bay, and leave
with our people and Afghans who helped us. Did Biden confirm that there are thousands of Americans
waiting to be evacuated because I was under the impression that he got almost all Americans out?
Biden has a valid point in that we can't fight a war when the Afghan military is unwilling to defend their country.
“The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”
-- Joe Biden

'Biden’s claimed that his administration had plans in place to “respond to every constituency.”

When the last plane went 'wheels-up' (and the last Afghani still clinging to the plane plummeted to his death), there were some 10,000 Americans abandoned, left behind in Taliban-held Afghanistan.

Biden's response?
'Biden pledged that, “Over the coming days, we intend to transport out thousands of American citizens who have been living and working in Afghanistan.” This was his subtle acknowledgment that thousands of U.S. citizens are trapped in and around Kabul with no ability to get to the airport, which is their only way out of the country.”


Pentagon Spox Says Biden Admin Has No

Plans to Help Americans Hiding in Afghanistan

Get to the Airport to be Evacuated (VIDEO)

According to reports, up to 10,000 Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the region. The Biden Admin made it a priority to evacuate Afghans as Americans were left behind. Kirby also said the Biden Admin has no plans to help the Americans evacuate as the Taliban takes over.

This, also, would not be the 1st time Barry/Biden abandoned American citizens leaving it up to themselves to find their own way out of hostile enemy territory...

Pentagon Spox Says Biden Admin Has No

Plans to Help Americans Hiding in Afghanistan

Get to the Airport to be Evacuated (VIDEO)

According to reports, up to 10,000 Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the region. The Biden Admin made it a priority to evacuate Afghans as Americans were left behind. Kirby also said the Biden Admin has no plans to help the Americans evacuate as the Taliban takes over.

This, also, would not be the 1st time Barry/Biden abandoned American citizens leaving it up to themselves to find their own way out of hostile enemy territory...

What a vicious lie.

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