talk about draining the swamp


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
“And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
—Revelation 18:2

“All empires fall, there are no exceptions.” Dorian Grey
It’s been 48 years since the last snake slithered into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and began filling the swamp with every brownshirt cryptonazi monster he could find. The idea being of course was to surround himself with incorrigible reprobates that would obscure the fact that the people chose the most crooked sewer-dwelling ratfucking fink to have ever seduced the body politic into voting for a pit viper. Nixon found every sycophantic brigand who fell into his orbit and the only qualifications needed for a cabinet position was fealty to fellow serpentines and absolute contempt for both democracy and the constitution.

His inner circle was full of knuckle-dragging derelicts that had the ethics of Colonel Kurtz in the Heart Of Darkness. Spiro Agnew was so absolutely corrupt that he was caught red-handed taking bribes in the Vice-President’s office. It wasn’t that he was taking the bribes that perturbed Nixon, it was that he was so criminally stupid that he got caught after serving 5 years as vice president.

Isn’t it endlessly amusing that Republicans always talk about ‘draining the swamp’ while they stock it with every brain-damaged degenerate monster they can fill it with?

Political strategist Lee Atwater was one of those monsters Nixon trained that Republicans revere for getting their patron saint Ronald Reagan in office. No man is prized more than one who delivers victory in war. Atwater knew this and make no mistake, we’re at war now only the invaders came through electronically and are busy destroying our democracy with much aid and assistance from the party of treason.

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