Talk about the idiot biting the hand that feeds him!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Idiots paid Obama to slap them in the face!

Baker, who from the beginning insisted that the Baker Institute be nonpartisan, agreed, saying, "The responsible center in American politics has disappeared.

So, part of what’s happened is that when people feel their status is being jostled and threatened, they react. What I would agree with is that the Washington consensus, whatever you want to call it, got a little too comfortable with — they are looking at GDP numbers and looking at the Internet and everything is looking pretty great, particularly after the Cold War. After what you guys engineered, you had this period of great smugness on the part of America and American elites thinking, “We got this figured out.” … That came back to bite us.
Obama: America Has a 'Great Smugness' About Wealth, Status | Breitbart

So here is the "smug" Obama accusing Jim Baker of engineering a period of "great smugness"!
Hey I don't blame Obama! He gets away with it because of ONE reason and one reason only! HE's BLACK!
Criticize him and you are called a racist! Point out these anti-business statements that hampered the economy while he was are a racist!

So Obama can sit there slap Baker, around and they like the idiots they are say "thank you black man.. may I have another!" Because they are truly idiots!

Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see by the attached WHAT stupidity it was when Obama was president specifically when it came to the economy!
Oh there is a beauty of a statement Obama made... I'm making another thread specifically about that!
Baker is a Bushbot neocon....They hate Trump as badly as anyone.

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